


3 years, 8 months ago



Last edited: Apr 5, 20201

Focal image by SKEPTiiCAT

Name Soya

Homeland Bellavette

Species Standard Aurillion

Age Adult

Stance Felis

Gender Demi-Girl

Orientation Lesbian

Height Below average

Occupation Psychic Magic Teacher

Relationship N/A

Soya is a small, pinkish red Aurillion with 2 Seer's Eyes orbiting around her and spends the majority of her time levitating. She is one of the primary magic teachers at the Century Magic Academy, being the one responsible for teaching Psychic Magic.

Personality & History


Soya’s an odd one to say the least. She has a very calm and composed tone of voice however it can come off as condescending, cold, uncaring or plain empty. She’s stoic and rather emotionless, her presence is relaxing yet intimidating at the same time. Even without psychic magic, Soya is a very perceptive and intuitive person, able to pick up on what people are thinking based on their body language, choice of words and tone of voice. This often distances people from her, since she can already guess what they’re going to say and act upon it. Her main eyes may be blind, but her seer’s eyes let her see, she tries to keep them around her however she might forget to keep them orbiting around her and her seer’s eyes will often float up to people when she’s talking to them as she looks in their general direction with blank eyes. Despite her moderately intimidating stature, Soya is a good and caring teacher willing to re-explain and show several examples almost endlessly. She truly does have unrivaled patience, she’s a bit blunt but she means well in hopes of improvement.


It’s unknown how Soya lost her primary vision as it’s a part of her story she never talks about and never answers questions on it. Maybe one day… In any case, Soya’s always been the oddball of the family, being born with a strong pre existing affinity for Psychic magic and learned it rather quickly. She also doesn’t seem to have changed from her childhood as apparently she was also very stoic when she was young. A lesser known fact about Soya is that she’s rather competitive and when not teaching she can be found with Helios & Fengari having magic competitions, with the twins watching to the side.


Soya excels in magic proficiency, quickly learning Psychic magic to its fullest at a young age despite it being one of the more notoriously difficult magic elements to complete. Soya is an incredibly active magic user, using Psychic magic on a daily basis as well as a bit of Earth & Fire magic on the rare to help her get a better idea of her surroundings in unfamiliar places. Otherwise, she's generally familiar enough with her surroundings to be able to get around without any magical assistance.

Psychic LV.4

Sense Emotion [3] | Enhance Sense [3] | Relaxing Aura [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]
??? [3] | ??? [3] | ??? [3]

Earth LV.1

Boost Plant Growth [1] | Create Plantlife [1] | Sense Vibrations [3]

Fire LV.1

Transfer Heat [1] | Infrared Vision [3] | Increase Temperature [1]


Blindness, Scar, Aura Markings, Ring Markings, Add Marking, Gold Shifter T1, Tri-Tails, Bushy Tail, Fur, Simple Snout, New Nose, Sharp Teeth, Floaty Collar, Peets, Seer's Eyes, Shaggy Fur, Bell Shape Changer, Baby Brows.

Design Notes & Trivia

  • Soya's accent color will change depending on her emotions [Colors coming soon]
  • Soya's Seer's Eyes allow her to see however what she sees through them is akin to looking through a very heavy mosaic/pixelated filter
  • Her peets are accent colored.


Fengari - Good Friend

Fengari & Soya are good friends and although they don't see each other frequently due to their busy jobs. When they do get to spend time with each other, it's often to compete on who can use Psychic magic better with Helios & the Twins watching to the side.