


3 years, 4 months ago



Character profil


Name: Eldrann Osorio

Nickname: /

Age: 24

Race: Madaryan

Living place: Harmonie Station

Role: maintenance engineer

Size: 1.90 m

Weight: 75kg


Eldrann is of rather weak constitution. At birth he had a lethal malformation in his lungs and a completely deformed arm. Thanks to the research of his parents he was able to survive but he still has a weak respiratory system which can cause him a lot of pain when he makes too much physical effort. His coat has the colours of a wild dog, he has extremely light blue eyes and curly white hair. His nose, claws and pads are pink. He has metal implants on his stomach, arms and back that kept him alive as a child until his parents designed his biomechanical prosthesis. 


Apart from his respiratory problem, Eldran is very agile, he is an excellent climber and can squeeze through the narrowest of conduits. He is quite good at handling his two blades even though he hates fighting. On the other hand, he is a very bad shot.

His mechanical arm is much stronger than the rest of his body, he can lift heavier loads with it and break solid objects. He has a very poor sense of direction. 


-Deux lame jumelle en acier madaryan 

- un pistolet offert pas Vendrogann qu’il n’utilise presque jamais 

Character: Dreamer, Clumsy, Curious, Optimistic, Carefree, Emotional, Caring, shy

Eldrann is extremely curious by nature, spending most of his time exploring and learning as much as possible about what he doesn't know. He is very awkward in social relationships and in everyday life. He has a good heart and is always ready to help others as best he can, especially his family, whom he cares for very much. He is sometimes reckless as he is more often guided by his heart than by reason. He is always smiling and friendly, ready to tell stories that are sometimes far-fetched to cheer everyone up. He loves children. 


When he was born, no one would have bet on Eldrann's survival, but his parents did not give up and did everything in their power to save his life. They became the foremost scientists of their time by developing a prosthetic technology that used the energy of the life stones on Madarya to naturally fuse with the body and replace any defective limbs or organs. Eldrann was the very first to benefit from this technology. Later, the country's military took hold of this technology and used it as a weapon to take power. Eldrann's parents did everything in their power to prevent this and this resistance cost them their lives. Eldrann and Vendrogann were devastated and vowed to save their parents' research and prevent the government from misusing it.  They grew up, trained and Eldrann became an engineer so that she could work on the Harmony station which was to take off a few years later. The goal was to reach another galaxy and conquer a new planet. The two brothers were on the trip, as were the vast majority of the country's military. When they left, they left the country with almost no government, convinced that they would return a few years later to take over. 

The space expedition started well, thanks to their spy network they managed to collect a lot of information about the Zenith station and set off for the planet Fasko, beautiful, full of resources and inhabited by a pacifist race. However, they were caught up in their ambitions. A major malfunction forced them to make a crash landing on the planet Arizia. A lush but extremely hostile planet inhabited by a very dangerous people and creatures, each more aggressive than the last. The Madaryans were forced to remain barricaded in the ruins of the station, leaving only a few members to come out and search for the resources they needed to survive. Eldrann and Vendrogann were also forced to live cloistered inside, with only one dream left: to escape. 


Vendrogann: His protective big brother whom he cares about more than anything.

Gaspard: An abandoned young Oskalys whom he took under his wing like a little brother or son.

Likes : drawing, learning

Dislike : Cooking

Goal/Dream: Leave the station to discover this new galaxy, these planets and these species.

Stuck in the Sound - Let's Go

Irl Apparence