Eamon (Anathema)



3 years, 3 months ago



  • pronouns he/him
  • species suid
  • background wild mage
  • age 48
  • height 11 hh

 he's lying on his back 
amIDST nettles and stones
Agús fagaimid siúd mar atá sé



In folklore, the merrow is depicted as a mage-like creature from the sea, with the
lower half of a fish and the face of a beautiful woman. They often lure sailors to
their death -- or worse, marriage -- with just their soft voices and gorgeous faces.

The men of the species couldn't be so lucky, and have to find other ways to get by.

Meet Eamon O'Mara, partner at the Beggar & Flagon Tavern and
the worst mermaid you've ever seen in your life



  • Eamon is a gross pig! He's leery, sweaty, inappropriate and generally hard to be around. He's the slightly damp guy trying to buy you a drink at the bar, and even worse, he's in the band.
  • Eamon's sin is envy. He covets. He has a complex about aesthetics, being acutely aware that he's not as beautiful as most sea-bound mages but also drawn to beauty. Instead of admiring it from afar and working with what he's got like an adult, he takes it as a personal slight from the universe and acts out accordingly. 
  • Eamon will sleep with anybody. One of his most successful rackets is using his music magic to "set the mood" in a venue, picking a mark, then "charming" his way into their house and stealing from them while they sleep. A real Casanova.
  • Eamon doesn't like you to know he gives a shit about anything, but if there's one genuine passion he can't deny, it's music. During his time at sea, he collected sheet music from all over Ritha, and his lute is never far from his back. If you have a musical skill he's never seen before, he's keen to hear you do your thing without irony.
  • Eamon can't spell, he doesn't want to learn how to spell, and if you try to teach him, he will ignore you.
  • Eamon is a real pain in the ass until you ask him for help. He's a surprisingly patient teacher and shares what knowledge he has without the smugness you might understandably expect.
  • Eamon is an entertainer. A latent desire to be wanted and liked exists under the surface of his irreverent exterior, and it shows the most while he's front and center with his guitar in hand (or hoof). He knows how to work a crowd, and though he may complain about tired set lists and old fan favorites, he finds fulfillment in making people sing, laugh and dance along.
  • Once you earn Eamon's loyalty, it's forever. If you take a chance on him or make him feel invested in, your reward is an intensely ride-or-die friend who will show up when you need him. To Eamon, this is what really matters -- integrity over niceness.

[370 words]


  • Eamon was born in a seaside fishing hamlet in the delta just South of Faline, where most of the sparse population were hippocampus or mages with other ties to the sea. His father, presumably one of the non-mage sailors who frequently made a stop before setting out to trade in the Mirror Bay, was long out of the picture, never having been in it in the first place. His mother's hippocampus body and siren magic bred true, though she felt little affection for her son and balanced the cost of raising him by putting him to work. This was a common story among the people of the village, where life was a long, cold chore except for those few precious moments one spends drinking warm brew, bedding a warm body, or singing a warm shanty.
  • He found his voice and learned to play the lute and at a young age, soon finding that playing for a crowd was the only time he'd get any positive attention. He became quite the showman, though his mother and employers on the docks resented what they viewed as a self-important streak leaning toward delusions of grandeur. Eamon was regularly reminded that he had nothing exceptional to offer the world, and that he would do well to look in the mirror for a reality check before getting back to work. He would live in this village and grind fish into it until he died, just like everyone else. In truth, he didn't disagree. But it was fun to play the big fish for a time.
  • Eamon was never good with money, and with not much goodwill to sustain him, there came a day when the docks wouldn't pay for his room or his grog. It was then that he set out for Faline proper with his lute on his back in the pursuit of coin. Eamon loved the capital; it brimmed with possibility, and it stimulated each and every one of his senses. Maybe if he had tried in earnest to make an honest living as a simple musician, he'd have found stability and made a permanent life there -- but lacking certain blessings of countenance or manner, he had never found honesty or simplicity particularly lucrative. Eamon used his siren song to lower the guard of wistful and insecure audience members in pubs across the city, entering their homes by way of their beds and leaving before the sun rose with the most valuable of their belongings. This racket was pretty successful, and it afforded him all manner of luxuries that he purchased with the irresponsible, gaudy taste of a pig who'd never known a luxury before. 
  • Of course, it was only a matter of time before Eamon seduced the wrong mark, putting law enforcement on his trail. He was forced to leave the city, losing every single one of his belongings but the hat and lute he left home with. Tail between his legs, he returned back to the village in the delta to find that his mother had died while he was gone, unable to get a hold of him to inform him of his meager inheritance. The best of it was her home, a stone shack on the shoreline that had never been much but had fallen into complete disrepair while it lay unclaimed. Eamon moved in without doing much to make it livable, and he took up the lonely fishmonger's life for which he'd always been destined, finding the occasional memory of his Faline days in a song at the inn or the arms of someone desperate.
  • Eamon lived for nearly a decade in his mother's shack, keeping few but a colony of cats for company who tolerated him for the fish he fed them. It was then, when he had resigned himself to such a life, that a set of distinctive red sails appeared, coming up the delta and directly approaching his stony outcropping. Out of it stepped a beautiful, long-haired mage who pulsed with raw power and spoke broken Ivratian. She introduced herself as the captain of the ship Trespasser, and asked him to feed her hungry crew for a sum of gold. Being quite a passable cook (particularly with seafood and marine vegetation), Eamon pushed past his befuddlement and obliged her. Determining that he was a far better cook than the one she had on board at present, the captain invited Eamon to join her crew and work in her galley. Her delight only grew when she learned that he was a bard, and could entertain her sailors even better than he could feed them.
  • Eamon served on the Trespasser as one of its most loyal continuous crew members, fighting fiercely for the captain who had seen something in him and given him a chance at greatness. He traveled with her across the continent of Ritha and beyond, plundering merchant ships for untold treasures both mortal and magical. He taught the captain to be more fluent in Ivratian, but at the same time, she taught him how to operate as a more functional and empathetic member of society than his isolated mage upbringing afforded him. Crudeness toward women was not tolerated on the Trespasser, nor was jealousy or bad-faith gossip. He became indebted to this powerful mage and glued to her side, though he knew the strength of his feelings were as easy to underestimate as his insight was to ignore. 
  • After nearly half a lifetime of service on Trespasser, Eamon was present for her final, tragic chapter. She had been hired as an escort for another pirate captain, Brass Buckler of the Clinkscales, on a lengthy voyage to the North. It was during this time that Eamon met Gore Prothero, Buckler's quartermaster, and struck up an unlikely friendship with them based on a mutual distrust of their captains' alliance. The distrust wasn't without merit: at the end of the journey, the two captains had a violent falling-out, leading to an unstable period on Trespasser marred by erratic choices that were hard for her crew to understand. As her longtime cook, bard and friend, Eamon attempted to level with the captain and tell her that her crew was afraid of her. Unfortunately, the captain was beyond the point of no return on the matter, and Eamon had cried wolf one too many times over pettier concerns than this one. Trespasser's captain brought her into the wrong magical conflict, which ended in the total destruction of the ship and the deaths of nearly every crew member who couldn't breathe underwater.
  • Having lost his beloved captain, all of his friends, and what was undeniably the greatest job of his life, Eamon once again found himself adrift. He washed up -- his hat and lute once again his only worldly possessions, along with a hefty sum of recovered gold -- in the port of Faline, which had fortunately forgotten his crimes after all his years away. He took to panhandling and playing pubs, the last incredible decade of his life beginning to feel like a story he'd invented. That was until his old friend Prothero stumbled upon him hustling for gold. He hadn't known them to be particularly inviting or generous with their space, so when Prothero invited him to stay in their house while he got back on his feet, he was surprised. Once again attaching himself firmly to someone who stuck their neck out for him, Eamon developed a friendship with and deep regard (maybe too deep) for this person who insisted on making themself difficult to know.
  •  Prothero also introduced Eamon to their longtime friend and business partner, Marie-Victoire Tromel, partial owner and madam of the Beggar & Flagon tavern and bordello. Offering his services as a house musician and tavern cook, Eamon entered into the business with the two. Upon learning that Eamon had recovered a significant amount of gold from the wreck of the Trespasser, Vivi started to show a more personal interest in him as well. Eventually, she beat him at his own game by plying him with alcohol and conning him into marriage (and a joint bank account). Despite regular threats to divorce her, he's never made the moves to do it, and if you catch the two of them in the right moment, you might say they were actually in love.

Eamon can now be found in Faline, most frequently at the Beggar & Flagon Tavern.

[1,401 words]


Power 04
Cost 01

While Eamon may not be much to look at, he has a hauntingly beautiful singing voice that can shift the mood of an entire room. While this is hardly mind control and is easily overcome by those with any amount of willpower, those who are already susceptible due to their state of mind (or drunkenness) can have their emotions swayed. If they're tired enough, this power can even lull someone to sleep.
This power is amplified when accompanied by an instrument.

Free Shapeshift: As a pig hippocampus, Eamon also has an ocean form lol
Cohuleen Druith: Eamon cannot enter his ocean form to completion without his stupid hat.


  • Magic Use Fatigues the Caster: Performing a song with magical effect does make him tired. The less Eamon's heart is in the song, the less likely it is that it will have any mood-altering effects at all.


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