


3 years, 5 months ago




age 24 moons (2 years)

Gender male (he/him)

Orientation bisexual



Affiliationcolony of the mire



Named for both of his maternal grandparents, Dappletuft is fascinated by his family history and grew up on stories of the Town cats and their leader and his grandmother, Lady Honeytuft. This caused some issues for him at a young age as his desire to get to know the Town cats more often put him at odds with Lady Lakenight and there was even a period of time where he was suspected of giving up information to the rival Colony, until it was revealed that Hazeldust was the culprit. 

Upon becoming a Ranger, however, Dappletuft was able to prove his loyalty to the Mire and his family by saving a group of Novices from an attack mounted by Jayfern. As a result, he is well-respected and admired despite his bumbling nature.


MOTHER: Pearbear - Is enamoured by his mother and enjoys stories she tells him of her past and of his relatives in the Colony of the Town. 

FATHER: Echolight - Very proud of his father and takes after him very much in personality, doing his utmost to aid him in keeping his sisters and wayward brother in check.

SIBLINGS: Dandelionstripe - Respects her as his Knight, though he is not above playfully mocking her and exchanging jokes when he should be taking things more seriously. 

Pearpounce - Was devastated when she was injured and did his utmost to protect her and make her comfortable under the circumstances. He would also take over from his mother and tell his sister stories whenever things became too much. The glue who held things together, in other words.

Drizzlebright - Is often thrown by her temper and does not understand her coldness towards their mother. Ultimately decides to stay out of it, however.

Showerspike - Tries his best to get along with him but knows that he is deemed a useless idiot by his half brother. 

MENTOR: Rainshadow - Despite objections from his mother, Lady Skyshine named Rainshadow as Dappletuft's mentor, hoping that the relationship between the two would keep Rainshadow more grounded. It was through his mentorship to the irresponsible Ranger that Dappletuft came to understand Showerspike's more troublesome tendencies and hence why he is the only member of his family besides Pearbear who truly makes an effort.

code by jiko