


3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Arcas Chanterelle




Male (he/him)




Merchant Prince


Ydella Chanterelle (adopted sister & bodyguard)


Unicorn, from the Re'ëm Circle


charismatic, impatient, arrogant, flirtatious, cunning, shameless, simultaneously clever and foolish, obsesses over his hair


if you bring up the mushroom he WILL get mad. do not bring up the mushroom


"I can get you powdered unicorn horn. Totally legit. Great for powerful potions, and an even more powerful aphrodisiac~ Oh... you think I would take it personally, and not sell such a thing? Come now, I am a man of business first and a Unicorn second, my friend~" He then proceeds to sell them chalk powder with bits of sugar in it.

Arcas was raised by his nature loving parents. Trees and flowers are great and all, but he was much more intrigued by the traders who occasionally passed through. Living on a peaceful island paradise may sound like heaven to some, but to Arcas there was no greater bore. This land was quaint and friendly, everyone lived pretty much as equals, which meant there was no power to be gained here. Occasionally Arcas ran small business scams, such as an all natural horn enhancing tea-- which was a huge hit, actually, before he was caught and forced to give refunds for selling grass in teabags. He also sold faulty new year lanterns which caused a pretty serious fire one year, thankfully those involved only experienced minor injuries. Hungry for wealth, influence, and intrigue, Arcas simply left on a trader boat at 15. Worried for the trouble her oaf brother would most certainly get himself into, his elder sister Ydella followed after him after a tearful goodbye with her family. Since then, Arcas has grown as an entrepreneur and businessman, and is caught for his schemes far less often than he was as a child. He prefers to travel frequently and has multiple homes across Passionitia, or will simply stay with some of his affluent friends. While it's true he has many friends, he has just as many enemies due to all the crooked business he conducts; not to mention the sheer number of spurned lovers he leaves behind. Ydella is constantly by his side, his vigilant guardian. People often underestimate her since Unicorns are seen as typically dainty, but do NOT be fooled because this girl has blood on her hands. And fists. And horn.