


3 years, 4 months ago


Also known as Z
Age 18
Pronouns he / him
Alignment true neutral

Profile template by Circlejourney

"Watch out before you get burned by the Z..."

Zion is going through a bit of a rebellious phase. He tries to act all angry and cool but his true personality is a bit more airheaded. He's not smart at all in anything and he doesn't know how to study. He looks up to people who are naturally stand off-ish. Other people would describe him as a follower, not a leader.


Zion was born a Shark-Blessed which is an incredibly rare alternate blessing and is said to only effect around 25 people, most of which being elderly. His whole family are just regular Blesseds, but with his birth their social standing sky rocketed. Zion was used as a child actor and model for most of his whole life with his education being, well, lacking. Zion only really knows how to read, write, and do simple math despite his age. His family used all of Zion's money without saving any of it, making the kid himself dirt poor despite his full time job his whole life. People always hold him in high regard for something he himself couldn't control at all, which has made him go on this rebellious streak.

Zion got a free ride into the Lady Lucky Academy. He assumed that he'd finally feel equal with others and they wouldn't treat him like he was some circus freak, but it was only worse. People sucked up to him in hopes to get some money or they bullied him, mocking him for his stupidity. Zion only felt comfortable around Arson, the only Devils Child at the academy or Quartz, a non-binary Black Cat, as they were fellow 'freaks'. Zion doesn't fully understand that he has it much better than the other two and will complain about his life, but the other two don't take offence.

Arson close friends
Quartz close friends
  • Always has those sunglasses on his head no matter the season
  • Incredibly gullible