


7 years, 10 days ago


Known as a goddess of nature, Rosalie can make branches grow from the ground at will. She tends to avoid other beings, but loves animals. She's a terrible pessimist, but from the way she talks, you'd never think she was. She speaks in a very soft and calm voice, and generally acts pretty happy.

She constantly has flowers emitting from her hair, how this happens is a mystery to everyone. These change in accordance to the seasons. She herself is on a quest to find something that is lost, a cure for an illness she has. This illness was cast upon her by a witch, and would result in death. This is the reason she distances herself from people, but she does love being around others.

She does not have a place to call home. During her sleep, she will build branches around herself to shelter herself from the elements. She will also do this if she is hurt, angry, sad, or simply if she wants to be alone.

When she's excited, she will get all giggly and it is easier for her to laugh. She's never had candy or meat, she lives off of the fruit of the trees and has never had this opportunity. She's always lived this way.


Artist Notes:

  • Long Eyelashes