❖ Electric Peridot "Doe"



7 years, 2 months ago


$15, Old Bio:

Name: Peridot "Doe"
Height: 6'3
Age: 2,000 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual
Occupation: Rebel Gem

  • Doe is an average Era 2; outwardly cold, loyal, and obedient. At heart, however, she’s a rebel, and this factor of herself only grows when news of a rebel peridot showing up on the planet Earth gets around.
  • Her story starts with the runt Peridot, 'Dot', who was, for a time, pinned as a lost cause. Getting word of her potential for execution, Doe took this as an opportunity to brush up with her Diamond, suggesting she take the runt under her wing. They were given a year's time to correct whatever flaws Dot had.
  • Due to her self-condition to be numb, the first few months with Dot were almost merciless, scoldings and harsh words where they were needed, but even Doe could not hold her own at the hands of the young and naive Peridot, and became softer, more caring towards her, almost an older-sister figure to the younger-sister persona Dot seemed to take on.
  • Dot unfortunately didn't make enough progress in the timeframe given, and though Doe pleaded for more time as things were seemingly beginning to look up for her apprentice, she was set to be executed within the week.
  • During that year, much news had spread from peridot to peridot about the enhancerless rebel that'd crashed on Earth and decided to stay on account of the freedom it offered, and, admiring this other of her kind's work, decided overnight to smuggle Dot into an escape pod and, hence the name, escape. 
  • Presently, they are safely landed on Earth and seeking out a place to call home, or perhaps the residence of the Crystal Gems for advice. Though Doe feels extremely guilty and dirty for her sudden, unforseen betrayal, it has given her somewhat of an adrenaline rush. Above all, though, she is overjoyed that Dot will be safe there with her, and is looking forward to what they decide to do with the rest of their lives.
  • Doe doesn’t change much once on Earth. The occasional smile might come around here and there, and she’s she is intrigued and fascinated with much that Earth has to offer. She’s also very emotional when she’s alone.