


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Alias & Gang

Electra / None, affiliated with Grendel

Age & Birthday

21, born July 15 (Cancer)


Cis female (she/her)




White American



Real Name

Elisha Applewhite

Face Claim

Vanessa Barnfather


"Evil is all around me, evil is what I am compelled to practice." - Electra, Sophocles


Electra is the taller of the murder siblings, standing at 5'9". Her hair is long and orange, wavy to the point of always being messy. She almost always keeps it in a hastily-done side braid. Her eyes are amber, bordering on a shocking gold. Her expression is usually one of apathy. She tends to look unaffected, almost pensive. She, in contrast to Orestes, usually looks older than she is. Her voice is usually a low, quiet, and a steady monotone, unless provoked.

The siblings, although employees of Grendel and known criminals, have no distinguishing gang attire, as they are known by reputation. Electra's outfit is mainly dark grey- a loose, grey shirt matched with grey leggings under jean shorts. Her signature accessory is a relatively long gold scarf: even if she changes clothes, she almost never takes her scarf off. It may have been a present from her brother.


Electra is a rather nonresponsive girl. She usually seems unconcerned, and offers little in the way of reply. She spends a lot of her time thinking rather than talking, unlike her brother, so her words carry some sort of weight. In reality, Electra is just totally resigned. As someone who's spent the majority of her life fending for her and her brother, she tends to place very little trust in anyone who isn't Orestes, especially those who are substantially older than her. She resents adults as the cause of their misfortune. Because of this, her attitude towards Grendel is very cautious, and while there is a hint of respect for him, she harbors no feelings of familiarity towards him or his group, and sees her work with them as more of an obligation than anything. Electra thinks in absolutes and assurances. She works for him only because she believes that she will get what she wants in the end, and be able to make a better life for her and her brother.

Like Orestes, Electra's personality has been shaped by years of abuse, and has left her with severe emotional problems. She has periods of total grief and explosive anger when she actually expresses emotion. She is prone to becoming extremely violent and harming others if she suspects them of anything. Electra's expression always carries a hint of sadness, behind her flat affect. Many people interpret her as apathetic, but being around her long enough, it becomes clear she is very despondent. Electra is someone who is in constant mourning- for her childhood, her brother, for anything. These are her only strong reactions. During these moments, she is capable of anything. Whether she knows it or not, her words and instructions carry a very heavy weight with Orestes. He would do anything she said, which is something to be worried about when she goes through these mood swings.

She has a very strange and deeply ingrained attraction towards being seen as "evil." While her and her brother are not responsible for the circumstances they were placed into, she believes that there is no saving them from what they are now a part of. This combo of other nihilism and almost counter-hubris, as she believes there is no working against the plan that has been set for them, keeps them tied and bound to Grendel.


The murder siblings grew up in an orphanage, after being abandoned by their parents when Electra was three and Orestes was barely a year old. They spent most of their formative years there, up until they were twelve and nine, which was when it was unfortunately shut down. At the orphanage, they experienced horrible emotional and physical abuse at the hands of other children, and at some of the staff. Orestes received most of the brutality as he attempted to stick up for his sister, and this became the ultimate cause of his dissociation. Afterwards, they were placed in a foster care system. They never found a real fit with any family, and this, added with their increasingly erratic behavior, left them bouncing around between countless homes and the shelter for years. In one of the worst instances, one of their foster families made Orestes undergo attachment therapy due to his behavioral problems- he was misdiagnosed with reactive attachment disorder and intermittent explosive disorder. The experience only served to further traumatize him and led him to be even more violent. Electra, was also often seen as a problem child. Her early-learned hatred of authority and dislike of a status quo often lead to problems. Other families they lived with often wanted her to act in a certain way, and while her initial interactions made them like her more than her brother, her explosive grief annoyed them more in the long run. As they grew older, Orestes and Electra generally stayed out of the house, involving themselves more heavily with the criminal underground as time wore on, until some incident between them and the family left them back in the shelter.

Once Electra was eighteen, they left the system permanently. They had gained quite a reputation from when they started their lives of crime. No one really knew who they were, since they had no affiliation to any gangs and were unusually enigmatic. This started many myths about the murder siblings- mainly Orestes, who had become infamous for his cruelty. On the other hand, nobody usually saw them, so it was hard to discern fact from fiction. Although they were known the children of Agamemnon, they had no relation to the Greek gang, and if there was or is a gangster using that name, they had no knowledge of him. They just lived as a fearsome story, a cautionary tale only known in the underground, warning ruffians who thought it was a good idea to go out too late at night without a compatriote. They made quite a few appearances to the gangs, however, but usually didn't stick around long enough for any rumors to be dispellled. It wasn't uncommon for a few people in a gang to know them, while others had never seen them- Apollo had an encounter with Orestes, as did a few other Greeks, but Odysseus had never met him.

After some time, the murder siblings begin working for Grendel.


After Oedipus has been in town for a while, and Grendel is alerted of his presence, Agamemnon's children are sent to "investigate" for some unknown reason. Orestes takes a liking to him.


ORESTES is the one person Electra truly cares about. She would do anything for him. She worries about him nonstop, and Orestes is the only person who can make her feel safe.

ARTEMIS blah blah blah

GRENDEL is someone Electra mistrusts more than others. She is largely unaware of his motives. Grendel sees Electra as more of a threat to him than Orestes. He knows that she would turn on him at a moments notice, and that she is definitely not as easy to manipulate.

THE DRAGON harbors no attachment to Agamemnon's children, and Electra alternates between feeling some disdain for her and almost liking her. Electra may have a small crush on her, but it's often masked by her equal resentment. 

OEDIPUS is a first for Electra. She is not use to her brother having feelings for someone else, and while she is not as wary of him due to him bein younger, she still is fearful of losing her brother to him. With time, she comes to worry more about the relationship, seeing that Orestes is dangerous to Oed.


Φ Her and Orestes' parents were extremist Christians that were a part of a doomsday cult named the Fourth Gate, based in California. That's why they're named after prophets.

Φ Electra most likely has intermittent explosive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and dysthymia.

Φ Electra, while not quite as unpredictable as Orestes, is just as violent. She is extremely misanthropic and thinks that absolutely no one in the world is kind. While Orestes acts out to protect himself, Electra does it to "get back" at people. Her actions are much more premeditated, and often more injurious. However, because of their names and Orestes' behavior, he is the one most often associated with cruel actions.

Φ While Electra is not delusional, she holds some extreme superstitious beliefs. She thinks that her and Orestes are too like their namesakes for it to be a coincidence, and that they are cursed. She is however paranoid, like Orestes, but this manifests as the idea that everyone is bad and untrustworthy, rather than psychosis.

Φ She remembers little of their parents, but Electra is very adverse to Christianity because of them. One of the reasons she prefers her and Orestes' aliases is because it comes from Greek mythology, and she would rather put her stock in a pantheon of gods with differing motives than one all-powerful, wrathful one.