


3 years, 6 months ago


Natsumi Whitten

Age 26
Sexuality Lesbian
Gender Female
Demon of Banana Yellow
Height 5'0 (152.44 cm)
Theme link a song

Creative . Gentle . Judgemental

Natsumi was born on November 13th as a triplet. She is the youngest out of the three (Hitoka, Kairi, and Natsumi). They were born in Japan and lived there for their entire childhood. The three had human parents, though the sisters didn't care for them. They knew that they weren't loved so they tried not to care. Plus, they already had each other. When the girls were 6 (almost) 7, something happened that would change their lives. Their mother decided to physically abuse them. She hit them and yelled at them (more than she normally did). For some reason, something switched in Hitoka. It was fight or flight. She decided to defend herself which ended up with her mother dead. She killed her mom, then she killed her dad so there would be no witnesses (except for her sisters). Natsumi couldn't believe it. She never thought one of her sisters would kill their parents. She didn't love her parents but it was still sad and disturbing to watch her paternal figures die in front of her. Without any time to think, Hitoka told her sisters they had to leave. She told them to pack up their stuff. They decided to head north since they had heard about an orphanage for demons. They were eventually able to find it. Natsumi was very close with her sisters, though she still liked to have her alone time. During her stay at the orphanage, Natsumi developed the love for writing. She was very good at any type of writing though poetry was her favorite. She always loved to show her sisters and they would encourage her to keep writing. When the three of them were invited to Hellion Academy, they were all super excited. Though there was one downside, only two of them would be roommates. It was Hitoka and Kairi that were assigned as roommates. Natsumi was a little sad that she wasn't paired with one of her sisters, though she knew this could be a good opportunity. A good opportunity it was. She met someone very special. Her roommate was Bonnie. At first, Natsumi was a little frighten by Bonnie since she looked very mean. Though once Natsumi got to know her, she realized mean wasn't even close to describing her. Bonnie was super nice, always looking out for Natsumi. Bonnie was also very interested in Natsumi's writing and always wanted to read her newest pieces. Eventually Bonnie confessed her love for Natsumi. It really warmed Natsumi's heart to see someone classified as mean confess their love. Natsumi accepted Bonnies feelings and the two got together. When Natsumi announced their relationship to her sisters, both of them were very happy for her. When they started taking missions the six of them (Hitoka, Susumu, Kairi, Logan, Natsumi, and Bonnie) would always go together. Natsumi decided to pick the frontlines, though she also wanted to learn healing/magic. So she was able to do a combination of both. In their second year Hitoka and Susumu did stop going as often but only because they had to do other specific missions for their role. Then the six of them graduate! Since Natsumi and Bonnie's relationship was going really well, the two decide to move in together. When they were roughly 23, Natsumi decided she wanted to marry Bonnie. She wanted to surprise her, so Natsumi wrote a poem that asked Bonnie to marry her (Natsumi also made a big dinner). Bonnie was very surprised. She accepted and the two got married about a six months later. When Kairi and Logan have their first child, Natsumi was very excited. She was finally going to be an aunt. Natsumi actually really loves kids and she wants them in the future, though Bonnie isn't quite ready just yet. They will eventually have kids, but not yet. As of right now, Natsumi has 3 nephews and she loves them all. The six of them still go on missions all the time (right now Kairi can't since she gave birth recently). Natsumi loves her life and she glad to have her family with her.

"The color of yellow makes me glow,"...

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