Eye Cryptid



3 years, 5 months ago



Name: Ai

Age: Unknown
Gender (Pronouns): She/They
Height: 6'4''
Occupation: Cryptid

// Eye Cryptid

Cryptid Coven 3/3. Dangerous. DO NOT APPROACH.

Crawling out from the depth of the shadows, the only warning is the feeling of being watched from all angles, and as they get closer the slowly building giggles/chuckles/laughter. Their form wavers and the only thing consistant are those eyes that stare unblinking at you, that seem to spread out from a point and cover every surface the longer you stare directly at them.

When the eyes visible all close, it is like a countdown. You have to hide yourself from their very sight before the last visible eye closes. Even if you feel them crawling all over you (if you chose to hide under your blankets) they can NOT get you unless they can see you. Do not move. Do not run. Close your eyes and count to Six out loud. When you hit Six. Stop. Do not count more or less. The pressure will ease up. Do not reveal yourself. They are not gone. Eventually they will grow bored and ONLY when they say these words exactly, are you safe to reveal yourself. "You win our game of hide and seek."

'Playful' . Impatient. Childish. Argumentative. Intelligent but Crazy.