


7 years, 16 days ago


A gay female doggo looking for love. :D Usually sweet but a bit on the defensive side, Digit only strikes back if she has to. When in a fight, she'll try working it out with words, and then intimidation, but if that doesn't work she's just try to look cute and offer donuts/coffee as a peace offering. If worst comes to worst, she can throw a few good punches and has a surprisingly strong bite, but in all honesty she'd much rather run away. 

Digit prefers to keep enemies to a minimum, and always tries to see the light in bad situations and the best in bad people. Even after being hurt, she still tries to get on someone's good side no matter how much it seems like they can't be changed. This had gotten Digit into some pretty nasty relationships, but even so she always tries to remain cheerful. Indeed, Digit is a good pupper. 

Her piercings are from her edgy days as a teenager, but she had decided to keep them as silver looks good on her.