Sylveas LaRue (✧*̥˚ questionnaire *̥˚)



What is their favourite colour? pastels are generally sylveas' jam, but his absolute favorite color is periwinkle!
What is their favourite food? quiche lorainne; it's a savory french tart typically made with eggs, bacon, and other goodies mixed in!
What is their favourite animal? relatively basic answer, but sylveas would like dogs as a whole. especially dogs that have a lot of energy, since he has lots of energy himself!
Are they religious? not really, no! sylveas doesn't really ponder the concept of higher beings that often.
What are their hobbies? archery, taking walks in gardens, hunting for sport, horseback riding, partying, reading up on flowers, travelling
Do they have any health conditions? nope! sylveas is fit as a fiddle
What is their greatest accomplishment? well, in the fantasy-adjacent of france, sylveas became the head diplomat of the country and brought peace to many nations, including his own; that's not just something anyone can do, lol
What is their dream job? unsure about the specifics, but sylveas would love to work somewhere that focuses on the community, providing help wherever they can to those in need
What’s their favourite genre of music? pop music, opera, or orchestral instrumentals. he's definitely the "i'll listen to anything" type
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? definitely more outdoorsy! he loves to go out into the world and explore what it has to offer
How do they relax/have fun? most of sylveas' time is spent relaxing or having fun; he is hedonistic in nature, so he indulges greatly in thing that bring him pleasure
Did they receive basic education? born into nobility and wealth, sylveas was taught by private tutors; he kinda hated it, though. he'd frequently shirk his academic responsibilites in favor of things he found to be much more intriguing (like chatting up the locals in town)
Describe their home. sylveas' family lived in a maison de maître (master's house), an elegant home located in the richer neighborhood of his city. there wasn't really a front yard, however the front area was decorated with a series of colorful flowers and hedges. his mother had rather excessive and expensive taste, so each room of the house was lavishly decorated and absolutely covered in artwork of various kinds. as for syl's room, it was oftentimes cluttered and unkempt; with a variety of tokens and gifts he'd collected or received over the years scattered all over the place, disheveled bedsheets, etc., the term "organized chaos" definitely fits sylveas well
Do they have any allergies? yes! sylveas has a moderate allergy to bees; it isn't deadly, and he isn't scared of bees (in fact he finds them quite charming) however if he gets stung by a bee he'll have a rather rough go of it; hives, redness, swelling, the works
Make-up? sylveas is no stranger to makeup, and quite enjoys wearing it from time to time! he prefers lighter, more natural looks; lip gloss, a light eyeshadow, a hint of blush, etc.
Scars? after some happenings between a chaos deity, sylveas was briefly teleported into hell and fell through several circles; demons clawed at his body during the entire process, leaving him covered head to toe in pink scars.
Birthmarks? none!
Tattoos? he doesn't have tattoos, but if he did, he'd probably get some very ornate jewelry inspired tattoos on his back!
Physical handicaps? none!
Demeanor? jovial, chipper, warm and bubbly
Build? lean muscular; strong upper body from archery, toned arms and pectorals
Favourite style of clothes anything with frills, anything that can be styled with corsets. sylveas loves corsets, he's gotten quite good at lacing his own corsets!
How were they born? sylveas was intended, as his parents wanted to start a family of four.
Are they adopted? nope!
Are their parents alive? not anymore; after an uprising from the lower class, sylveas' parents were executed guillotine-style (haha wow french revolution go brr)
Do they have siblings? sylveas was supposed to have an older brother, however he fell ill as an infant and died before sylveas was born
How do they feel about their family? sylveas loved his parents immensely, his mother being a big influence on who he is today. she was kind, extremely peppy, and had a love for the fancier things in life.
Do they want kids? sylveas doesn't actively wish to start a family or have children, but wouldn't oppose the idea by any means if he settled down with someone who wanted kids! though good luck getting him to settle down lol
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? very nurtered; after the passing of his older brother, sylveas' parents were quite protective and doted over him lots; the kid certainly didn't go unloved lmao
Did they grow up rich or poor? syl grew up in a noble household that had lots of disposable income; his father was an esteemed lawyer, so that mixed with generational wealth meant sylveas had plenty of money to spend however he saw fit
What were they like as a child? sylveas was a generally well-meaning child, but his tendency for chaos wasn't something he simply acquired as an adult lol; syl was rambunctious and always finding all sorts of ways to get himself in trouble. definitely was the kid to put smooth rocks in his mouth because he liked the texture; very friendly and sweet though! very quick to share and always wanted to play with other kids
What is their best childhood memory? one of sylveas' favorite childhood memories is when he used to play marbles with some of his friends in another neighborhood; syl wasn't the best at the game, but always found such delight in hanging out with friends and watching smooth shiny orbs bounce off eachother!
What is their worst childhood memory? honestly it'd probably have to be when syl learned that he was allergic to bees.....
Do they have any pets? sylveas never really owned any pets growing up; his father wasn't interested in the mess that pets make
What is a green flag for them? someone formally introducing themselves upon first meeting
What is a red flag for them? someone refusing to tip appropriately when being served
Do they have friends? of course! syl has a tendency of making friends wherever he goes!
Are they in a relationship? sylveas isn't currently in a relationship, nor does he necessarily have explicit interest in settling down with any one individual. he's had plenty of lovers in the past and will find plenty more as he goes through life!
Do they want to get married? maybe, but it hasn't really crossed sylveas' mind since he's more interested in meeting and sharing his love with anyone willing to receive it
Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert? huuuge extrovert! loves being around people, loves making new friends, loves to party, generally dislikes being alone, etc etc
Do they have enemies? in sylveas' mind, no! he doesn't view anyone he's met in such a way; unsure if anyone views sylveas as an enemy, but he'd sure hope not lol
What was their first kiss like? gentle, a little awkward (typical for a first kiss), exciting and probably tasted a bit like liquor
Have they ever been in love? oh sylveas is in love all the time! he loves to love! he falls in love just a little bit every day with someone new :)
Have they ever had their heart broken? well that's par for the course with syl, considering he's been in so many different relationships with all sorts of folks; inevitably he's faced some heartache, but he tries to take those feelings and use em as lessons learned (not that he applies those lessons very well lol)
What words or phrases do they overuse? syl's got a relatively solid vocabulary due to whatever he retained from his private tutoring, but he'd probably repeat filler words when trying to complete thoughts, he'd say "oh!" a lot
Do they have a catchphrase? not specifically, though there's probably some french proverb that he likes to quote (that i, as an english speaker, don't know lol)
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? syl is a huge optimist! almost to a fault even; idealistic, optimistic, and very positive as a whole
Do they talk to themself? not a ton? he talks to anyone within earshot; conversation with other people is more interesting than conversing with himself
Do they sing when they're alone? a little bit! syl isn't super musically inclined (though he loves listening to it), he isn't as much of a singer as he is a dancer. he's probably more likely to hum or whistle to a song!
What bad habits do they have? he's got a bad habit of forgetting to put things away; his room is usually a disaster because stuff is kinda just... all over the place. also he has a bad habit of speaking before he thinks, and while his honesty is good, it has gotten him into some trouble
What makes them laugh out loud? lots of stuff makes syl laugh, he's very easily entertained! he likes a good knock knock joke, clever banter, silly accidents, etc. he isn't a fan of things that bring harm to others though, so mean-spirited practical jokes aren't something that make him happy
How do they display affection? sylveas is both physically and verbally affectionate! he's also a big gift giver
How do they want to be seen by others? xx
How do they see themselves? sylveas views himself in a generally confident, positive light! he is who he is, he tries his best to treat others how he'd like to be treated, and he is true to both himself and others
How are they seen by others? sylveas, from his understanding, is seen as someone who is kind, a bit reckless, mildly stupid, and sweet as sugar
Strongest character trait? kindness and regard for those around him!
Weakest character trait? responsibility; sylveas is a wee bit irresponsible about getting important things done unless his heart is in it
How competitive are they? a healthy amount! he's participated in archery competitions, hunts for sport, etc. he's not wickedly competitive, but he does like being stimulated by a good challenge
How do they react to praise? sylveas loves praise! he's always so flattered, and likes to return whatever praise or compliments that he receives; spread the love!
How do they react to criticism? he gets a little sad about criticism admittedly, but he understands that in order to be the best one can be, they need to acknowledge and understand their flaws
What are their biggest secrets? syl is honestly an open book, so it's hard to say that he has any secrets to give away!
What will they stand up for? he'll stand up for anyone and everyone who needs help! part of the reason why he's so well-liked is because he'll go up to bat for anyone (assuming they deserve it and they're not some jerk)
What sense do they most rely on? sight and gut instinct. he relies heavily on both, and he's very much of the opinion that trusting intuition is important!
How do they treat people better than them? sylveas doesn't really view people as better or worse than him, because at the end of it all, people are just people; if "better" relates to class status, skill, etc., he holds a decent amount of respect for those things (moreso respect for skill than respect for class, wealth, so on and so forth)
How do they treat people worse than them? again, syl doesn't view people as better or worse than him; he has pity for those who are meaner, greedier, and stingier than he is, because he finds such negative traits to be sad and restricting
What quality do they most value in a friend? communication and understanding!
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? hmm... honestly, he's pretty content with who he is, both physically and mentally. corny answer but it's hard to think that there's anything he'd immediately want to change
What is their obsession? he's totally obsessed with finding things that make him feel good! he's always seeking out pleasure, whether he finds that in drugs, sex, adventure, shopping, all that fun stuff!
What are their pet peeves? sylveas is pretty chill, but one of his biggest pet peeves is when people are distracted when he's trying to have an engaging conversation with them. he'd much rather wait until they can spare their full attention, rather than try and have a half-baked conversation
Would they kill someone? sylveas would never want to kill anyone, he's a pacifist through and though
Have they killed someone? yes... unfortunately he has, mainly due to the fact that he's left with no other options (the campaign he's been in has had some very unfortunately brutal moments)
Would they hurt anyone on purpose? never!!! he'd only do it purposefully if the person asked to be hurt but depending on the context he probably wouldn't feel great about it
Have they hurt anyone on purpose? no!!!! he'd feel so bad!!!
Have they hurt anyone by accident? yes, and he feels very guilty about it :(
What is their sinful little habit? ehh. plenty of the things he likes could probably be considered sinful by one person or another, it's hard to say
Do they have any substance abuse? he ended up with a hallucinogenic mushroom addiction at one point, which took him a minute to recover from lol
Do they have a criminal record? not really!
Have they been to jail? xx
Do they follow the law? generally yeah, unless the law is unfair
Do they give to charity? yes! sylveas is very charitable, and considering he's got a ton of money he's got plenty of things to share
Would they risk their life to save someone? 10000% yes. he has and he will continue to risk his life to save others, no questions asked
Would they accept a bribe? probably. depends on what the bribe was
All crime is legal, what would they do? sylveas would steal a lot of super expensive clothes and give them to people who couldn't normally afford it !!! fancy clothes for all!!!!
How do they respond to a threat? with a bit of fear, but he'd try to deescalate the situation however he could. or he'd try to get out of wherever he was being threatened if all else failed
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? preferably neither, but he's most likely to fight with words rather than resort to violence
what would they save from their burning house? assuming all the people made it out safely, he'd try and save the trinkets that were gifts from people he loved, especially unique items that hold a lot of sentimental value
How do they perceive strangers? with plenty of hope and trust lol
What do they love to hate? petty things like his least favorite flavors of ice cream
What are their phobias? probably parasites, also being isolated from the rest of the world
What is their choice of weapon? magic, as well as a longbow
What living person do they most despise? pretty sure syl doesn't despise anyone in particular, he probably just despises anyone who's a tried and true asshat
Have they ever been bullied or teased? bullied? no; teased? maybe. he very easily could have been taken advantage of for his kindness and trust. people also probably poked fun at him for looking so much like a girl, but that never bothered him in the slightest
Where do they go when they’re angry? he probably would go to some nature-y spot to cool down; flower gardens always cheered him up, it's hard to be mad when you're surrounded by pleasant smelling, colorful flowers!
Code by ZodyZaible