Zym's Comments

Hi! This one caught my eye. 

They would definitely be used for a dragon world that I'm writing. Which is basically that dragons are eldritch like beings that exist between planes of existence. This fella would be a denizen of one of the cities or even the main capitol. 

Currently I have one of two ideas for them. They would be a Mid to High keeper of one of the Tome Boroughs, living monstrosities used as libraries and archives. This means that they would be higher ranked but also held responsible for any important information. Or I would make them an astronomer that studies the sky of their world.

Personality wise, I imagine them as having a more serious persona. One that is a bit astute and knows it. They probably won't be into the politics of their world and keep to themselves unless a high rank or other dragon needs them. They also would have a fascination with plants as well as the sky/star patterns of their and maybe even the human realm! Perhaps even helping them with plants or star patterns in return for human scrolls and information!

Either way, ty for the chance! :) 

oh this one too 👀

I know i already commented on Raindance but i love this one aswell,,, despite the gradients (have a hard time with those usually when drawing) i think think they'd be super fun to draw and I've been kind of on the lookout for dragon characters aswell as characters with brown color palletes that looks nice (i've failed so far at making brown palette designs that connect with me, they either just sit in my folders and the one i thought looked decent i raffled off lmao)

I wouldn't have a story or much of a personality idea for this one, but i'd love to work them into the second story idea i had for Raindance or just keep em around as a comfort, maybe make them a friend of Cinder.
If i went with the god's related story idea they'd probably be some sort of god or apprentice. They'd probably be a god of Wisdom, Hunting or Luck? (maybe all three) but rather than having the personality of some "old wise man" or smth they'd be calm and introverted, but not, like, against social interactions and would like company. Still somewhat closed off, but not a complete lone worlf (or lone fluffy dragon in this case)

Either way, hope both them and Raindance go to a good home! <3

ty for the chance
ive commented on a bunch, they look fun to doodle