


3 years, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Name James Collins
Nickname Jamie
Age 27
Birthday October 31st
Height 5'5"
Gender DemiBoy
Species Panther
Origin London, Britain
Ethnicity British
Blood Type B-
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Fashion Designer/Model
Status Alive|Taken
Worth $30
  • Coffee and Energy Drinks
  • Mystery Novels
  • Fashion
  • Hiking and Gymnastics
  • Tea
  • Rodents
  • Glitter
  • Younger Models
  • Doesn't actually celebrate his birthday
  • His parents are extremely wealthy
  • Will only respond to the pronouns they/them in interviews
  • Specializes in gender neutral fashion
  • Romantic preference towards women
  • Causes drama on social media for fun
  • Very flexible, used to do Gymnastics
  • Probably a bottom
Snarky . Charismatic . Dramatic . Flamboyant

Jamie is a very charismatic yet self-centered fashion designer, he always knows just what to say and has a silver tongue most envy. He doesn't care a whole lot for a majority of his peers or coworkers, and often considers himself to be superior in most, if not all, regards. He flaunts this sense of superiority religiously, resulting in multiple dramatic power moves throughout a single workday. He's a social butterfly who thrives off the thrill of drama. His outward appearance that he's carefully crafted is a confident, charming, and devious trickster who will do anything to rile up the competition and will consistently obsess over his image. He often undertakes a very feminine facade while in public to gain the attention (and jealousy) or his female and feminine presenting coworkers.

In private, however, Jamie's personality does a near 180. He prefers to listen rather than to talk, and while his love for staying center stage persists he doesn't go to extreme lengths to savor the spotlight. He's loyal to his friends, has a talent for problem solving, and is extremely intelligent and observant. He's often jokingly referred to his talent for observation to be a "common big cat trait." He is very diligent when it comes to studying designs or working, and is extremely hardworking and goal-oriented. In private, Jamie tends to act on the more masculine side, often stating that this is their preferred presentation--even if he sometimes hesitates to ruin his appearance to help with chores. Jamie tends to struggle with being "too stoic," often coming off as cold if he's mentally preoccupied. He's very affectionate, even if he sometimes has a hard time showing it.


Jamie was born to a very wealthy family in London and was the youngest of 4 older sisters. From a young age he attended private school, being cared for by a nanny with his parents often being absent. When he was young, he would often complain to his parents at dinnertime that he was lonely, his sisters at the time being unwilling to acknowledge their unruly little brother. He begged and begged his parents to give him a friend- or a brother. They denied his requests, repeatedly. His eldest sister took pity on him, seeing how crestfallen he was, and after one dinner she gifted him an old stuffed bear. She told Jamie that the bear had been her friend for a long time before their other sisters came into the picture, and claimed that it would be his friend for as long as he needed it, he was 8 at the time.

Rather unfortunately, plush toys and young boys with claws don't mix. Jamie ended up accidentally shredding the bear multiple times throughout the next few months. The nanny, fed up with him badgering her to sew his bear back together, sat Jamie down and taught him the basics of sewing. She monitored him carefully the first year as he took to repairing his bear by himself. His eldest sister took notice of his (admittedly rough) handiwork, and for his 9th birthday gifted him with a manual on sewing.

It was then Jamie discovered he could create clothing by reading the manual, and after his first attempt he quickly fell in love with the art. Throughout the rest of his Primary schooling, Jamie honed different types of stitches on practice fabric. When he graduated into Secondary school and was granted the freedom to go out with the family butler or one of his sisters as supervision, he quickly began to build on his hobby. He bought every manual and book he could find on sewing and patterns and bought yards of fabrics and a multitude of thread--all at his parent's expense, of course. He began to work in secret on creating simple articles of clothing, mostly for his bear. He was ashamed of his hobby at the time, feeling the need to hide all evidence of his work in fear of his parent's and peer's reactions.

His eldest sister was the first to discover his hobby, finding Jamie passed out in front of the plans of a project one late night. His sister had recently been preparing to take over their mother's modeling agency, and had gotten back from talking with a multitude of designers in the area over the contents of the next shoot. Jamie was 14 at the time, and she'd been rather impressed with the potential his work showed, considering it to be well above the potential of half the projects she'd seen that day. She confronted him on it Saturday morning, cornering him in the kitchen while brandishing one of his finished projects. Terrified, Jamie had initially broken down into tears, fearing what she had to say. She was quick to assure him that she wasn't disgusted or revolted by his hobby and instead offered him an opportunity of an internship, but with the catch of having to discuss his work with their parents.

It took Jamie two weeks to decide, and he eventually accepted the offer. The talk with his parents was a long one, and Jamie was emotionally exhausted by the end of it. To his utter shock, neither of his parents minded his love of sewing or his love of clothing. His father had been amused, if not a little bored with the conference, while his mother had been absolutely ecstatic. She had asked around the following week, and within a month Jamie landed himself in a part-time internship with one of the leading fashion designers in the country at the age of 15. From then on, he spent years honing his craft, studying under his mentor, and going to university for fashion design all while building up his reputation and brand. At 25, he graduated into the industry as a well-known designer.

During his university years he was a bit of a slacker outside of his internship. He knew most of the material being covered in his major and already excelled in his general education courses, and was generally left with a lot of time to himself. He started going Gymnastics, discovering that he enjoyed being active almost as much as he enjoyed sewing. His change in physique from average to athletic was noted, landing him small modeling jobs here and there. It also earned him more attention from his peers. He began dating around, his relationships never lasting longer than a month on average. He acknowledged early in his university years the possibility of being bisexual, having taken quite the interest in his male classmates already, but never acted much on it until his later years. Throughout this time, he had a multitude of flings, usually never lasting longer than a month. One particular fling with a nonbinary student left him questioning his gender identity. He nearly failed Chemistry when his gender crisis took up more than a month's worth of stress. He finally settled into the label of DemiBoy at 23, and accepted his bisexual identity fully at 24.

Upon graduation, he had a brief meeting with his mother and sister, in which it was decided his best course of further action would be to establish a clothing brand in America. He was well enough known by the fashion market overseas that the possibility of a clothing line would be sure to draw in investors. So, at 25 Jamie moved to California, where he purchased a beachside house and settled in to start his new line of clothing. Investors flocked, like sharks to blood, and he was quickly drowning in offers left and right. He accepted quite a few different offers the first few months, quickly beginning to build up a small empire. At 26, he attended his first photoshoot for one of his finished lines.

It was in the Spring and he'd been miserable, sitting at the beach under a towel as he watched models running around in his newly designed swimwear, unable to enjoy his time in Hawaii due to the stress of his upcoming work. There he met the lifeguard, Leilani while she was on duty, supervising the shoot as it moved out into the ocean. He fell instantly, quite literally tripping over his own feet once he caught sight of her. Jamie had trouble accepting his affection at first, having thought himself to prefer men more to women. The relationships he'd had with women in the past were, admittedly, extremely short and extremely displeasing in his opinion; they asked too much of him and gave nothing in return. His relationships with men were equally lackluster, often being treated as a woman despite his protesting. So he had been understandably anxious when he discovered his sudden feelings for the lifeguard.

On the last week of the shoot, he asked her out to dinner. He was elated when she said yes, but quickly realized that he'd only have time for one date before he'd be forced back home to California. The first date went well, and they ended up exchanging numbers. From then, he made frequent trips back to Hawaii and began taking more commissions for tropical style clothing to be closer to his new girlfriend. After about half a year of dating, Jamie purchased a vacation home in Hawaii, further excuse to venture out to the island more. Now, at 27 he spends half of his year working and studying fashion in Hawaii alongside his girlfriend, and the other half in California making streetwear and maintaining a long-distance relationship.

Leilani | Girlfriend

A Hawaiian lifeguard and Jamie's girlfriend. They've been dating for a year and a half, and despite the fact she's sad she's unable to see him half the year, she loves him enough to continue the relationship. She doesn't understand his job much, not being too concerned about fashion. He was originally appalled by the idea that she didn't care much about what she wore, going out of his way to tear through every retailer on the island in his pursuit to find something that would "suit her level of ethereal beauty." The search still hasn't ended, and once every few weeks Leilani is gifted with an accessory or outfit from Jamie. He showers her with gifts, insisting that he pay for anything she may want. Initially, she was annoyed by this; now however she uses it to push Jamie to try new things with her. She finds it endlessly endearing how much he despises fast food.

Arthur | Realtor/Friend

Arthur became Jamie's long-suffering realtor and friend shortly after Jamie moved to America. The two began to spend a long amount of time together; Jamie turned out to be excessively picky about where he lived. Their casual talks between house viewings inside Jamie's car turned into after work meet ups to chat or drink. Arthur is Jamie's only American friend who he hasn't met from work, so he often goes out undercover to experience what America is like as a normal guy, not a flamboyant designer who's taken one too many underwear modeling jobs for comfort. Arthur treats Jamie like a guy, and he values that friendship greatly, often sending Arthur little gifts as thanks. He's Jamie's go-to for relationship advice.

Louis | Oldest Friend

Louis is Jamie's family's butler. He's been around for as long as anyone can remember, and often jokes that he's immortal, but he's been there for Jamie since he was in diapers. He's always supported Jamie, taking on an almost fatherly role. He's the one Jamie always turns to for advice or help. He values Louis's opinion over that of his own father's, often facetiming the butler to ask for opinions on designs or just general life advice. He loves Louis, just like he loves his nanny; considering them to be more his parents than his actual parents. Louis always knows just what to say or do to make him feel better, and Jamie wouldn't trade him for the world.