


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Shinzessu = $135


Pronunciation: Seer-sha

Nickname(s): See, Seer

Age: Unknown

Form: Former angel

She was once a follower of a very strict god, but she’s always had a mind of her own and very strong opinions, so when that god cast Zivyroth ( out, she took up her axes and followed him. One of the god’s followers tried to stop her, and though they didn’t completely succeed, they did tear her left arm from her body. The time the battle took, and the weird passage of time between the realm of the gods and the mortal plane, meant that it took her many years to find Zivryoth, but find him she did. She now serves as his second, and can usually be found teaching his band of misfits how to fight and protect themselves from those that would do them harm.

She is an excellent fighter, and remains untamed and free as a wild wind.

Art Notes: Wings do not need to be drawn, feel free to leave them off if they do not work with the composition.