


3 years, 4 months ago


SAISHO (SAI) - 最初 meaning "First"

Age: 29

Birthday: December 18th

Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius 

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'9" or 175cm

Hair: Deep purple / Almost black

Eyes: Blue


Saisho's quirk is Violet Flame. Why are his flames Violet? 

"The color purple, or equivalently violet, is actually on the end of the visible electromagnetic spectrum, having the highest frequency of any light wave. The reason we see different colors is because of this difference in frequency, where violet light has higher frequency of light waves. Red is the first color in the visible spectrum, having the lowest frequency of light waves. Ultraviolet waves have a higher frequency than that of violet waves, however, produce light waves that are invisible to the human eye, and therefore not on the color spectrum.

The frequency in each light wave is directly related to how much energy a light wave has. If the wave has a large frequency, then the wave is oscillating very rapidly back and forth, meaning it has a lot of energy. This energy is then felt in the form of temperature, or heat. Thus the colors of light with the highest frequency will have the hottest temperature. From the visible spectrum, we know violet would glow the hottest. Violet light can sometimes glow at around 71,000 degrees Fahrenheit. For reference the sun burns at 8,500 degrees Fahrenheit."

Sai is able to control the temperature of his flames, making it so that nearest his body is not very hot and the further out the temperature increases. Sai mainly inherited the fire quirk from Dabi but did get some of hawks telekinesis abilities. As Hawks is able to control each of his feathers individually, Sai can control his flames in the same manner. For example, if an enemy is running from him, his flames can zig zag and chase their target. Keep in mind, Hawks has only a certain number of feathers while Saisho has an unlimited amount of flames he can make. 

The downside is, this is incredibly exhausting, to the point it is dangerous. If he gets to the point of overuse/exhaustion, he will have to switch to close combat fighting with quick bursts of uncontrolled flames. This also means he will be unable to control the heat of his Violet Flames to be less hot near him. 


Sai is very much in line with the AdvocatePersonality (INFJ-A / INFJ-T) Which full description can be read here. Which I highly suggest reading as each point highlights him quite well! 

Saisho ultimately decides for himself at the situation if things are right or wrong. He is neither a Hero or a Villain but I would place him more on the Hero side. 

"Advocates have a quiet determination that can be quite charismatic, and their ability to express themselves clearly and passionately can make them truly shine. At times, these traits may lead to unwanted attention and popularity for Advocates, who tend to be private.

Advocates may sometimes find themselves surrounded by people who want to impress them. Paradoxically, this can make it more difficult for people with this personality type to find friends with whom they feel a connection. After all, the only way to be counted among Advocates’ true friends is to be authentic, honest, and real.

Once they do find genuine friends, people with the Advocate personality type make loyal and caring companions. With their trademark warmth and enthusiasm, they support their friends’ efforts to grow and expand their lives. In general, Advocate personalities don’t require a great deal of day-to-day attention from their friends. For them, quality trumps quantity – and that includes the time they spend with their nearest and dearest.

As trust grows, Advocates tend to share more of their inner lives with their friends/family. If these revelations are met with acceptance and support, this can herald the sort of friendship that transcends time and distance, lasting a lifetime.

Over the years, Advocates may end up with just a few true friendships rather than a wide circle of casual acquaintances. But as long as those friendships are built on a richness of mutual understanding, Advocates wouldn’t have it any other way.

Advocate (INFJ) Strengths

  • Creative – Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about. To do this, they draw on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This can make them excellent counselors and advisors.
  • Insightful – Advocates typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.
  • Principled – People with the Advocate personality type tend to have deeply held beliefs, and their conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects that matter to them. Advocates can be compelling and inspiring communicators, with their idealism persuading even the hardest of skeptics.
  • Passionate – Advocates can pursue their ideals with a single-mindedness that may catch others off guard. These personalities rarely settle for “good enough,” and their willingness to disrupt the status quo may not please everyone. That said, Advocates’ passion for their chosen cause is a key aspect of their personality.
  • Altruistic – Advocates generally aim to use their strengths for the greater good – they rarely enjoy succeeding at other people’s expense. They tend to think about how their actions affect others, and their goal is to behave in a way that will help the people around them and make the world a better place.

Advocate (INFJ) Weaknesses

  • Sensitive to Criticism – When someone challenges their principles or values, Advocates may react strongly. People with this personality type can become defensive in the face of criticism and conflict, particularly when it comes to issues that are near to their hearts.
  • Reluctant to Open Up – Advocates value honesty, but they’re also private. They may find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable about their struggles. This might also be because they think they need to solve their problems on their own or don’t want to burden other people with their issues. When Advocates don’t ask for help, they may inadvertently hold themselves back or create distance in their relationships.
  • Perfectionistic – The Advocate personality type is all but defined by idealism. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible. Advocates might find it difficult to appreciate their jobs, living situations, or relationships if they’re continually fixating on imperfections and wondering whether they should be looking for something better.
  • Avoiding the Ordinary – Advocate personalities tend to be motivated by a sense of having a greater purpose in life. They might consider it tedious or unnecessary to break their big visions into small, manageable steps. But they may be setting themselves up for frustration if they don’t turn their dreams into everyday routines and to-do lists. Without these specifics, their goals may never materialize.
  • Prone to Burnout – Advocates’ perfectionism and reserve may leave them with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type can exhaust themselves if they don’t find a way to balance their drive to help others with necessary self-care and rest.

Romantic Relationships

Advocates (INFJs) tend to take the process of finding a romantic partner seriously. People with this personality type look for depth and meaning in their relationships, preferring not to settle for a match that’s founded on anything less than true love.

It can take time for Advocates to find a compatible partner. Some people might think Advocates are too choosy, and it’s true that these personalities can have unrealistic expectations. Some Advocates might hold out for a “perfect” partner or relationship that ultimately doesn’t exist.

That said, Advocates’ idealism – if balanced with just enough realism – can actually enhance their love lives. Advocate personalities tend to be in touch with their core values, so they care about compatibility as well as surface-level attraction. This can help them avoid matches that aren’t founded on authenticity or shared principles.

Once Advocates do find a suitable relationship, they rarely take it for granted. Instead, they tend to look for ways to grow as individuals and strengthen their connection with their partner. This can help Advocates’ relationships reach a level of depth and sincerity of which many people can only dream."


Saisho is an extremely well known writer. Well, his alias name "Sho" is well known! He has a huge following and the public is always eager to find out "Just who is Sho?" His manager says his alias is really shitty since it's just the last part of his name but Sai doesn't want to take the time to think of a "meaningful alias" as this will do. 

Sai doesn't actively look for crime or just finds him. And he will decide if this is "something/someone that needs helping? Or is it best they handle it. What's the impact"

85% of the time he's helping...


Likes & Hobbies:

  • Spicy Food
  • Swimming/Anything to do with water
  • Sings
  • Coffee
  • Books
  • Plant daddy
  • Has a Shiba :3
Dislikes / Weaknesses:
  • Heights
  • Gets motion sickness only in car rides
  • Sweets
  • His personal space being invaded
  • Weak against lighting/electricity since it messes with his energy output for his flames. 


 **** OC Spoilers Ahead - Comics are being made so skip if you don't want to find out ahead of time :)****

Saisho grew up entirely in the commission not knowing of his father's/family. The one thing that was always with him since he could remember was a small metal feather necklace. 

He was being trained to be a Pro Hero and lived a "normal" life with other kids in the Commission Boarding Academy. Growing up, he always questioned authority and challenged it a bit but in the end, fell in line. He knew what he could and couldn't get away with by observing others but always pushed the boundaries a little further each time. 

When Sai asked about his parents and where this necklace came from, the commission told him how his parents where both Villains and that he was a mistake and they abandoned him and the commission stepped in to bring Saisho into their boarding school family. Sai came to know his name, Saisho (meaning First), as "child 1," because his parents didn't care enough to name him. 

He began growing more and more suspicious of the commission as time went on and seeing news articles of Hero's and their families leaked into the commission boarding school. The commission's frantic efforts to get the article of Dabi/Hawks away from Saisho made him the most curious. Sai turned 25 and the Commission was still very controlling of order to find more information and gain more control/access, Sai became an instructor for the new young adults brought into the academy. He was able to use this authority to find his full file containing all the details of his fathers, Dabi who was a famous Villain and Hawks who held the #2 Pro Hero title. 

Sai then made final preparations...borrowed a large sum money and left. He issued a warning to the Commission that if he were to be followed, "Irreparable decimation will be brought onto the commission."

He got his own place and keeps up on any news concerning Dabi or Hawks. 

Before Hawks was a Pro Hero and Dabi a well known Villain, they were naive to who each other were. Dabi lurking at the back of a bar, notices Hawks and vice versa. They start seeing each other in secret as the commission would have had it out for Hawks had they found out. They made a small hideout they called home and thus, Saisho was born. Dabi was the one to name him. Which shocked Hawks. Dabi looked at the baby boy and said "He will be the first love of many." 

Hawks felt Sai should always have a feather with him to lift him up since he doesn't have any wings, so he placed a small metal feather necklace around him. 

Dabi and Hawks were able to live this secret life for a year, until the commission found out. To have Hawks, who they had to erase his whole past to raise him out to be a Pro Hero, do this...They already put so much into him, and he was raising up in the public eye now. They had to act.

They broke into their home and grabbed Saisho (1 yrs old). Whilst Dabi and Hawks tried to stop them, the one holding onto Sai fell through a window during the fight. The man was dead and Saisho in critical condition. The commission threatened that they would not let any medical help come to Saisho if the two kept advancing them. At a loss, Dabi and Hawks let them rush Saisho to a hospital. When the father's arrive, the doctors and commission had told them he passed. 

In order to not have the commission burned to the ground and mass murder, they said they would leave the two to do as they please from now on and would continue to keep Keigo's past a secret. 

The father's mourned their loss together in their broken home.

The Commission then gained a new weapon through their lies. 

Sai doesn't reunite with his family until he is 29.