


3 years, 5 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$60 - $100



Chomky chonkin chonker

Friendly, Happy-go-lucky, warm, cheery.

A good friend to have, he is always willing to set aside his time for those who need it, and loves conversation and affection.

A bit protective of his books and the library he works in. He gets a little nervous when people are handling his books with long claws and the like, but he knows he can't just judge a book by its cover in that sense.
His home is quite the mess, but special in its own way. Every nook and cranny is either stuffed with books, plants, or pretty hanging bits of beach glass and shiny things.

Loves plants and has his little rooty nook/home decorated with them, especially vines. Doesn't mind getting his hands dirty to take care of them.
In general, loves earthy tones and greens.
Not the biggest fan of flowers, although he still grows a few. Prefers leafy plants and such.
Gets nervous around especially teeny creatures. Slightly worried he might squish them with his big booty.

Works in an immense library, situated under the roots of an ancient tree.


Roughly the size of an intermediate dog, about 40 lbs.

Appears bigger than he actually is. Not to say he isn't hefty, but he does have a TON of fluff.
He has a lil snoot, he is NOT flat faced.
Big dark eyes.
Extra fluffy on the cheeks and mane.
Short little leggies.
Tail is fluffiest at base and tip.
Very very fluffy tum.
The only calico spots on him are the exact ones you see. Everything else is white. That said, don't feel like you have to draw them perfectly.
Horn is sharp, no touchy.
Big floofy booty.
More canine leaning than anything, despite the feline-ish tail and coat colors.
Doesn't stand very well on his back feet, but will do what needs must.
Very shiny horn. Gotta take good care of that keratin!

Occasionally wears spectacles, although mostly during work when he has to peer through books.
