


3 years, 5 months ago



art by @Azzyfree


Matriarch of lost souls


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Try to make this a summary of your character as a whole. Not everyone has time to read through profiles of characters with a lot of information, so make this section have the information you absolutely want people to know about your character.

Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna. Ut at est accumsan, pharetra erat ac, consectetur turpis. Vestibulum sit amet turpis lectus. Integer semper aliquet est. Maecenas venenatis ultrices nisl eu porttitor. Maecenas aliquam sapien eu arcu molestie maximus. Donec quam metus, tempor nec eleifend non, accumsan id metus.


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Vestibulum at sagittis quam
  • Habitasse platea dictumst
  • Aliquam sit amet ultrices
  • Aliquam ac libero nisl
  • Morbi eget magna
  • Fermentum lectus sed


  • Ut vehicula mauris gravida augue condimentum, nec viverra diam blandit.
  • Nam eleifend tellus augue, id gravida ipsum blandit vel.
  • Aliquam maximus molestie diam, at bibendum eros ullamcorper a.
  • Fusce at sollicitudin nunc, ac auctor ligula.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget.
  • Ut interdum felis at metus blandit, id ultrices arcu sollicitudin.

art by username


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Hardheaded and tough. Nohwyr doesn't take shit from anyone.


  • Aenean sollicitudin ullamcorper
  • Nec pharetra nunc iaculis quis
  • Integer mattis lorem
  • Facilisis justo vehicula
  • Donec aliquam
  • Sapien a dignissim


  • Maecenas ac augue libero
  • Quisque iaculis
  • Maecenas iaculis tortor
  • Nunc vel urna
  • Donec vel lacus arcu
  • Sed ut euismod magna


  • Vestibulum at sagittis quam
  • Habitasse platea dictumst
  • Aliquam sit amet ultrices
  • Aliquam ac libero nisl
  • Morbi eget magna
  • Fermentum lectus sed


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


art by username


  •  Hair Color   Purple 

  •  Eye Color   Gold 

  •  Skin Color   Pale Purple

  •  Height   5'8"

  •  Clothing Style   Regal, colorful 

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Nunc vel urna non libero feugiat volutpat. Donec vel lacus arcu. Sed ut euismod magna. Vestibulum iaculis est sapien, eget scelerisque neque pretium et. Maecenas vulputate vitae nisl ac sollicitudin. Sed suscipit fermentum dolor nec maximus. Integer turpis nunc, sagittis quis sem at, volutpat tempus augue. Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui.

Pellentesque semper mi tellus, a scelerisque mi blandit luctus. Nullam egestas sem urna, ac volutpat neque pharetra sit amet. Aenean a metus at sem ultrices sollicitudin et id magna. Morbi congue magna vel nisl semper viverra. Morbi et feugiat nisi. Cras cursus tellus vel tincidunt sodales

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Phasellus blandit iaculis massa vel fermentum.
  • Cras quis neque et orci varius ultrices eu ultricies lectus feugiat odio tellus.
  • Quisque urna orci, gravida a viverra ac, blandit nec ex.
  • Phasellus finibus mauris ut vulputate mollis.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Click for Reference

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Name: Relationship

Nam elit metus, commodo vitae efficitur at, pulvinar ac justo. Phasellus non mauris sed tortor ullamcorper hendrerit. Aliquam consectetur mi in consectetur convallis. Sed rhoncus ipsum a libero rhoncus, pulvinar facilisis nunc egestas.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Maecenas quam neque, tempor et semper sed, mattis sed mauris. Aliquam dictum efficitur nunc id convallis. In gravida ipsum id maximus consequat. Curabitur sed nisl ut libero condimentum fringilla.


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Name: Relationship

Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Nulla facilisi. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor. Vestibulum congue at urna et consectetur.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna.

Pre- Pact


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Nohwyr was once a young and spirited woman by the name of Minerva Weaver. She was married to a half-orc named Isran Weaver and together they had two children, a son and a daughter: Olyn and Venea. They spent ten years together with their farm. Isran was a dedicated shepard, who cared deeply for his flock. While Minerva worked the loom turning the freshly trimmed wool into thin threads and eventually into a fine fabric. Minerva loved her life on the farm, loved her husband and dedicated herself to her children but life soon became difficult for them all.

Her husband became greatly ill with some kind of disease that kept him bedridden for months, and in that time the Emir tightened his taxation of their farm.  With her husband so ill Minerva worked tirelessly to care for the sheep, her family and try to create and sell as many bolts of cloth she could to pay the rising taxes. Life was hard and becoming harder every day. She was never one to worship the gods but she soon found herself speaking them names and begging for some aid but none came.

The target of the weaver's farm wasn't some trick of fate but a tactical decision on the part of the Emir. The property sat over grounds said to once belong to the ancient temple of a forgotten gods and he longed to search it for the Volguin Ruby. Said to be an ancient artifact of incredible power and value.

Minerva had always showed promise when it came to magic. Even from a young age she was able to light a candle with the flick of her fingers, but life in Kal Altin desert was hard, and it took strength and wits not a flick of a flame to survive the harsh landscape and its people. The strength she had earned, her quick tongue and temper were of no use against the Emir and his soldiers so she tried to turn to other means to stop the Emir from stealing her husband's family land.  She was sure the Emir was poising her husband, but the town healer had no idea on how to cure it. She knew she needed power, more power than the flicker of a flame something stronger so she might cure her husband and send the Emir and his soldiers a message that this was the weavers land and they shall never take it.

So one night while her husband wheezed and shook with a fever that would surely end him. Minerva took a goat from the barn and headed to the top of the cliff that overlooked the property and sacrificed the goat to the god whos name had long been forgotten but whose temple rested somewhere on her husbands land.  To her relief the god replied. To her terror they required only one thing, her life.

"This night you will go to Emir and send his soul to the void. Once that task is done you will cure your husband with one last kiss. When you're children wake they will not recognize you, and they will ask where their mother is and you will tell them Nohwyr.

And you will leave, and never return."

Minerva didn't need them to inform her of the consequences of returning to be with her family.  She could feel it in the energy that passed between them as they spoke. Her husband would grow ill again, and the Emir would switch to drastic measures to take the farm.  As long as she give the rest of her life to this old god her family would live and she could rest peacefully knowing they were protected.  So she did what the god demanded,  each action making feel less and less like the Minerva who had started this all.

Till at last she carefully left her husband in their bedroom hoping that maybe the god would be wrong about what was to come next, but her children woke to the sound of her footsteps as the god predicted and with sleep peppered eyes asked her where their mother was. She replied "Nohwyr" gave them a hug and then left. Never to see them again.


Since joining in a pact with the void Nohwyr has had visions and dreams of the future and knows the void intends to eventually return. To cloak the world in an eternal darkness. It is not something anyone can stop, it is inevitable. It may happen the next year or in a millenium it doesn't matter when but the night will come.   So the void has made it her task to prepare the world of for the endless night.  She acts as a herald. Reminding the world that the void will come and it is cold and dark and endless. She doesn't mean it as some cruelty but as reminder do not be afraid to speak your mind for you may never get another chance.

Her adventures took her around much of the world. Falling into plots to save kingdoms from war and rescue the princess of the kingdom.

Present Day


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Fusce egestas posuere dolor nec efficitur. In at purus cursus, vestibulum magna in, vulputate sapien. Etiam dictum volutpat libero, quis maximus enim hendrerit in. Proin dignissim est ut fermentum venenatis. In vitae ipsum blandit, tempus turpis vel, vehicula urna. Donec sapien dolor, gravida vel porta quis, porta sed metus. Vestibulum pellentesque purus sem, nec facilisis metus imperdiet a. Nam varius metus vel erat mollis placerat. Aenean est turpis, maximus vitae egestas id, semper a augue. Nunc tristique velit nunc, nec consequat quam pharetra vel. Ut tincidunt nibh vel metus lobortis egestas et sit amet mi. Fusce vulputate diam nunc, eu volutpat augue vulputate id. Sed commodo scelerisque orci, ut feugiat tellus malesuada vitae. Nunc accumsan egestas lectus vel suscipit. Nam purus nibh, tincidunt non aliquet in, gravida blandit nulla. Nullam euismod dapibus nisl, ut pellentesque sapien efficitur sit amet.

Nam nec eleifend ex. Sed scelerisque condimentum eleifend. Duis hendrerit ex et ligula porta, ut vestibulum nibh congue. In consequat urna sed gravida iaculis. Cras in magna in orci dignissim semper non id dolor. Praesent cursus lobortis libero, a auctor mauris suscipit non. Phasellus at augue non ex luctus porttitor. Fusce ut ipsum id nisl accumsan pretium. Sed urna quam, euismod eu aliquet vel, ornare vel arcu. Duis ut nisi nec nisi molestie elementum.


profile html by Hukiolukio