
3 years, 5 months ago



Owner: Armanie

Name: Hazin (Haz)

Age: 7

Birthdate: date you wish here, if unsure leave blank and wiki team will assign

Upload Date: admin should put date here

Sexuality: pansexual

Gender: male

Status: Single

Parents: MYO

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Haz is a quiet gran, often just using his body language to respond. However once he gets comfortable with you, he's the biggest goofball. He's protective of his friends even though he isn't the strongest. 

History: This sweet gran has a somewhat sad childhood.  His siblings were favored over him as he wasn't as big or strong as they were and he had one flaw that made it hard for him to be a leader in their eyes. He has a stutter that made it very hard for him to speak. His siblings and their friends bullied him for it all throughout their juvenile years, so when he was old enough, he left his family to live on his own. 

Random facts: While his stutter makes it hard to talk, he can sing without stuttering, so if he has a long story to tell, he tends to sing it out instead of talking and stuttering. 

The scars on his face and body are from his cruel siblings and their pranks. The one on his left side of his face came from a prank that ended up getting him attacked by a random gran that happened to be passing through. 

Stats: STR – 2 | RES – 3 | WIS – 2  | CHA – 3 | DEX – 2

Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: C | Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A