


7 years, 16 days ago
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【 Name 】Altair Hutchison【 Called 】 Ali
【 Age 】 19【 D.o.B. 】 May 3rd
【 Gender 】 Male【 Orientation 】 Demisexual
【 Height 】 4" 8'【 Build 】 Ectomorph
【 Nationality 】 British【 Ethnicity 】 Feline kemonomimi
【 Role 】 Student/busboy【 Star Sign 】 Taurus
【 Status 】 Alive; lightly crushing【 Theme 】 ???

A spoiled and lowkey snobby kid with a bit of a mischievous side to him, he never goes looking for trouble, but definitely will partake in any if given the opportunity, he can however be a little slow with his reaction time and sometimes overreacts if in a pretty bad or unstable mood, thus getting himself more hurt then he should. He works at a restaurant as a busboy to help his father pay off a huge debt to keep their house thanks to their departed, greedy nasty mother who took most of their money for her own benefits after divorcing Alistairs father, leaving Alistair behind with his kind and thoughtful father who does whatever he can to make him happy, but little does he know his father doesn't need as much help as Alistair thinks, even though Alistair wishes to help his father the best he can.

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Nullam id fringilla magna. Sed mattis tellus nec tellus sollicitudin, quis tempus risus vestibulum. Donec velit felis, hendrerit ut interdum in, viverra vel est. Duis convallis scelerisque mi, sit amet molestie orci maximus non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ac finibus nulla, nec laoreet arcu. Aenean accumsan, sem nec varius sagittis, massa nisi euismod est, vitae semper ex diam non libero. Nam eu iaculis lorem. Vestibulum nec nisl bibendum lorem consectetur suscipit a ac eros.

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