
3 years, 5 months ago


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basic information
name: LaVey
gender: Stallion
age: 6 years 4 months
sexuality: Pansexual
breed: Knabstrupper x Appaloosa x Marwari
build: Lean
physical details
height: 16 hh
coloration: Black tovero leopard appaloosa
genetics: Ee/aa/nT/nO/nLp/p1
markings: See image (there is a white spot on the booty by the tail which allows the tail to be white) - Bird Catcher Spots
mane: Black and white (there is a black spot on his body where the black part of the mane is)
tail: White
hooves: Slate
eyes: Maroon
scars None
physical health: 100%
personality depths
traits: LaVey has a very calm yet cocky attitude. He thinks he is one of the best creatures to walk the earth, honestly. He believes he is the most important being in his own life and will not allow anyone to bring him down. He is honest to the point of being an asshole about it. He does not believe in using lies to soften the truth. He will tell it like it is, every time, no matter who you are or who you think you are. He is fascinated by the darker things in life - storms, death, decay. He also likes to study herbs not only for medical uses but to learn what can be used to murder someone. He does not believe that poison is only the weapon of a woman. In fact, he doesn't really much believe in gender at all. Gender is just nonsense to him. Male, female, neither, or something else altogether - he won't judge you for what you are. Same with sexuality. He doesn't see anything in black and white. Everything is so much more than that. He knows life has so much more to offer than just light and dark. There are gray areas in every aspect of life and that is where he likes to linger. He likes to wander through the misted gray areas of life, the areas so many others try their damned hardest to avoid. He likes to test the limits of other equines, too. He wants to push your buttons and see just how far you're willing to go to survive.
mental health: 100%

history: LaVey was born into a world of extremes, where the Lights and the Dark battled one another to the death - oftentimes Kings and Queens would fall (usually do to being slaughtered by their enemies) within a year or less of being crowned. Everything was bloodshed. Everything was either Right or Wrong, Dark or Light, Good or Evil. LaVey was the result of a mare and a stallion falling in love that never should have happened. A Dark mare, one educated in the arts of poison and deceit, and a Light spiritualist who was supposed to be the one making the captured Dark mare repent for her sins and concert to the Light way. LaVey's father and mother were destined to be enemies. His father oftentimes beat his mother in an attempt to get her to repent. His mother, however, was strong - both physically and mentally. She refused to bow to her father and began using her deceitful ways to plant seeds of doubt in his father's mind. One thing led to another and the two fell for each other. There was no hiding when the mare became pregnant, and there was no denying who the father was. LaVey's father was exiled from the lands and his mother was kept as a prisoner, only kept alive because she was pregnant. It was planned to execute her upon the birth of the child.

But the love story does not end there. You see, LaVey's father came back for her. He fought for her. He killed for her. The brute found his way back to the woman he so dearly loved and aided in her escape - and from this land of Rights and Wrongs, the mismatched pair fled. They never stopped running, paranoid that they would be found. They stopped just long enough for LaVey's mother to give birth to the maroon-eyed colt. They gave him a couple of days to find his feet before they continued onward. They disowned their alliances, claiming themselves to be Unaligned, and that is what LaVey decided to call himself as well. He did love his mother and father, still does, but there comes a time in a young boy's life where they must venture off into the world on their own and that time came when he was four years old. With his parents' blessings, LaVey began his own journey. A new chapter in his life. After two years, he found himself at the entrance of Wild Equines and it is here he has, for now, decided to stay.
family bonds
Mother: bay leopard appaloosa - EE/Aa/nLp/p1p1
Father: chestnut tovero - ee/aa/nO/nT
siblings: None
extended family: None
children: None
social ties
herd: None
rank: None

mate: None
interactions: None

stolen by: None

steals made: None

battles won: None

battles lost: None
additional information
actions: c32148
voice: ffffff
muse: Medium
playlist: None
Reference by Pippin-143