


7 years, 2 months ago


“I can’t let them down…”

Takeshi Yamamura

Age: Around Kakashi’s age

Height: 5’11

Village: Konaha

Elements: Lightning & Ground

Summoning Creature: Owl


Kekkei Genaki / Bloodline Trait: The static from the shield/ bubble can stun an opponent and absorb chakra from others. It is the strongest via touching, weakest from long distance.

Takeshi’s strength is in defense; He can form chakra shields / bubbles, which lightning is embedded on either the outside/inside. He can form an invisible barrier around his teammates, enemies, weapons, and on himself. With ability to manipulate the ground; he made up an ability where he combines the lightning and ground, he can form glass barriers and or shoot out/ create spikes onto shields with static.

But Takeshi is average when it comes to taijutsus and healing others, but his speed is below average.

He cannot perform sealing jitsus and Genjutsu.


Oldest twin and the tactical one. He is a calm man but enjoys random conversations with strangers on the streets. Takeshi is kind to most people since ‘everyone deserves compassion’; despite his soft nature, but isn’t gullible to lies and likes to verify information. He is very suspicious whenever new people are introduced to him or any new incomers. He is selfless, especially if the success requires it. Has a soft spot for cute animals and some people. Can easily be merciless and cold towards enemies, it’s a bit challenging for him to be like that towards people he is fond of. Takeshi may seem a bit like a pushover at first, but it takes a lot for him to get upset. He tends to be passive-aggressive whenever others push his buttons, but he will bide his anger. (Unless you’re his friend, he would either go along with it and roast you back). When it comes to revealing his feelings towards someone, he’s very oblivious about it until someone points it out. (Since Kai seems to get more attention than him).


He did not stand out a lot nor enjoys the spotlight. Takeshi spent most of his time with his twin, Kai, who was his first and closest friend. He would usually watch out for his troublesome brother, who would occasionally get Takeshi in trouble alongside with him. He spent most of his time studying and reading medical books, because he aspired to become like his mother (Medical Ninja). Kai had a tendency to style his hair like Takeshi, so that his brother would take the blame of some his disturbances. Takeshi would either be known as the trouble maker or the quiet kid in the academy.

Befriends: Kohaku, Yuu, Umeko


He finally gets to create his own reputation, far from his brother at last. He begins to socialize more and open to others. Finally stops being a pushover and begins to defend himself from others, especially from his twin. Despite that the brothers see each other for less time, they get closer and mature.

Jonin / Anbu years:

Once he joined the Anbu, Takeshi did not see a lot of his friends often and caused him to learn more about himself. The ninja decided his purpose was to help others in his free-time, so he began to volunteer at the local hospital. 

One day he was volunteering a the hospital and a fellow anbu member and leader was rushed into the E.R Little did he know, it was Umeko, his childhood friend. She lost an arm and had scars all over her body, which greatly worried him. He was assigned her caregiver and they bonded through  the time there and grew closer. He realized his strong feelings for Umeko once she got out of the hospital; He would take her out and she pointed out that this is was dates where like. Takeshi then asked Umeko if had feelings for him and it went from there.


He takes his mother’s position at the Hospital and still contributes to working to the Anbu. But whenever danger is around the corner, he is willing to go fight and or help whenever it is needed. He lives with his partner Umeko and enjoys helping her around the house.

Fun Facts:

  • Smoker
  • Loves to eat Octopus
  • Avid meditator
  • The stronger twin