Jaxon Frossin Borealis



7 years, 10 days ago


Jaxon Frossin Borealis

The Bear Wolf

The Bear-Dad

The Frostin Warrior



Name▸Jaxon Frossin Borealis

Alias▸ Jack

Nicknames▸ Bear, Dad, Warrior, Bear-Wolf, Giant, Smiles, Cackles, Frostin Warrior

Gender▸ Female

Pronouns▸ They/Them

Species Artic x Mackenzie Valley x Great Lake Wolves

Orientation Asexual

Birthday▸ Octobor 10th (2016)

Personality Type▸ Entertainer (ESFP-A)

Occuption▸ Wanderer

Status▸ Unknown

Theme▸ Pinkzebra 'Larger than Life'



The most noticeable trait for Jack, is her happy attitude. It shows upfront through her smile, laughter and all-round social behavior toward others! Never seems to be grumpy, but just wants to laugh and have fun! However, this is genuine happiness. She is not hiding a 'deep sadness,' or using this happy as an act to hide her 'true self,' she is legitmently happy. Growing up in a loving family-- there isn't much to be bitter about. Sure, Jack has a few touchy subjects, but she doesn't let that tie her down forever. 'Smile for me, smile for yourself.'


Jack and androgynous appearance, making it difficult to tell whether they are male or female. However, they do lean more on the male side, as their appearance is more massively gruff then a lassy. They have quite a lot of muscle, making them heavy, and strong-built! However while they have mass, that doesn't mean their height doesn't fall behind, because their legs are quite long having them give long smooth strides over. It's rather easy to get over objects. Their size grew upon gaining the bear-totem, before they were around the same height and length as a large male wolf.

Their snout is rather long, but not 'slim,' large and blocky would be the more correct term, as two longed 'boar tusks,' stick out from their maw. It's not as large as a real board tusk, but compared to their darker fur, it quite noticeable. Their head is a more dark-ish color, and as their tusks stick out, so does their mane! It covers their forward and slides in front of their ears and fluffily spikes out, as the back slides down their neck and ends by their shoulder blades.

Large paws with elongated nails! Their foot-print is quite massive. Their tail also used to be quite large despite the wolves short-bushy tail, however since gaining the bear-totem their tail shortened to regular-sized, but extremely bushy, and thus curves to a sickle-like posture. Not only their tail shrunk, so did their pointy-ears, it grew more smooth and rounded, barely maintaining a slight point anymore.

They have a winter-like appearance, being white and gray! Though their gray is more on the cool-side, looking as if it was a tint of blue in it. Their body looks as if the main coat is a blue-ish gray while the white slowly covers it like a winter storm. Though the most noticeable markings would be the 'crackling' effect they maintain on their legs, and going up the body. This is due to a rather rare mutation, as they have piebaldism! If it wasn't for their long fur, instead of having sharp-corners the markings would look like circles. If upon looking into their skin, the circles will be seen! The piebaldism is only at the legs and more toward the back end, as it travels to the rear and ends there.


Mother▸ Cordie

Father▸ Kalluk

Sister (1)▸ Koyot 

Sister (2)▸ Unknown

Sister (3)▸ Unknown

Brother (1)▸ Aburn

Brother (2)▸ Unknown

Adopted Daughter▸ Jonas Ramses Borealis


"Jack Frost, we need you."

The day when another was to be brought in the world, the two present heard these words whispered by the harsh wind that the blizzard brought to the land. The whisper shocked the two, and frightened them as they could not tell where it came from. There was not another presence in sight, and only the two's figures could be seen.

When the newborn pup was brought, the words were whispered, and they assumed that these words carried by the wind, was meant for the little one. 'Jack Frost,' was whispered, but with the noises outside of their cave, they were not able to hear it correctly, and thought it said something else. 'Jaxon Frossin.' These destined words were for toward the pup, and thus the name was given! Though together with their last name, in came together into Jaxon Frossin Borealis.  Though, one thought they heard differently. They heard the words of 'Jack Frost, we need you.'

Though they still don't really know, whether it was just a trickey of the wind, or someone, maybe something had given them these words. But only these two, would heard. The elder sister of the female pup, and the mother who was getting weaker, and weaker.. The father was out of sight, as he was determined to find food for them all. They couldn't live on in the harsh snow storm without food. But sadly, he would not return, as the father was frozen to death searching for prey for his family. The mother as well, slowly perished as her health dropped from giving birth in these harsh circumstances. She could not hold on, anymore. Thus, remained two.

Koyot, or her nickname Koi, was the first litter of the two parents who just perished. Cordie and Kalluk, were an old couple who had two litters. Koi was apart of a little of four, and Jaxon, was the only pup from the second litter. They were a 'Pack' in a way, but it only consisted of their family, as the group traveled the lands and sought adventure. But, the parents let the siblings go where they thought was their destiny, and soon three had left, and only Koi stayed with their parents.

But she knew, where one of the siblings was. A newborn pup in a snowstorm without milk, would not survive. Her brother, Aburn, had chosen the pack-life. The family took a small detour a while ago to visit him, and see how his life was going. The reason he chose a rather large Pack, was due to the fact he had fallen in love with one of the dames in the Pack and was determined to win her over. When the family visited, they were madly in love, and with pups. It was convenient for the moment, almost as if it was made for this exact moment. Though during the time, Koi did not care about that, as she needed to quickly bring her younger sister over.

She had to weight for a bit for the storm settle down just a bit, but the pup was already thin and looked sickly. Koi dashed out with the pup and quickly ran to where her brothers Pack was. Of course, seeing a stranger enter their camp, they were extremely hostile, but did not attack, seeing the ball of fur being carried within her mouth. She wanted to explain her situation, saying she needed help, but of course, they told her to leave.
Almost turned away, her brother came to the rescue explaining that this is his sibling, and she most likely came to visit. The others, watched with wary eyes, but their hostility lessened, and Aburn approached, looking at the new pup, "Who?"

Koi explained that this is her sibling, and their parents, sadly passed, and that is the reason she was not with them. But Koi, did not seem as if she cried. She had a strained smile, while Aburn had a silence of mourning, and took a few deep breathes so he would not cry in front of his Pack. On attempting to speak, his voice cracked just a bit, and he needed to breathe a bit more, "Yet you still smile as ever."

They brought Jaxon to his mate, who was a bit cautious over the new pup. She looked sickly, and smaller then she actually was, Noelle didn't want her other pups infected, just in case she really was sick. Though seeing her mate like that, she could not simply say no. The damsel separated her pups and this small one, so they fed at separate times till' Jaxon showed a more promising health. Koi, who was afraid that this unknown sister-in-law would neglect her new sister, watched each time. Caused a bit tension between the two.

But of course, being a stranger, she could not stay forever and was eventually called out but Aburn, to meet with the Alpha. They discussed a compromise, that Koi and Jaxon would be able to stay, as long as Koi would do jobs for the Pack. She would help hunt, gather herbs, be a babysitter, groom the old, etc etc. Though since she was staying for two, double the job, double the stress. It's a question on why Koi would do this for a little sister. But suppose, all because she is what is left, of the parents that raised her.

Koi did many jobs, and in-between would visit Jaxon, or her 'little frostling,' and do small conversations before taking off. She'd leave with simple words, 'don't forgot to say thank you to that lady!' 'your smile is shines brighter then the morning snow,' 'laugh!' 'pain pain, go away, come again another day...' And when it came time to sleep, she'd tell small stories despite being tired, Koi would slip in a story she made-up to make sure Jaxon goes on the right path. She was a believer that the environment raises them, and she wanted to raise her sister in a kind, and loving environment.

Her favorite story is most likely 'The fool.' It's about a wolf who loves to play tricks on others, and would often get in trouble. The wolf would laugh at off, then flee from the scene! The wolf would laugh at everything and grin even when being lectured-- but there was a reason why the wolf did it. The wolf, compared to others did not have talents, and was embarassed when they messed up. Instead, they learned to laugh instead of feeling down! But what Koi told them was, they took it the wrong way. They thought their pranks, or so they thought.

Her favorite story is called 'The Fool.' It was a wolf who loved to play tricks on others, and would laugh at their misery. Often got in trouble, and many, many lectures! The story ended that the wolf would use their pranks to help save the Pack by using their pranks to block a raiding team of humans! Tricked them into falling in a hole! They thought their skill was in pranks, but in truth they are intelligent, and their intelligence shown through their skills of trickery. Anytime the story would be re-peated, Koi would change how they did the pranks to make it more exciting for Jaxon. But in the end, she'd always tell the frostling what 'the fool' did wrong. The fool would laugh at others, because for once they failed. The wolf was saddened by the factor wasn't as good as the rest, and they'd laugh at them, and thus they wanted to laugh back! What they should've done was laugh together. Laugh at the fact they made a mistake, but learn from it! Smile and laugh at your mistakes!

Upon growing, she became extremely healthy, loud and lovable. She loved to play and run around! Get filthy in the mud! Jaxon always tended to go first, she was bold and fiesty. Though sometimes resulted her getting hurt! Which worried Koi, but the pup would always laugh at her dramatic reaction to the smallest scratches.

Though Jaxon started to get into fights with others, as they grew jealous over popularity. The pup was the one who would start the fights, by attacking first. They would simply say a few words and she'd attack. She wasn't really sure how else to respond to it, besides violence as seen through others. Though of course, each time Koi had this... Smile that the pup found extremely unpleasing. It was a feeling of regret, but she had no idea at the time, and continued! Before she knew it, the smile was gone, and there was just a tired wolf, who blamed herself for this.

"A smile and a laugh, is the strongest weapon."

A group of wolves attacked them, thinking they could take over the territory. During this moment, Jaxon, Koi, Aburn, Noelle and her pups were corned by two wolves in their den. They couldn't get assistance as the others were defending off the other intruders, though despite having three grown-ups, and one older teen, only one defended. Koi.

"I can fight!" Jaxon argued as Koi kept pushing her back, getting distracted from the fight. She did not want her little frostling to get hurt, as she was having much difficulty. The two wolves seemingly enjoyed doing this, and acted as if it was a game, "Why aren't you helping!" She would scream at Aburn, who eventually started to hold her down with his shaky paws.

She watched in horror as her dear sister was being badgered around like a toy. She was angry at the coward- Aburn who held her down with his shaky paws, and seemed too frightful to help. She was ashamed of him, and detested the fact she couldn't help. A glare toward the enemies, as they just looked over and snickered over the scene, enjoying.

'If I was stronger.'

'... We can make you stronger,' when the thought of wanting to get stronger emerged, so did this unison of voices, which surprised her. Though only for a moment, as Jaxon could no longer care for these unknown words as her sisters body, was thrown to the side. Due to this, Aburn's grip loosened, letting Jaxon dash out to tackle these, villains.

Though, being a young wolf with no strength, they tossed her aside like a rock. She cursed the fact she could do nothing to help her dear sister, the one who raised her, loved her. A friend, a family member, she was like the mother Jaxon couldn't meet during this lifetime. She could not stand, the fact that she couldn't protect those close to her. But someone who was counted as family, dare not to even attack. 'Coward.'

The howl of the Alpha could be heard, but their Alpha, not the enemies. Upon hearing this, the two turned tail and ran. This is due to the fact the Alpha's fought each other, if one howled, that would mean the enemy was defeated. It was reckless to stay without a leader, even if the did win the battle-- there was no one to lead them, or guide them in case the previous pack returned.

Jaxon quickly scrambled up to go forward toward Koi, who was breathing slowly, and covering the ground with red liquid. Her chest felt heavy as she stepped toward her sister. Her throat feeling tight as she chocked back the tears, because all her life, she was sheltered from the pain of death. The hardships of losing another. Koi, however faced this. She faced watching others die, including their parents.

"Koi, Koi... Please, please."

She knew Aburn was afar, watching this scene with his own /family,/ but right now, she didn't even want him near. She almost was about to turn on him, and call out on why he didn't help. He had strength! He could have! He should have.. But upon hearing the moan of Koi, the thought was gone, as her nose was pressed on her shoulder.


Her voice sounded weak, and due to this large, blue teardrops were slowly dropping down. The emotions on seeing this could no longer be detained, and she slowly weeped while hearing her sisters soft, slow weakened voice. Was it due to the relief of her sister being alive? Or did she know, what was to come? Even she, did not know during the moment.

"Don't cry, my little frostling."
"I'd like to see.. Your smile."

A smile would not come, she could not handle the words, and only shook while her head pressed against Koi.

"You can't?"
"My little Jaxon..."
"My.. Jack Frost."
"The name, even the winds spoke when you were born."
"Jack Frost, we need you.."
"Jack Frost, I need you.."
"I need you to smile for me."
".. I need you to smile, for yourself."
"Use that smile, my frostling.."

She uttered the last words. 'Use that smile, my frostling.' She watched her sisters breathing go slower, and slower. Her body, becoming colder. She didn't want to face, the fact of this dear, was dead.

Jaxon stood by the now buried Koi. A dirt pile with a stick on top was before her, as the one-year old wolf, had her head down in mourning. Though, from the corner of her mouth, was a slight smile. Eyes closed, with the smallest smile that she presented before the grave, as she could not present it before the dying Koi. This was her smile, for her sister, "I'm smiling."

Behind was Aburn, who had his head hung down even lower then Jaxon. He seemed as if he wanted to say something, but before he could, she would talk,

"I'm leaving."

"I'm leaving this land." And after that, he didn't say anything either. Even when she begun to leave, in the opposite direction of their camp, he stayed in silence. She knew he felt regret, and during those moments she hoped he felt regret. She... Had a hatred for someone, for the first time. For her brother, out of all people. And she did not want to face him, who was a coward, and could've prevented their sisters death.

He was no brother of hers.

Jaxon had a sister, named Koyot. And for her, she'll smile and laugh.

Jaxon's story continue where she travelled the lands, smiling and playing with others, she would help people on the way, and even be betrayed at times. But it never stopped her smile. There was a time she was called the 'Frostin Warrior,' for she would fight for others, but that's all due to her naivety, she can help them all. The bear-wolf was always pretty naive and would help those in need, to the point she would save a pup, and couldn't bare to be torn away from it, and adopted them as her own daughter.

Her daughter and now are seperated, not due to a disagreement, or any harm, she just grew up, and wanted to live her own life. Jaxon, on the other hands continues as a 'Frostin Warrior,' as she travels the land full of smiles.


  • They are biased toward very small wolves, finding them delicate and fragile, afraid they will break if they were to touch them. For that reason handles them very delicately, and tends to treat them much easier, or one could say treats them like a father would to his 'princess.' Usually listens to them! This is due to Jack's sister, Koi.