Beatrix Silk



3 years, 5 months ago


  • Name: Beatrix Silk
  • Alias/Nickname(s): Dr. Silk, Professor Widow, Mommy, Mother, Momma 
  • DOB: December 31
  • Gender: female
  • Height: 5’8
  • Weight: 171.6
  • Bust: “D”
  • Race: Human
  • Sub Race: Pseudo Elemental
  • Eye color: Blue Violet
  • Hair color: Black
  • Blood Type: B
  • Family: N/A
  • Personality- Beatrix is quite the odd person. at first glance you'd think she's a normal college professor she doesnt give off any strange vibes some might even call her motherly. She is a little on the odd side since she does enjoy experimenting on people, seeing how long they can last before they break; something about it turns her on and leaves her always desiring more. She has an unhealthy fascination with people who she deems interesting or similar to her, kind of like Universa (which is why they get along so well) to the point of abducting them and trying to make them love her the way she loves them. Beatrix also suffers from multiple personality disorder where she is at constant war with 2 alternate personalities. her first being a representation of her sadness, envy of others and the realization that there are things that she wants that she'll never have. this persona has been dubbed as "Gloomy" and can be identified with half of her hair being blue and her always looking and sounding depressed. the other persona is a representation of her lust and desire to have the things she cant have. this persona has been dubbed "Jolly" and can be identified with half her hair being red and her upbeat yet yandere type demeanor. Its very rare that these personas are seen by normal civilians but can easily be triggered if she's not careful and its very hard to real them in once they're loose. the color cues arent always reliable since both persona's can imitate a normal state Beatrix to throw off her lab assistants  
  • Sexuality: Bi-sexual she'll love anyone who can love her back
  • Occupation: College Professor, former lead scientist of Masquerade Inc
  • Likes
    • slime 
    • spiders 
    • things that are different/unusual 
    • cute things 
    • science
    • Coding

  • Dislikes
    • losing control
    • failing
    • Secrets being kept from her
    • being alone 
    • losing things that are precious to her 
    • seeing things she can't have

  • Interesting Facts:
    • since she can't have children naturally she is attempting to create the perfect child 
    • she's experimented on herself giving her spider-like abilities
    • to control the other 2 personas in the case of an emergency Beatrix's lab assistants carry around a formula in syringe form that she created to suppress them. she herself carries around the same formula but in pill form and takes it if she can sense a trigger going off in time.
    • is one of the only humans in her era that is able to stay within the Realm of the Gods without being affected by its gravity 
    • she doesn't have an elemental affinity but is able to control technology effortlessly