


3 years, 6 months ago




25 Years








đź–¤ Hazardous bite. Due to his teeth being so sharp he is able to bite through pretty much any material.


đź–¤Hypothezing eyes. If you stare into his eyes for too long, you may be cast into a long sleep.


đź–¤Skittles is soft at heart, often being calm and collective with his actions and words. He doesnt often speak especially to strangers but confides in those close to him share his secrets.

🖤Skittles has an odd facination with crystals, often carrying them around or gifting them to others for good luck or a safe travels. However, it does take a lot to annoy him, never resorting to anger or frustration unless it is needed. 


  • His eyes glow blue when he is calm and red when angry
  • He tends to avoid eye contact as people tend to get easily hypnotised by his eyes
  • Hates confrontation, will offer walk away if people start arguing.


In the shadowy corners of a mystical realm, there lived a skulldog named Skittles. Unlike the vibrant and colorful skulldogs that roamed their world, Skittles' fur was a curious mix of rainbows and stark black and white, a visual representation of the internal battle that raged within them.

Skittles' story was a somber one. They were born into a reclusive clan of skulldogs who believed in the power of darkness. Raised in an environment where cruelty and malevolence were encouraged, Skittles grew up as a product of their surroundings. From a young age, they were taught to harness their unique fur pattern as a symbol of their allegiance to the shadows.

As Skittles matured, they became a formidable force in their clan, using their powers of darkness to spread fear and chaos throughout the land. They reveled in causing pain, their heart growing colder with each wicked act. It seemed that Skittles was destined to live a life shrouded in darkness.

However, deep within Skittles' heart, a glimmer of light remained, a tiny spark of hope that refused to be extinguished. It was during a fateful encounter with a group of kind-hearted creatures that this spark began to grow. These beings, known as the Luminaries, radiated love and compassion, and their presence intrigued Skittles in a way they could not ignore.

Over time, Skittles secretly observed the Luminaries from the shadows, slowly coming to understand the beauty of kindness and empathy. The stark contrast between their own life of darkness and the Luminaries' radiant existence weighed heavily on Skittles' conscience. They longed to escape the grip of evil that had ensnared them for so long.

One day, unable to resist the pull of their awakening heart, Skittles made a daring decision. They abandoned their clan and sought out the Luminaries, hoping to learn their ways and escape the darkness that had defined their life. Initially met with suspicion, Skittles had to prove their sincerity by performing acts of kindness and selflessness.

As time passed, Skittles transformed, shedding their evil persona like a dark cloak. Their rainbow and black and white fur began to shift, the rainbow colors becoming more vibrant, while the darkness receded into the background. Skittles became a beloved member of the Luminary community, radiating love and positivity wherever they went.

The tale of Skittles served as a powerful reminder that redemption was possible for even the darkest souls. Their transformation was a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the capacity for change, offering hope to anyone who had ever walked the path of darkness that there could be a brighter, happier ending awaiting them.