


3 years, 6 months ago


Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 15+ (SWSH)
Birthday: February 26th (Tell a Fairy Tale Day)
Hometown: Ballonlea, Galar
Trainer Class: Ballonlea Gym Trainer | Artist

Height: 5'1"
Clothing: Dark colours with bright colours that pop, cute patterns/embroidered clothing
Accessories: Capes, ribbons
Bag: Love Balls, artists pads & various art supplies

Favorite Food:
Decorative Curry, Galarian Ponyta macaron, Morelull chocolate-coated candy, chocorooms
Favorite Drink: Berry Juice, galaxy milkshake, Sinistea and Polteageist Fruit Tea
Flower: Luminescent Lobelia
Likes: Art, graphic design, merchandise, fairytales, Glimwood Tangle, glowing mushrooms, foraging
Dislikes: Cheap art supplies
Aisling has a rather calming aura, always seeming to be at peace, especially when working on art or taking walks within her hometown or in Glimwood Tangle. 

She loves to meet and learn about new people, given that Ballonlea is a small village in comparison to the rest of Galar's towns and cities. While she loves social interaction, there are times she gets burnt out and needs to recharge often, especially after starting work at the Ballonlea Gym.

She's a bit of a worrier, often overthinking things and feeling unsure of what she wants. It can be really overwhelming at times to make important decisions, such as taking on the role of a gym trainer. She wondered how much time she would have for herself and her hobbies. Thankfully, accepting this job only made her dreams come true.

She was born in Ballonlea, a charming town where the people make their homes among the trunks of the towering trees. Aisling works as a Gym Trainer at Ballonlea's Fairy Gym.
Glimwood Tangle is wonderful inspiration for her works, so she can often be seen there, working under the glow of a mushroom.

Aisling specializes in graphic design and product design for the league, specifically for Ballonlea. She's the one who has designed the perfume lines and mists, having designed the different bottle shapes and details. She gets her Pokemon to pose for pictures and uses them as reference to draw later. 

Post-game, Aisling decides to retire from being a Gym Trainer when Opal leaves so she can travel Galar with Rhea and inspire herself. The player can find her working on art in various spots in Galar, and speak with her while she's creating.

Bede: When their gym leader decides to take Bede in and have him become the new fairy type gym leader, Aisling is bothered by this and can't help but question Opal about it. Deciding to trust her, Aisling watches as Bede's personality shifts and he becomes softer and happier. Especially when a certain new champion is around. Although her decision of leaving her position as a Gym Trainer has nothing to do with him, he wonders if he's the reason she's leaving.

Love Interest

RheaChildhood friends who grew up together in Ballonlea. Their relationship has always been rather intimate, knowing more about each other than anyone else would due to their special bond. They have magical little dates within Glimwood Tangle, sometimes camping overnight and making a yummy meal together. Sometimes they can be seen sitting together either on the roof of one of their homes or on one of the glowing mushrooms within their hometown. It was something they'd always done, even when they were little. 


Morelull ♀
Aisling had always been enamored with Morelull, and loved to see little fairy rings of them. Their shining spores and glowing mushroom caps were always so magical, and since they were dangerous, Aisling would watch from afar, doing sketches of them. It surprised her when one day, a shy Morelull seemed to have been curious of what she was doing, daring to get close and see. It became a routine, and the two grew attached to one another. She often helps lull Aisling to sleep with her spores that flicker and glow, and even being a little nightlight.

Ponyta (Galarian) ♀
While working on artwork in Glimwood Tangle, Aisling was in awe when she came across a Ponyta. She felt as though she were in a fairy tale, realizing that as they looked into each other's eyes, that Ponyta was reading the contents of her heart. Aisling felt like she was glowing with happiness when she approached her, and grew attached to one another. She notices whenever her trainer seems to have any wounds, and with a few rubs from her horn, would heal her trainer in an instant.

Hattenna → Hattrem ♀
Aisling always found Hattenna and Hattrem to be a joy to watch as they bounced around among Glimwood Tangle. Since she usually had a calm disposition, especially in the forest, she was happy when a Hattenna in particular seemed to warm up to her. She always seems to be happy and in a good mood. Rather than wanting to silence Aisling when she feels strong emotions, She wants to silence those who caused the strong emotions, causing her trainer to grow frantic and have to stop her. 

+ Originally created in 2019