Lark Barton



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Half Frost Giant/Half Asgardian; Mutant



Hogwarts House



Chaotic Neutral (later Chaotic Good)


Angsty/rock music, warm temperatures, dogs, animals in general, weapons, country livin'.

Eye color

Medium blue

Hair color

Auburn (with teal streak after Infinity War)



Face claim

Karen Gillan

Outstanding characteristics

Scars on face, hands, and arms; messy braid



At a first glance, Lark comes across as cold, reserved, intimidating and snarky. She masks her emotions well and doesn't let people get to her (or at least doesn't let them think they do). Outwardly, she stays detached from people, but there are a few she actually cares very deeply about. She's not affectionate, but she does show love by protecting and tending to the needs of her adopted family and friends.

Powers and Abilities

Lark's Frost Giant/Asgardian ancestry gives her the ability to shapeshift, allowing her to look like either species at will. She typically avoids using her Frost Giant form, but she'll sometimes morph back if she's extremely stressed. She has above-average strength, heightened senses, and can resist extreme cold temperatures.

Besides the powers that come with her mixed ancestry, Lark is also a mutant, though this fact is not discovered until much later. Powers from her mutation include animal telepathy; some superstrength; and heightened senses, especially her sense of smell.

She is a skilled warrior, having mastered warcraft and hand-to-hand combat with a diverse array of recurve bows, knives, swords, spears, and other weapons when she lived in Jotunheim. On Earth, she also becomes acquainted with compound bows. Bows become her weapon of choice when she takes up occasional superhero work.


Pre-Movies/Thor: Lived in Jotunheim palace with her abusive father (Laufey's brother) and her mother. When Lark's father mortally wounded her mother, Lark and her mom escaped through the Bifrost; her mom went to Asgard, and Lark went to Midgard. Lark was unaware whether her mother lived or died.

Avengers: Met Clint Barton after the New York battle. Clint offered to let her live at his farm with his family. Lark adopts the last name Barton, and is accepted into the Barton's family circle. She helps out around the farm and ends up adopting a basset hound named Benny. Despite living with the Bartons for several years, Lark mostly keeps to herself and spends most of her free time in the woods, afraid to reveal too much about herself or get too close to anyone.

Age of Ultron: Lark meets the Avengers for the first time when they hide out at the Barton farm. Tony Stark's personality rubs her wrong, but she gets along decently with Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and especially Thor. She ends up opening up to Thor and telling him about her backstory and mixed heritage. They discover that Lark is the cousin of Thor's adopted brother, Loki. Despite Lark's dislike of Loki after the New York battle, she comes to like Thor. He offers to take her to Asgard to learn more about her Asgardian heritage, as well as the fate of her mother. Lark doesn't accept immediately, but she agrees to take him up on it in the near future.

Civil War: Lark hears a lot about the Sokovia Accords through Clint and Bucky. The politics mostly go over her head, but because of her concern for her own anonymity, as well as her friendship with Hawkeye and Bucky, she sides with Cap on the issue. She is reluctant to fight out in the open, but ultimately decides to make the sacrifice to fight for her friends. She is discovered and becomes a fugitive in the process, but she doesn't regret stepping in. After the fight, Hawkeye prompts her to accept Thor's offer to take her to Asgard, where she'll be able to hide out and search for her mother until things on Earth blow over.


Infinity War:

Pre-Endgame: Lark returns with the rest of the Asgardians to earth after the snap. Once she discovers what happened, she raced to the Bartons farm to see if they were still alive. She found her entire family... and her Basset Hound... had been dusted. Shattered, she breaks down and runs into the woods, not stopping until she's miles away from civilization. When she finally stops, she finds a pack of wolf cubs whose parents were dusted. She stays in the woods for four years raising the cubs as her own pack.

Endgame: One day, while she's watching her pack eat dinner, Lark is approached by a familiar woman with black clothes and red hair... the first human she's seen in years. She recognizes her as Natasha Romanoff, who tracked Lark down to ask for her assistance in finding Clint Barton, who disappeared years earlier. Lark hadn't even realized her Clint might be alive; she'd assumed he was dusted like the others. With her pack now fully grown and prospering, Lark leaves her wolf friends and joins Nat's team to search for Clint. There, she also meets Okoye, Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, and the other remaining Avengers.


Father: Frost Giant, Member of Jotunheim royal family (Brother of Laufey). Lark's father is controlling  and abusive, especially towards Lark and her mother. Lark harbors great hatred for her father. When he mortally wounds her mother, Lark unleashes her anger for him and runs off with her injured mother. She runs away from him and escapes to Midgard, but he lives on in her nightmares and memories of him haunt her for years.

Mother: Asgardian, married a Frost Giant for diplomatic reasons (news flash: that didn't work out too well). Despite being abused, Lark's mother still finds time to nurture and care for her daughter as much as she can. In secret, she sings to Lark (called Ylva at the time) and teaches her ancient Asgardian lullabies from her childhood. She is mortally wounded by her husband during the events of "Thor," and is rescued by her daughter, who returns her to Asgard through the Bifrost. Lark, however, was not able to follow her mother, and assumed for many years that she died after being returned to Asgard.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye: Father figure. Once Clint discovers Lark after the events of "Avengers" and "Thor," she asks him not to tell the Avengers about her existence or lineage. He agrees, and offers her a place to stay at his family's secret farm. He and the Bartons are very accepting of Lark despite her initial coldness, and Clint becomes the father figure she never had. He teaches her how to fine-tune her archery skills, and she sometimes joins him on smaller missions (because shooting bad guys with arrows is a great bonding experience, I guess??). Though Clint still keeps her existence a secret until Age of Ultron.

Bucky Barnes: Best friend, later lover.

Sam Wilson/Falcon: Friend, ally, and general annoyance.

Cam Beck/Spider-Glow: Dopplegänger; little sister figure.

Prince Ardeshir: Former enemy; friend, brother figure, and general annoyance.

Loki: Lark's cousin (who she'd really rather disown). When Lark discovers that Loki is her blood cousin (son of Laufey, her uncle)... she is not happy, and she doesn't mind saying so to his face. She begrudgingly works together with him when necessary, but also doesn't put up with any of his schenanigans. After Ragnarok, though, the two of them do resolve some of their differences and actually start to get along. When Loki dies in Endgame, Lark mourns the loss of her cousin and the friendship they could've had.

Thor: Lark's adopted cousin. Unlike Loki, Lark takes a liking to Thor almost immediately. To her, he feels like a cross between a brother and an uncle, constantly teasing her and trying to make her smile or see the bright side. Spending time with Thor between Ultron and Ragnarok changes her perspective, and his optimism helps her to see the bright side of things, even when life gets rough. Their bond lasts through Endgame, and in her spare time from working with the Avengers, she helps her cousin and Valkyrie as they work to build New Asgard.

Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow: Good friend and confidante. 

Matt Murdock/Daredevil: Shortly after arriving on Earth, Lark met Daredevil and the two became part-time allies in vigilante work during her short time in New York. They often engage in moral debates; Matt believes villains deserve to live and redeem themselves, while Lark believes some would be better off dead. Despite their differences, they are an efficient team and give each other a lot to think about.

Random Tidbits

  • Her favorite bands/artists are Skillet, NF, Nickelback, Sonata Arctica, and Bring Me the Horizon.
  • She has a pet Basset Hound named Benny.
  • She doesn't sing in front of people, but she will sing hymns and ancient Asgardian lullabies to her animal friends. She has a beautiful, haunting, almost siren-like singing voice.
  • She loves the comic character Green Arrow/Oliver Queen.
  • After Endgame, she gets a wolf-themed tattoo sleeve down her right arm.