


3 years, 8 months ago




age  13 moons (1 years)

Gender female (she/her)

Orientation asexual

Mentordandelionstripe, moonrunner


Affiliationcolony of the mire



She has an imaginative disposition, and appears to others as generous and disciplined, but she can also be emotional and quite temperamental, especially when it comes to both her mother and sister, Pearpounce. She is a natural ambivert, and above all else, she values trust.


FATHER:  Echolight - Very close to him. The two frequently hunt and go on patrol together.

MOTHER: Pearbear - Loves her dearly and is very protective of her. Half of the reason Tansymoon knew how to fight early on in her apprenticeship was because she often fought Rowanspike for being a disrespectful little brat towards her mother.

SIBLINGS: Dandelionstripe - Dandelionstripe is her sister, mentor and best friend rolled into one. The two are rarely seen apart from one another and frequently go on patrols and hunting parties together. 

Dappletuft - Understands his desire to stay out of both family and Colony drama. While many in the Colony consider him 'lazy', Tansymoon feels that Dapplebloom just hasn't found his calling yet and goes out of her way to help him on both patrols and hunting parties. 

Showerspike - While she found him and his behaviour repulsive, she often wonders if it had been the right call executing him. It is a conundrum that serves to drive a wedge between her and Dandelionstripe.

Pearpounce - Aids both Dandelionstripe and Petalbreeze in looking after her. She is very protective of her and it is Rowanspike's treatment of her that finally causes her to disown her troublesome brother.

MENTOR:  Moonrunner - Her original mentor. They were forced to give up mentoring her after bad cold left them with breathing issues and forced them to retire as an Elder.

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