


3 years, 5 months ago



I. Name
Lucifer 𝐈𝐈, Hades, Morningstar

II. Age

III. Birthday
Before sunrise between july and september

IV. Gender

V. Orientation


I. Height
14;11 feet

II. Build
Strong, slim fit//Above avarage

III. Species
Royal Devil

IV. Designer

V. Worth
$$$$ shh...


  • he inherited his 50/50 B&W skin from his mom and dad, black half from father Lucifer, and white half from mother Severina
  • eye colors are swirly! Pink eye have blue swirls and green pupil, blue eye have yellow swirls and purple pupil. The colors and eye shape comes from his father's side.
  • his hair is either let down or tied in a ponytail. While one thing that doesn't change is his shaved left half.


"ɘɿɘʜ ᗡOᎮ oᴎ ꙅi ɘɿɘʜT T̷̛͎̝̔͋͌̂̉̆̐͠ͅḩ̷̦̝͉̈̋e̶̠͓̙̬͚̓̑̎́̇̽͝r̵̡̧̪̈́e̷̡̧͇͖̠̞̠͙̪̹͊͋̿̑̀̑̌̑͝ ̵̨̱̐͊̌́̿̈́̈́̚i̶̠͐̅̌̓̅̋̀̑̎̕s̸͕̺͋̄͠͠ ̵̧̛̛̘̼̮̜̤̊͆̿̽̋͂̉̕n̷̢̩̤̒̀o̷̡͕͙͊̈́̆̌̈͛̈͊̋ ̶̡̗̹̲̱̝̫̲̼̗̀̑͂͊̆̐͘G̶̛͕̦̝̍̃͝ͅO̷̭͔͔͙̓̅͂̀̆͌̅Ḑ̴̧͙̝̜͔̥̎͛̇͒ ̴̡̧͖̏͘ẖ̷̡̡͔͓̤̥̞̒̿̇͌͆͛̌͜ͅe̴̯̤̬̫̅͛͐̇̉̌̍̄̚r̴͙̳͕͔̬͉̬̊̽̈̊́̿̆͝͝e̸̜̱̣̰͙̾̇̔̾͛̓̽̄̽"

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Friendly Reserved

Mature Immature

Timid Brave

Sensitive Rough

Lazy Diligent

Complying Stubborn

  • His hellish tournament games
  • anything involving torture, gore and blood against human beings
  • being praised and be put on the high pedestal, feeling high and mighty
  • any type of religious people
  • victims trying to cheat or run away within his games
  • misbehaving maids




Hades was born many centuries after his father Lucifer had ruled for a long time and decided he needed his own kin in case something would happen to him, and thus he met Serina, the soon to be mother of three devil children, and the first to be born was Hades.


Hades already as a child showed a lot of signs and behavior that was alike Lucifers, fussy, rebellious, and very prideful, even if he did something that was not appropriate did he simply deny it, the small kid Hades could not be wrong and never lied, he never did something wrong. This of course made his father utterly proud as he immediately saw in Hades that he would fit the ruler role as he grew older. And he did. Hades from teen years to his adult years was very demanding and foul with the maids people and people lower ranked than him, his pride of being Lucifer's son, A royalty; was something he would love to brag about and shove in peoples faces, and even up to his fully grown adult years. From his teen years and young adult years Hades was always in training to have more control of his powers, and went on lessons with his father on how to rule alongside the other princes of hell, since he couldn't start a fight against all the other rulers which Hades was pretty good at. And more lessons on how to be a great devil leader, because just sitting on the throne wasn't all, Hades was supposed to learn how to control a whole army to and prepare for war against celestials, a shock for sure for the spoiled son who thought a ruler of hell would be a easy job. But he managed. For years, up to the day when he was fully ready to take over Lucifer's position, did Hades never rest, this was something he wanted so bad, just the imagination of being a true ruler of hell was one of his guilty pleasure, and of course, when the second brother Pluto came into the picture did a rivalry between the brothers flair up, and Hades competed against Pluto to show he was the more worthy inheritor of the throne.


Hades behavior grew even more nasty, as he began to act very foul and mean towards Pluto, and would purposely hurt him to make him fail his tasks. Whatever Pluto did, was Hades always there to make sure he failed. And almost everyday did Hades threaten and beat Pluto to scare him off, even at one point he was close to killing his little brother, which Lucifer noticed in time and separated the two. Hades nasty, narcissistic behavior did not stop there however, and his ego and hatred grew even more as the third son came into the picture; Lazarus. Hades, just like with Pluto began to grow very abusive towards Lazarus too to scare him off and make sure he didn't dare to challenge Hades for the throne, and this eventually affected Pluto, who also started to behave more aggressively towards Lazarus, because he also needed to put him in place so he wouldn't get in between him and Hades rivalry. This continued for years and Lucifer decided not to engage in their fight, rather he wanted them to do this now that everyone was older grown devils. He watched them fight over the throne and who is the best son of Lucifer, something daddy Lucifer of course enjoyed to see his kin fight over his attention and his place as a ruler of hell. But of course he couldn't watch this go on forever since he decided to lend the role over to, of course Hades. The oldest, strongest, smartest and the one that is more like their father. Hades was proud, he let this feed his ego greatly which pissed his siblings off, but they did not dare now to put up a fight with him since he was in charge now and could legit do anything he wanted with them if they dared to rebel against him, while Lucifer got positioned as the devil's right hand, Hades, Pluto's and Lazarus' grandfather; Was the other remaining princes of hell busy to manage to control and figure out how Hades worked since he was far more stubborn than Lucifer when it came to certain things, but as you can see, is he still there and none of the other rulers complain about Hades today, which means, Hades finally have managed to master the ruler role, and wears the title with pride; 1st prince of hell, avatar of pride.






I. Aliases
Mad hatter, Hells jester, Mr. Sandman, Joker, Son of Pride.


III. Origin
Between the gates of heaven and hell

IV. Occupation
1st ruler of Hell, Avatar of Pride.

V. Relationship


  • Hades dislike any type of religious people/holy people, but loves to have a snack of their delicious flesh. It's a delicatess for him and can demand this type of meal often from his maids, even goes so far as to demand his personnel to slaughter them alive right before his eyes. He gets… maybe a bit too excited witnessing such cruel deeds.
  • Hades have a thing called teeth retraction. It's something that looks like IT's scary jaws, don't know what that is? Here is a few refs of it; ex. 1 ex. 2 ex. 3 Yeah you get it. Hades is pretty damn scary..
  • Hades hell is based on a hellish carnival. The carnival is used to lure in people or lost confused souls that sadly will be stuck there forever. The carnival is a place nobody get's out of as this place is Hades main hell where he punishes people or consume foolish souls who got lured by him.
  • He has a few jigsaw inspired aspects to. In his hellpark, can actually a fresh victim he has grabbed to hell(not a soul but living human) play puzzles and games to get out, they of course are deadly and time limited, and he enjoys greedy humans turn against each other to save their own lifes. I don't need to explain this further since I assume many know what the SAW movies are and know about the deadly puzzle games, the gane plots and such, only difference are they are trapped down in hell with the devil watching them play and are surroundes by demons for guards to :^)



Pocket dimensions

Hades can create different pocket dimensions. Each demension he creates are often based within a different hell where he will toss the chosen sinner of the time; into where they belong, if they have prostituted; will he throw them into a pocket realm where the "whore" would be fucked by greedy lusful devils for eternity. So you can imagine how the other hellish pocket realms would be. One of each is for a specific sin. At times, can he also throw them into one of the other rulers' hell dimemsions, Just to watch his fellow companions torture them for fun. The pocket realms are just one of the more advanced powers Hades possesses. Even if this power is mostly something he uses for his work, so can it still be used in combat, Hades have, let us say he have many aces up his sleeves and hades using the dimension power in a fight? Yeah, i guess you knew what i meant He is a blood loving psycho who cause manslaughter within minutes only with that power, but if you're smart enough just keep away from Hades when he begins to get annoyed or pisssed

Reality Warping

Hades can create, shape, break,heal and manipulate reality such as overwriting, erasing, rewriting reality the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, just by thinking about it or snapping his fingers. now don't forget he is a powerful being, And these reality warps he can make would also mean he would hunt you, and use your weakness to trap yourself within your own nightmare, that's now all alive.. Alive, living, breathing, and bloodthirsty, on their way to hunt you down. These are not as fake and safe like Hades make it seem like when explaining his powers. He says this to someone as a way to manipulate and make you feel safe, When in reality all he just wants is to have fun and murder you. So, just keep away from this man no matter how hot or charming he is, don't, and I repeat do.NOT interact with this man GO. AWAY, be safe!


  • Weather nor different biomes does not weaken him, he is just as strong in water just as he is on land
  • Hades is an magician! This ability to create illusions is a powerful thing to possess, it confuses all kind of races here on earth and Umbra., Wanna see what he got up his sleeve?
  • Believe it or not but duuh, he is the Devil's grandson and like the devils family, anyway! Blood sacrifices with humans and animals do empower Hades and his family.


  • Intense blinding lights
  • Anything that would count as holy weapons, salt circles work too to keeo him out
  • Excorsicm priests and priestesses.





Grim and Hades met by accident when Hades' more extroverted dumbass flirty duplicate ran off and ran into Grim. He fell in love at first sight of her and immediately began to flirt and pester her all around her library. This flirty feeling and the feeling of a crush was.how the real hades managed to track them down. Once the real Hades arrived at place did only chaos break out. He took back his duplicate and sneered at the dark priestess; Grim. Also now feeling what his duplicate felt but stronger. This of course sent Hades into a rude bitch mode manner and he and Grim began to fight. It ended with running away from Hades, and Hades constantly teleported behind her. This day ended with more yelling, pushing, fighting and suddenly Hades gave Grim the best kiss she could ever get from a demon….. and got flustered and kicked Hades between his legs and ran back home from hades to hide over what the hell she just did and the confusing what happened?! Why did he kiss me?! And from that day and forward up to the present day/nowadays are Hades and Grim Married and have 3 children; Ghamma, Ghino, and a baby daughter they are expecting soon. And Hades does not regret anything. If there is one thing Hades has been taught just being around Grim, is what true love really is, and he will do anything for his dark queen and mother to his children. He would walk over corpses just to have her, feel her, kiss her, and of course the best, make love to the woman he LOVES. Hades is overprotective of Grim so don't even try to fight the Morningstar and Mancjester fam, just saying


First born son

Morbi Hades and Ghammas relationship is quiet up and down since Ghamma is that one child who rather keeps to himself or being around Grim. Ghamma is a mama' boy and will also get fiesty and growl at Hades if he gets close to Grim. Ghamma and Hades have had some nasty fights that Grim would break up with because she is aware of the power and how aggressive and deadly fights between devils can be. She wouldn't get that mad at Hades since she knowns it's what runs within their DNA, but she will still scold Hades and be mad as fuck, because she is a worried mama bear and dosn't want anything to.happen to Ghamma since how easy it is for Hades to whoop his ass, and vise verse, Ghamma can hurt Hades badly too and she don't want that..


Second born son

The story of the relationship between Hades and his 2nd son Ghino already begins at the moment he was born. When Ghino came into the world where he was just a few breaths away from dying, something sevelry within his body that they still don't know how it happened still up to this day. Ghino's blood had somehow been drained on the inside and no one understood how that happened since they could not find anything nor proof of weapons involved, wounds, nothing. Grim was a strong woman who stayed by her sick sons side day in and day out at the hospital as they had moved him into the emergency care and put a needle in from a drop to transfer new blood into him. Skipping forward to Now when Hades only Lives with Ghino down in hell in his.house is because, it would show later when Ghino reached his teens was he suffering from bloodlust, so the day he were born and the bloodlust was caused by himself as ghino had somehow manages to drink his own blood, and there were no signs of teeth penetrating his skin, but he managed somehow. Hades and Grim decided for Ghino to live down in hell since he had become too much up in the human realm. He wrecked his mother's library, chased and hunted customers, was way too aggressive towards anything and anyone who crossed paths with him or if a customer insulted his mother. So it was a good idea and Ghino loved it. Instead of breaking his parents' stuff he has a hall to train in, and an inside and outdoor gym, anything so he could relieve himself. Ghino is very close to Hades and will help him out anytime he can or is allowed too, and also because hades and some of his phobia friends are strong enough to overpower Ghino if he gets a bloodlust rampage. It has happened before and it happens often due to his blood disease. Not that Hades minds it, as long as his son is safe and happy to be around hades, well that's enough seeing how much Ghamma loves him- yeah it feels magical to be the favorite parent!