Grassy (Grassstrand (do not draw))



4 years, 11 months ago



"I have to try three times harder than any cat. Because if I could have run a little faster three more warriors would be here to try themselves. But because of me they can't. So I have to try for them."

Current Name: Grassstrand
Past Names: Grasskit, Grasspaw
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female
Age: 27 Moons
Personality: Grassstrand is usually a very sweet and affectionate cat, one of her favourite activities being sharing tongues. This means that she is also sociable, and loves to be social with anyone who is willing. Grassstrand is also a determined protective warrior, who would throw herself in front of danger or lose her life for any cat in the clan. Her self sacrificing attitude has resulted in her being in various situations that she could have easily avoided.
Kit: As a kit Grassstrand was utterly spoiled, her parents wouldnt leave her side, constantly grooming and cuddling her. This was due to the fear that they would lose her as well, which was very unlikely. When they werent cuddling her they kept a sharp eye on her whereabouts, and actions. If she got hurt even slightly she wouldnt be allowed out of the nursery for days, and the cause of her 'wounds' would get an earful or two.
Apprentice: Once deemed an apprentice under Featherfurs watchful eye, she was slowly allowed independance from her parents. She grew close with her mentor, and she grew skilled in hunting. The day of her warrior ceremony her parents and mentor set out on a hunting trip, she had spotted a rabbit and took chase, eventually it went down a hole, she dove down as well, the other cats not far behind her. To their surprise it opened out into a small cave, and other tunnels ran out from the cave as well, the exited cats rushed from the tunnel to share the news, but were interupted by rumbling dirt. Grasspaw was shoved in front, rabbit left behind and forgoten. It was a cave in. As they ran, dirt fell on their pelts, and eventually grasspaw saw light, the front of her body emerged before the roof fell, capturing her hind legs and trapping her family and mentor in the ground. Eventually, with yowling and much movement she escaped, only to turn around and attack the ground, raking her claws at the dirt, she knew they were dead deep in her heart, but would not accept it at the time.

A few warriors found her, one of the bodies extracted by her already-her mentor Featherfur, and Grasspaw scratching at the dirt more, claws ripped and paws bleeding. They took her back to camp and made her a warrior that night anyways, and she sat a vigil for more than one reason. One joyful and one sad.

Warrior: Eventually she 'got over' the deaths and she fought harder than ever before, trying harder than she ever had and always put effort in improving her skills. Namely her speed.