


3 years, 6 months ago



Last edited: Apr 3, 20201

Focal image by SKEPTiiCAT

Name Miko

Homeland Bellavette

Species Standard Aurillion

Age Adult

Stance Upright

Gender Demi-Boy (He/They)

Orientation Gay

Height Very tall

Occupation Chashier

Relationship N/A

Miko is a very tall, grey Aurillion who works at a small store in Bellavette. He's known to be very laidback and relaxed person who should maybe take his responsibilites a little bit more seriously than he currently is.

Personality & History


Miko is a rather laidback person, really only at the shop because a. retelling stories of those customers is always fun (but not fun to deal with) and b. someone's gotta pay the bills in a non illegal fashion. Miko & Zack's family is rather non-existent, just the two of them not that they really mind only having each other, and Zack's... Slightly illegal shenanigans don't really offer that much of a stable income to keep living in Bellavette, especially being in the downtown area. As stated, Miko & Zack live in downtown Bellavette though Miko's job is situated not too far from downtown and is located just outside of it. He doesn't really take his job all too seriously, it's a rather easy job for him & it pays well so he cuts corners. Why wait for customers or organize an already very organized store when you can bring over some electronic device and play while you work. He's still doing his job & he doesn't see anything wrong with it. His boss can’t exactly find a reason to fire him either since his laid back attitude somehow attracts loyal customers who drop by to chat, buy like 1 thing and leave persistently throughout the week and even months.


Miko & Zack share that typical sibling rivalry. Miko likes to tease Zack about lots of things, keeps things just out of reach you know. That classic type of thing. Miko still uses Zack as an armrest and sometimes at home calls him Nubby after his horn nubs that never grew into full horns. Zack hates it but Miko does it anyways because it's funny and the two share playful jabs at each other quite often. The two get along in a strange way.


Miko doesn't use magic very often save for a little bit of Psychic magic purely for practical purposes, only really learning soem Air and Light magic to meet the prerequisites in order to start learning Psychic magic to begin with.

Air LV.1

Alter Volume [1] | Create Air Gusts [1] | Boosted Jump [1]

Light LV.X

Light Drawings [1] | Illuminate [2] | Heal Wounds [1]

Psychic LV.2

Sense Emotion [1] | Enhance Sense [1] | Relaxing Aura [1]
??? [1] | ??? [3] | ??? [1]


Hair, Fur, Bands, Pointed Ears, Simple Snout, Sharp Teeth, Standard Horns, Limitless Fashion, Ferble Whiskers, Claws, Thumbs, Colored sclera, Baby Brows, Full Back Wings (Feathered), Gold shifter, Peets.

Design Notes & Trivia

  • N/A


Zack - Younger Brother

As Zack's older brother, Miko makes it his job to be a nuisance and assert his height advantage over him. Needless to say, the two get along and have fun getting back at each other. Because of Zack's slightly illegal practices, most people don't know Miko even has a little brother or ever see them together very often.