
3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


The kitsu equivalent of a teenager




Female, She/her


The Unicorn of The Artic Sea


Neutral Good

Number of Tails





Roundy body build, animal halo, eyes no sclera, animal body parts (narwhal fins), Rare collar fur, Rare Sentimental Body Energy




~Story Stuff~

Background- She has always lived in the icy artic. She lived very near the sea and went out on her boat fishing daily for hours on end especially when narwhals were nearby. Sometimes she would go days without docking just to get a better chance of seeing them. Their horn-like tusks reminded her of the legendary unicorns. She heard stories that the "horn" of a narwhal had magical properties similar to unicorns as well. As a kit, she dreamed that a narwhal would come and turn her into a narwhal with their magic "horn." One day she met with some of the exiled passing by. They spoke of a place where one could develop and significantly advance their spiritual and  magical ability. It was a difficult choice, but she decided to join them on their journey to this mythical place.

During the Dream- She seemed to be under nice cool calming ocean water. It looked and felt like water, but she could breath and speak as if it was air. She was asked for her most precious memory, she remembered the magical unicorn-like creatures of her home's sea she so admired.

After the Dream- (WIP)


General- A positive and friendly gal. It is very difficult to make her unhappy. There is one way that will make her dislike you immediately, touching of her horn. Her horn is extremely sensitive, she only allows people she really trusts to touch it and even then they must be extremely gentle. She is very comfortable doing physical interactions with others, for example: putting a front leg around you, a friendly slap on the back, or most commonly a hug. A hug is her usual greeting and farewell to others, even if she doesn't know them. Despite her somewhat boisterous nature, she is rather spiritual.

Likes/Dislikes- (WIP)


Inherent Faunial Magic- (WIP)

Moroz, The Grandfather of The Frost- Narvy's adoptive grandfather

~Music That Remind Me Of Her~