Eira's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Caitluz Global Rules

🍄🐝 Hi! Thanks for taking interest in my design and taking the time to look at my terms of use! Please make sure to follow these rules, and feel free to message me if you need clarification on any rules or anything...

  • Do not sell my designs for more than you bought them from unless they have added art. 🌼
  • You may trade or gift my designs without adding any extra art. 🌼
  • If you don't want the character anymore and haven't done anything with them, you can trade, gift or sell them for the same or cheaper price than you bought it for. Sending the character back to me is also fine, please don't expect a refund though, so if you send one back to me please send it as if it's a gift. 🌼
  • Don't delete the character from Toyhouse please, if you want to delete it message me or comment on my profile so I know and can make sure I have the design saved somewhere, I like to keep track of all the designs I've created. 🌼
  • If the new owner of the character is not on Toyhouse, please let me know so that, similar to the previous rule, I can make sure I have the design saved so I don't end up losing it. 🌼