
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Arxilo Draxis

Other Names:







Highblood troll


Painted in Blood

Creation Date:

June 28th 2015


Arx is a homicidal maniac, to put it simply. He has established an expansive territory over a lakeside town that he "rules" over. He hunts things other than trolls, but he loves the feeling of striking fear in people's hearts. He does not kill quickly, and in the process paints his victim's blood on his arms and face.

The small town of apartments nearby lives in terror of his tendencies and whispers about Arx as if he were the bogeyman (and rightly so). Arxilo is ruthless and doesn't really understand the value of a person's life - nor is he one to waste a kill, and is known to leave no trace besides a bloody patch on the ground.

A tiny little green-blood - Cancor - sneaks into Arx's cliffside tower one night to find himself face-to-face with Arx himself. He puts up almost no fight, much to Arxilo's bewilderment, and so Arx puts the boy on the couch for the night and tells him to rest up so that he'll be more fun to kill in the morning. Afterwards, Arx repeatedly forgets to kill Cancor and ends up making friends with him (despite Cancor behaving akin to a brick wall).

It later turns out that Cancor is actually severely depressed and snuck in as a suicide attempt, because he feels as if he isn't important to anyone. Arxilo tries to kill him as he intended, but finds he can't do it because Cancor has become so important to him.