Crystalspecks's Comments

May I claim this bab?

HELLO! I am offering something in my "selling" folder if you are interested to trade with me! Also I'd love to know if this is a base or not? (Banana)

I’m interested in some of them but I’m afraid they’re a bit complicated for me 😭

And the base is made by someone on Warriors Amino

I don’t have the link to it, unfortunately, but I do know the creator (hopefully their user hasn’t changed)

Oh Thats okay <3 Thanks so much for telling me, If you do know them could you tell me? And whats your amino :Oc I could follow you

They’re user is Oujieee I think ?
And mine is 24SnowBerry42 :)

Yeah no they don't exist 


I can try to find them if you’d like me to!

There’s a certain tag you have to put on the posts when using their bases

I actually just found them lol

1 Replies

I’d be interested in them! Range?