


3 years, 5 months ago


>>>   G E N E R A L      

name > Dapplebird

     prefix meaning > For her dappled red markings

     suffix meaning > For her feathery fur and her speed

  previous names > Dapplekit, Dapplepaw

nicknames > Dapple, Bird, Birdie

clan > Hailclan

    previous clan > xxx

rank > Warrior

    previous ranks > Kit, apprentice

mentor > Blazetrail

apprentices > xxx

    current > xxx

    previous > xxx

age > 16+ moons

gender > Female | She/her

sex > Female

sexuality >

   romantic orientation > Homoromantic

   sexual orientation > Homosexual

   >>>   P H Y S I C A L

basic description > A red dappled she-cat with white markings and red speckling on her wrists and muzzle. She has bright crimson eyes and feathery, drooping fur.

build > Muscular with fit legs

fur description > Long and feathery

breeds > Maine Coon

height > 35 cms

weight > 11.5 lbs

voice > Suzanne Pleshette as Zira from Lion King II

scent > Perfume and Roses

scars > xxx

accessories > xxx

banned traits > Purebred

   >>>   P E R S O N A L I T Y

positive >

    >> Benevolent > “I try to do good, and help others.”

She always tries to do good for others with actions, always willing to help out loved ones and others in their time of need. She’ll volunteer for patrols, she’ll be a shoulder to cry on, and she will help guide you if you wish. Most of her actions are with the intent to help others, and brighten someone’s day.

    >> Patient > “If I need to wait for the right time, I will.”

If doing something in the moment is not the right time, she won’t rush it, and will wait for a good moment. She’s not often in a hurry, and can tolerate things not going her way immediately. When she has a plan, she’ll wait for a perfect time to exact it, no matter how long she has to wait for that ‘perfect time’ to strike.

    >> Maternal > “I want to take care of others, help them in their time of need.”

She often treats her loved ones and close ones like family, always giving them love and affection like any family member should. She’ll be a supporting figure in someone’s life whenever they feel they need it, no matter how old they are she’ll act to them like she would a parent. She has that motherly aura, and is always open to help someone who doesn’t have anyone else to turn to, or doesn’t want to turn to anyone else.

neutral >

    >> Meticulous > “Every detail counts for something.”

She notices miniscule details, and pays extra attention to it so she can use it to her advantage in the future. She is always precise in answers and her actions, using what she notices in her environment and situation to make the best action she could make in the moment. She is careful to not make a mistake, and uses her knowledge and what details of her surroundings she’s seen to prevent the possibility of it.

    >> Unpredictable > “What do you think I’m going to do?”

She does not wear her heart on her sleeve like some others do, and keeps personal feelings and details that can be used against her close to her chest. It makes her hard to predict, leaving others who go against her often surprised. She’s not scared to use that to her advantage in a battle, and leaving an enemy scrambling for an idea of what to do against her.

    >> Untrustworthy > “You can trust my word, I promise.”

If you're close to her, congrats, you've landed yourself in a good place and you can trust her with anything. But, if you do anything to hurt her or anyone else she cares about, that trust is broken and you’re going to regret telling her your secrets. When she feels she needs to, she’ll spill whatever secret details she knows about you even if she had promised long ago to never tell a soul. Which means you probably shouldn’t share your secrets with her in the first place, unless you never intend to hurt her in any way.

negative >

    >> Vengeful > “I will make them pay for what they’ve done.”

She is known to be a good cat, but get on her bad side and she can make your life a living nightmare. If anyone were to harm her loved ones or herself in any way, they have implanted a negative impression on her mind for a long time. She’ll do whatever she can to make you pay, from something as small as rumors to something as big as attacking or hurting in any way.

    >> Smooth > “I’m telling you the truth, I swear.”

She has the tongue of a snake. Able to mold words in ways that sound polite and makes it easier to get what she wants, which often makes her seem deceitful. Her every word is confident and molded meticulously so she can get whatever reactions she wishes. And you better hope she doesn’t wish to hurt you, because she could use her voice like a weapon.

    >> Pugnacious > “Oh you wanna start this?”

If someone is rude to her or anyone she knows, she is unafraid to speak up and start a fight. She is always ready to start a fight whenever someone seems to be rude or disrespectful to her or her loved ones. And whether or not it’s a physical or verbal, she always intends for whatever she does to hurt. She’ll make sure you regret what you did.

likes >

    > Sunny Days

    > Roses

    > Making others smile

    > Wooly textures

dislikes >

    > Dark, cloudy days

    > Being alone

    > Anyone who hurts her or her loved ones

    > Loved ones being upset

   >>>   F A M I L Y

parents >

    >> Snowball > Rogue Donor > A fluffy, white purebred Maine coon with bright amber eyes > NPC

    >> Redstream > Mother > A red calico she-cat with droopy fur and dark crimson eyes > NPC

siblings >

    >> Sheepcoat > Brother > A fluffy white tom with darker speckles on his ankles and muzzle, and dark amber eyes > NPC

mate >

    >> xxx

kits >

    >> xxx

extended >

    >> xxx

   >>>   R O M A N T I C


    current mates > xxx

    previous mates > xxx

    romantic interests > xxx

    looking for > Long-term or Flings

likes in a potential mate >

    > Wooly/soft fur

    > Fatherly/motherly

    > Flowery scents

dislikes in a potential mate >

    > Argumentative

    > Distrusting

    > Villainous/traitorous

interested in kits > Yes, definitely 

preferred family size > Large

   >>>   S K I L L S

abilities >

   [ 6 / 10 ] || agility

   [ 5 / 10 ] || stealth

   [ 8 / 10 ] || speed

   [ 9 / 10 ] || strength 

   [ 7 / 10 ] || endurance

   [ 5 / 10 ] || climbing

   [ 3 / 10 ] || swimming

senses >

   [ 6 / 10 ] || sight

   [ 6 / 10 ] || hearing

   [ 5 / 10 ] || smell

   [ 5 / 10 ] || taste

   [ 5 / 10 ] || touch

knowledge >

   [ 5 / 10 ] || den building

   [ 10 / 10 ] || battle tactics

   [ 7 / 10 ] || hunting tactics

   [ 2 / 10 ] || kitting knowledge

   [ 0 / 10 ] || herbal knowledge

   [ 8 / 10 ] || sign fluency

   [ 0 / 10 ] || niche

   >>>   H I S T O R Y

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >

   Dapplekit was born to a single mother by the name of Redstream, along with her brother Sheepkit. Redstream had taken on a surrogate by the name of Snowball, a beautiful tom who had been quite large and perfect for having strong kits. Kits that would turn into great warriors that would defend their clan. And when they were born, she was quick to give them love and tell them stories of battle to quickly catch them onto their goal.

   And it seemed Redstream saw Dapplekit as a perfectly capable candidate. It was obvious Dapplekit was born a pure maine coon cat. Already she was a good bit bigger than her brother and legs that seemed would grow to give her great strength and speed. Sheepkit on the other hand.. With his overwhelming fluff that he was named after, and while also being pretty big, he was only partially a main coon. Otherwise, he had plenty of mixed breed traits and did not seem to show as much interest as Dapplekit in her stories.

   So, she paid more attention to Dapplekit. Her golden child, destined to become a great warrior of Hailclan while she gave little attention to Sheepkit. And after a while, Dapplekit noticed these things. Redstream often offered to play with her to enhance her skills, while Sheepkit was told to go play with the other kits. And while Redstream still told them both stories of battle and heroics, Dapplekit was showered with praise and how she would be a great warrior while Sheepkit was given a pat on the head and simply told that he should be trying harder.

   So Dapplekit often took time to play with her brother, and teach him the stuff that their mother taught her but not him. He didn’t seem very engaged in it all, but happy to just spend time with his sister. This cycle continued on for a long time. Dapplekit was praised and spoiled by their strength-loving mother, while Sheepkit was regarded with a grain of salt. Neither of the kits knew why their mother treated them so differently, but to them it was normal so they didn’t bother trying to do anything about it.

   That was, until Sheepkit offhandedly mentioned their mother’s obvious favoritism to a caretaker in the den. Dapplekit could tell the tom felt sad recounting their mothers lack of affection towards him. But, what she noticed more was the obvious anger that flashed on the caretaker's face. Although Sheepkit was oblivious to the caretaker’s inner feelings with the facade they put on, Dapplekit was not. So, when the caretaker shooed them away politely, suggesting they go play with the other kits. She instead secretly followed the caretaker to the entrance of the nursery. Listening in as they brought her mother outside, away from where they thought none of the kits would hear. Unaware of Dapplekit’s presence.

   The caretaker scolded Redstream, for her almost neglectful attitude towards Sheepkit and obvious favoritism towards Dapplekit. The she-cat only glowered at the caretaker though, not really taking their words to heart. Defensively responding how they were her kits, and that she knew what she was doing. Though after the caretaker threatened to report her behavior to the leader, her mother finally seemed to ponder her words more carefully. Despite how argumentative and defensive she knew her mother could be, she also knew Redstream would never dare to start trouble with the leader. So, she relented and told the caretaker she’d adjust her actions. They seemed satisfied, and Dapplekit was quick to dip away and join the other kits before she was noticed.

   After that, Dapplekit couldn’t help but notice that shift in her mother’s attitude. More did her brother received praise, the more Sheepkit was allowed to join in on their games. Dapplekit wasn’t upset that her mother’s attention was not on her at all times. In fact, it made her overjoyed seeing her brother with a new shine in his eyes. The tom absolutely overjoyed by the affection he was receiving. However, he was so happy, he was oblivious to what Dapplekit saw in their mother. She could see how her mothers tom was so deadpan and unenthusiastic, how the she-cat somehow rushed through it with Sheepkit. She could see how their mother hadn’t actually changed. It was all a facade.

   Eventually though, after three moons of this, it was time to become warriors. She was glad, as she’d be able to train into the warrior her mother dreamed of. Though, not for her at all. After all, Dapplekit was a bit apprehensive towards her mother ever since she’d eavesdropped on that conversation between her and the caretaker. But now was not the time to focus on it, as she had much time to think it all over. Instead, she stepped forward and took on her new role, encouraging her nervous brother forward with a loving smile.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >

   Dapplepaw was made an apprentice, with her brother at her side. Their mother was looking upon them proudly (one more so than the other, Dapplepaw noticed). Dapplepaw was then introduced to the cat who would train her to become the powerful warrior she’d always dreamed of. A red colourpoint tom by the name of Blazetrail. She didn’t see much special about the warrior, older and seemingly calm about this all. Most likely, she was not his first apprentice, as he didn’t seem nervous. 

   However, she didn’t mind. Someone calm and collected would be efficient in focusing on her training, and she would never underestimate someone by their looks. Sheeppaw was apprenticed to a cat named Peonyflutter, who seemed fairly gentle in nature. It was only later that she learned Peonyflutter and Blazetrail were mates. A loving couple who would eventually have kits when they felt like it was the right time. Which meant that often enough, they’d be on joint training sessions.

   However, very early on, suddenly their mother interrupted one of their training sessions. The she-cat asked their mentors to let her observe and stay with them during their training sessions. To apparently, make sure they are being trained appropriately and to the best of their abilities. However, the way she posed it made it sound more like a command than a suggestion. This factor did not fly over their heads, except for Sheeppaw, who seemed to be just watching everything unfold in confusion. Sometimes her brother's naivety dumbfounded her. Did he truly not notice how their mother acted? Or did he simply ignore it?

   Peonyflutter seemed nervous, afraid of how Redstream would react if they rejected the idea, Blazetrail however spoke both of their minds. It seems that’s how the dynamic went with them. The red tom refused the offer, telling off her mother with a stern but calm tone. Explaining how both he and his mate were perfectly capable of training the apprentices and that they had plenty of experience in teaching. Redstream was livid, and quickly things resolved into an argument. Peoyflutter doing their best to calm Sheeppaw, who was left terrified by his mothers yelling. Blazetrail continued to remain calm, but did not relent in his opinion. Dapplekit was watching quietly, seeing how stressed her mentors were getting, and how scared her brother was. Anger boiled hotter and hotter in her veins until she finally overloaded.

   She snapped at her mother, yelling at her mother to leave them alone. That she didn’t need her to become a great warrior. That being a powerful warrior didn’t mean being the strongest and best built. For Dapplepaw to become a strong warrior, she didn’t need to become another her. Redstream, while seeming angry, was shocked watching her beloved daughter look upon her with such hatred. In the end, their mother silently stormed off without looking back. Somewhere deeper into Hailclan territory. Due to everything, their mentor cut the training session short and returned them back to camp. While Blazetrail wanted to report Redstream’s behavior to the higher ups, he was persuaded by Peonyflutter to let it go for now. It was a personal matter for their apprentices, it was for the best that they settle this on their own.

   However, it seemed they would not get the chance to talk about their differences. As their mother never returned. At first, Dapplepaw assumed their mother was taking time to cool off steam. But after days of no sign of her return, she was eventually declared missing and a patrol was sent out to investigate. Dapplepaw couldn't care less at  the moment. She had admired her mother’s strength, both mental and physical, and wanted to become just like her. But now, she only sees their mother for who she truly is. An uncaring and arrogant cat who thought highly of her own opinion and cared not for others if they did not meet her expectations of strength.

   She spent the time their mothers disappearance was being investigated training with her mentor and looking after her brother. Who was becoming increasingly distressed the longer Redstream was gone. She didn’t understand why he was so upset, when in all honesty he should be the most enraged between the two of them. He was treated horribly by her, neglected and hurt. Yet despite that, he seemed so saddened by the fact she was gone. Dapplepaw didn’t understand, but didn’t judge either. Comforting him to the best of her abilities.

   Only after a moon did a patrol finally return with concrete evidence. Their mother had gotten into a fight during the time she went to cool off. There were remains of scuffle, a trail of blood, and torn off red fur. As well, it was reported that Redstream had survived, but was chased away from their territory. By what, the warriors couldn’t determine. The scent of the participants had long faded, but they believed it had been a cat as whatever it was had tried to cover up the evidence. It was the reason why it was so hard to find. However, they were told not to get their hopes up. As the amount of blood spilled on the battlefield had been quite the amount, it would  be a miracle if Redstream were to still be alive after losing so much blood.

   She could see that Sheeppaw was distraught, knowing that their mother was probably dead. After all, if their mother had somehow lived through her wounds, the she-cat wouldn’t take this long to return home. Dapplepaw tried her best to comfort him, but he seemed much more closed off than before. Rarely opening up to anyone, and quieter than usual. Their mentors, due to their regular joined training sessions, noticed his behavior. However, decided to leave the matter be, and let Sheeppaw handle his emotions at his own pace. They cared for their apprentices, but knew when a matter was not their place to budge into.

   Not long after this, something unexpected happened. Their camp was raided by foreign cats, without any warning, their home was being attacked. During a time where their forces were weaker, due to the fact that many of their clanmates were attending the gathering at the moment. Dapplepaw could only watch as their mentors protected them from inside the apprentice den. Despite how much she wanted to fight these intruders, with Sheeppaw panicking at her side she knew it was better to focus on keeping him calm.

   However, she was quick to notice when someone attempted to sneak into the apprentice den while the other warriors were busy against the other raiders. When she saw this foreign cat, obviously one of the attackers, prowling towards an apprentice who seemed unaware of them, she leapt into action. She launched at the cat, using their surprise against them to knock them away from the ginger tom who seemed to be in a world of his own at the moment. She felt her claws tear in flesh, heard angry yowls from the attacker, then heard her mentor calling out to her before her claws swipe over the cats eyes. “Be that a lesson to you, attempt to attack our clanmates blind, you may lose your sight.” She had spoken venomously, eyes staring at the one she clawed with vengeful intent, as they were dragged out of the apprentice den by her mentor.

   Eventually, the attackers retreated. And she decided to check up on the apprentice she saved. She quickly recognized the tom, who seemed to finally get out of his own head by his brother checking up on him. She knew these two, only a moon older than her and grew up in the nursery with her until they became apprentices. Sundroppaw and Daturapaw. She was thanked profusely for saving him from the attacker, however despite how appraised she felt, she simply said it was no bother. She was protecting her clanmates, like any good warrior would. Sheeppaw also quickly joined the conversation, worrying over her for instigating a fight, she reassured she was okay. Not even a scratch from the short scuffle.

   Eventually, after a bit of conversation with the brothers, their mentors came in to check on them and inform them of some news. The cats had returned from the gathering, though were injured. Apparently, a deer had barged onto the gathering uninvited and started reeking havoc. Injuring many cats. There was in no way this was a coincidence, but even then there was no logical explanation to how cats could work with deer to attack them. As well, while they had chased off the foreign cats, the damage had been done. Cats were injured and killed in the battle, and their herb stores were destroyed leaving little to treat the wounded with. Blazetrail did seem worried about her, after her fight with the attacker. But, he appraised her bravery and her quick-thinking. She puffed up her chest in pride, happy to have served her clan.

   After things seemed to settle a bit, it was announced that Salmonstar would be stepping down from his rank. Meaning their deputy, Thicketskip, took up the mantle and is now named Thicketstar. As well, she started talking to Sundroppaw more. After all, she did not have many friends. Although she could tell he did not trust her fully, he didn’t avoid her either. He was a bit strange in the way he’d randomly zone out at times, and seemed unsettling to the point that Sheeppaw avoided him. However, Dapplepaw was not unnerved. Everyone had their own quirks, and she wasn’t one to be disturbed easily.

   A tom by the name of Moosecrash was eventually chosen to take on the responsibility of deputy. As well, Thicketstar was expecting to have a litter of kits. Which was good, meant more future warriors for their clan. After all the losses they have faced recently, new faces would be an improvement. Sheeppaw seemed to be in better moods too. Well, in relation to their mother’s death. He did seem tense since the attack, though she wasn’t surprised by that, many were. She could tell their mentors were two, always wary and eyeing their surroundings in case the foreign cats come back.

   Thankfully though, the rest of her apprenticeship continued on peacefully. And finally it was time for their warrior ceremony. Sheeppaw didn’t seem as excited as she was about it, but then again he hasn’t ever seemed very excited since Redstream’s death. Dapplepaw still couldn’t understand why. Why did he still grieve over the she-cat who treated him like a speck of dirt on her pelt? Was he so naive as to not notice how little love she held for him? She wanted so bad just to tell him everything she saw from their mother, the stuff he had been blind to. But she also knew she couldn’t force such things on her brother. So instead, she took on her warrior name at his side with a smile.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >

   She was named Dapplebird, and her brother Sheepcoat. She was very proud of both herself and her brother for their new rank and how hard they had trained. Blazetrail and Peonyflutter both came to them after the ceremony concluded. They also congratulated them, and reminded them of how proud the two of them were. Dapplebird and Sheepcoat both couldn’t help but feel happier with the praise, Sheepcoat more so than herself since if there was any of the two who needed such appraising words it was him. Not long after they became apprentices, a warrior by the name of Blackberrysting had left the clan. Why or where the she-cat had gone, she didn’t care. She had no connection to the cat, especially since they were willingly leaving the clan behind. This cat was one they didn’t know, so they had no reason to be concerned or care when they left.

   However, only a moon after their clan had been attacked again by the same foreign cats as before. Now, they knew these cats belonged to an ‘empire’. As well though, that Blackberrysting cat from before was back again, but this time on the enemy side! Dapplebird did not get the chance to beat that traitor to a pulp. She was too busy fighting off other empire cats. At first, she had lost her brother in the chaos. Unsure where he was as she swiped another scratch into the bloodied pelt of the empire cat she was engaged with. But, then she saw him, white coat stained with blood and engaged in battle with a smaller cat. She leapt towards the attacking she-cat when she saw they were about to land a lethal blow to his throat without him being aware of it. She pinned the overconfident she-cat down, who was caught by surprise by Dapplebird’s attack. Which gave her ample time to take the empire cat’s throat in her jaws and rip it apart. It didn’t take long, the she-cat’s body laying in shock until they finally went limp and cold.

   She stepped away from the dead body and turned to her brother to ask if he was okay. Only to be left in shock when she saw he was left on the ground too. Bleeding from the throat with claw marks raked across it. She heard her scream his name and lay over his still body. Trying to get him to stay awake, to stay with her. However, there was nothing she could do, she could only watch as her brother’s breaths slowed and eventually stopped altogether. As the tom’s body went completely limp and his eyes lost their youthful shine. By the time the battle ended and her mentor and Peonyflutter found her his body had gone cold. Blazetrail sat silently beside her as she silently cried. Peonyflutter also joined her, clutching her former apprentice’s body and shedding her own tears. Eventually though, Sheepcoat’s body was taken so he could be buried.

   From that point on, she knew what she’d do. She glared upon the cat she killed as they were taken away, and they knew what she had to do. She’d make the empire pay for their actions. She’d make sure they realize they hurt the wrong cat. She’d kill as many empire cats as it’d take, no matter how ‘innocent’ they seemed. If they were a part of the empire, they’d pay the price. She also learned from her friend Sundropsight that three kits had been taken from the nursery. Peregrinekit, Ospreykit, and Canarykit, all Thicketstar’s kits. Which only fueled her rage more. They kidnapped young kits? That only made her wish to slice open their throats more. But, she couldn’t do that now. She had very little to go off of now, so they could not just go charging out recklessly and hope they find an empire cat. They’d wait patiently for the time to strike, her anger will not be quelled easily.

   Thankfully, three moons after the attack the kits were eventually rescued. But many other things happened as well. There had been a parley between the empire and their clan, though they had not participated. While it would have been a good way of getting information, she didn’t think she could handle being in a place with the empire and being forced to be friendly to them. A patrol of cats who had been investigating the rogue shroud came back in not the greatest condition. Blizzardshroud and Harenose were in the medicine den for their injuries. As well though, an empire cat was brought back to camp as a prisoner. They were very badly injured, she’s surprised but happy that they are alive. It means they could use the empire cat as a bargaining chip or for information. Dapplebird often volunteered to guard the cat. As she knew she would never let them escape. After what the empire did to her brother and kidnapped young kits, she’d make sure all of them paid.