Prince Avery πŸ‘‘



3 years, 5 months ago


Prince Avery the Vampire Bat
Age Unknown (Adult)
Height 5'7" (170.18 cm)
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Orientation Bisexual (Male Lean)
Race/Species Vampire Bat
Worth ~$30

Drinking Blood

Jewels & Shiny Things

Being Worshipped

Himself fgbfnh

Dirty Things

Being Ignored

Hot Weather & The Sun

Water & Swimming

Fearless . Charming . Narcissistic

An equally fearless, charming and intimidating vampire bat, Prince Avery (he insists everyone calls him by that title rather than just his name, Avery) is someone who'll spit and laugh in the face of everyone who even so much as attempts to challenge him, believing his worth to be higher than anyone else's. He lives in a very extravagant castle in the middle of a dark woods where an old king once lived, up until the king and all of his subjects mysteriously vanished, leaving the entire castle desecrated and, as some speculate, bathed in blood. Many believe Prince Avery to be responsible for killing off the previous king and all his men, and when asked he neither confirms nor denies this rumor, taking great pleasure in making others wonder about him and his true intentions. No matter what really happened, the short of it is that one day Prince Avery showed up to the castle and took it upon himself to become the new ruler, recruiting all sorts of animals to be his guards and servants who not only protect him but bring him a nightly feast of blood, keep his castle neat and tidy, and adorn him with all sorts of treasures. He doesn't really take his role as leader too seriously, usually just being content to order those around him to do pety things like entertain him or clean all of his treasure, which is only helped by how strong and intimidating he really is. Even though he may be full of himself, he's definitely not one to be messed with, and no one who's gone to the castle to challenge him has ever returned alive. If he's feeling kind that day, he'll spare their life in exchange for them becoming his servant, but on any other day (or if they reject this proposal), he'll turn them into his next meal. He does seem to have a somewhat warmer place inside his heart, though he only ever shows this side of him to his most beloved and entrusted companion, Dexter, a werewolf who showed up to the castle one day that Avery for some reason took a particular liking to- probably for his strength and knack for finding food, as well as an appreciation for the werewolf's loyalty and compliments. With Dexter at his side, Prince Avery is essentially an unstoppable force, and one who aims to take control of the whole forest and turn it into his kingdom, unafraid to challenge even death itself in the process.

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