


3 years, 5 months ago


Сarpe diem!
name Haron
D.O.B. 15 November
gender male
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
species dog
MBTI content
Demeanor content

code jiko


Charismatic and cheerful, Haron always gets along well with people around. He loves to sing and dance and easily makes new acquaintances. He has visited many countries and cities and travels alone from a young age. Has a good sense of humor and knows how to tell interesting stories. Haron is Hero's uncle and raised him, they have a very warm relationship.

early mornings and sunsets, travels, freedom, inhale the air with head out of the train window, mountains, dancing and singing, cultures of other peoples, countryside, children.
rude people, restrictions and hard rules, when someone interrupt his sleep, worry over trifles, be strongly attached to one place.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Haron from childhood grew up very independent, freedom-loving and confident in his decisions. Despite the fact that he has always been extremely stubborn, Haronz gets along well with people thanks to his charisma. From his youth, he traveled a lot and most often alone, finding new friends in other parts of the world. He knows many stories and myths from other cultures, as well as several languages at a primitive conversational level due to his frequent travels. He especially likes Spanish.

He raised Hero and in many ways instilled in him a love of freedom and the ability to help and communicate with others. Haron is very good with children and is always fun to be around. Despite this, he has many regrets about the past due to his stubborn nature and unwillingness to stay anywhere for long. Part of his travels were due to the great loneliness in his soul which he unsuccessfully tried to close.

Design Notes
  • content
  • conctent
  • content
  • Always the soul of the company! He has many stories from almost all corners of the planet where he managed to visit! Also never refuses to dance or sing to cheer up
  • He rised Hero from childhood, so they are very close to each other. Their relationship is super warm and very cozy, always filled with funny stories and warmth
  • In his youth, he was very stubborn and almost never listened to anyone. He spent little time with his family, he also had to part with a girl whom he loved very much because of his nature at that time. He often thinks about the past with sadness

Music Box
Left the city for a lost romance
Left the city with blood on my hands
Falling like the leaves from the sycamore
Running like a thief through an open door
The country side looks pretty at night
Everything calm in the pale blue light
Awake to see the break of dawn
Been awake now for far too long
But I’m alive, I’m alive
But I’m alive, I’m alive
Screaming and a shouting at the top of my lungs
The fog in the paddock and a new born sun
Walking all night just to clear my mind
Cause twenty five years is a lot of time
But I’m alive, I’m alive
But I’m alive, I’m alive