


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Moxley
Gender: Male
Stance: Munchkin (Adult)
Family tree: Clove (Son)
Friendships: Xiang, Celia
Role: Euphorian Ambassador
Magic: Light Lv2 | Air Lv4

Bio: Moxley is a stoic, workaholic munchkin who takes his job as the Euphorian ambassador incredibly seriously. As an auri, he always adored April’s Bounty and being able to go see the slowly-rising metropolis of Bellavette. Despite his hard exterior, on the inside Moxley just wants to make sure that he’s doing the best he can to give his fellow munchkins the opportunity to live the lives they want, and gets anxiety when he feels he’s not doing his best. On top of his work, he tries to make sure that he always has spare time for his son.

Upgrades: Head Fluff, Smol Brows, Sclera, Twiddle Tail, Twiddle Antennae (Male), Collar Material Changer, Dragonfly Wings, Gold Shifter, Spots, Dash Markings, Leg Wing Changer, Gradient