


3 years, 6 months ago



Last edited: Apr 3, 20201

Focal image by SKEPTiiCAT

Name Aurin

Homeland Whistling Valley

Species Standard Aurillion

Age Adult

Stance Felis

Gender Non-Binary (He/They)

Orientation Pan

Height Slightly above average

Occupation Air Magic Teacher

Relationship Married

Aurin is a rich brown and orange felis stance Aurillion originally from a remote village in Whistling Valley who now works as one of the primary Air Magic Teachers at the Century Magic Academy in Bellavette.

Personality & History


Aurin is a bit of a distant and aloof Aurillion, often having a blank, unemotive look on his face. He’s not exactly impatient but he’s not very patient either and his responses tend to be rather short and to the point, making him a little hard to approach. His personality comes as a bit of surprise when you consider his heritage, though it’s not very noticeable, Aurin inherited very little from his mother outside of her colors, everything else suggests him as a typical standard. Not to mention he’s just as confused as others, if asked he’ll say he was always like that. He never intends to come off as unfriendly or rude, rather, socializing and interaction have always been difficult for him, which has caused some minor problems in the past. He seems largely unaware of his snappy tone unless someone points it out and/or has little control over it. His emotional distance isn’t to be confused with apathy however, he does care and recognize that as a teacher he needs to be there to guide his students to success. He just tends to have a more hands-off approach, letting his students experiment by themselves and really only jumping in when he’s directly asked for or if he sees a student struggling.


Aurin was born quite far from Bellavette, coming from a small home in an isolated village situated in the Whistling Valley. Neither of his parents were explicitly tall so the reason why Aurin is so tall and lanky will forever be an amusing mystery. Having lived fairly far away from the main population, and being unemotive and stoic, he was rather socially awkward growing up and was more or less alone, having very few friends. His academic education wasn’t the greatest back at home but he did receive excellent magic education, allowing him to fully master Air magic. Many of his lessons were through taking flights throughout the valley. This led him into a couple of accidents but nothing major. Aurin eventually moved to Bellavette as a stunt flyer and was later offered a job as a magic teacher. He had no real reason to decline so he accepted. He now lives in Bellavette with his spouse, Forester, and their adopted daughter Cain.


While Aurin's academic education wasn't the greatest, he excels in the usage of magic, especially Air magic. Outside of Air magic, which he's fully mastered, Aurin is also capable of using Light and Lightning magic. Just because they're an expert in Air magic and a skilled flyer, that doesn't mean he won't make the occasional flight accident. He'll often use the Heal Wounds ability to heal minor injuries to himself or others in class should that happen. His use of Lightning magic is pretty much just to go faster.

Air LV.4

Alter Volume [3] | Create Air Gusts [3] | Boosted Jump [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]

Light LV.1

Light Drawings [2] | Illuminate [2] | Heal Wounds [3]

Lighting LV.1

Enhanced Speed [3] | Statis Charge [1] | Read Electrical Properties [1]


Fur, Standard Horns, Shaped Pupils, Colored Pupils, Eye Rings, Sclera, Collar Material Change, Limitless Fashion, Unlimited Colors, Add Marking, Bands, Rings, Gradient, Rounded Tip, Claws, Scar, Nicked Ears, Colored Fangs*, Sabers, Thorns (2 on the side of his head), Gold Shifter T1, Color Shifter, Notched Mouth, New Nose, Baby Brows.

Design Notes & Trivia

  • N/A


Forester - Spouse

Aurin & Forester's relationship isn't the most affectionate one out there, much less in public but the two aren't any less close. The two have been together for quite a while now and have adopted Cain into their family.