
Basic Info
Name Kireina Chouko
Nickname(s) Reina, Rei, Ki-Rei-Rei
Alias Kaito's Sidekick
Birthday May 2
Age 16-17
Gender Female
Height 154 cm
Weight 56 kg
Hair Color Brown/Blue
Eye Color Blue
Blood Type O
Zodiac Taurus
Ultimate Talent Ultimate Tech Whiz
Status Alive
  • Sweet Foods
  • Candy
  • Warm Day
  • Anything Blue
  • Stargazing
  • Astrology
  • Anything soft and fluffy
  • Warm, cozy blankets
  • Spiders
  • Cold Days
  • Complete Silence
  • Rainy Days
  • Getting Soaked
  • Spicy Food
  • Pitch Darkness
  • Being left alone
  • Reina loves to study astrology in her free time. It's a hobby she's had since she was a little kid.
  • Reina picked up some of Miu's weird or insulting nicknames after spending some time with her. she usually uses them when she's mad or irritated.
  • Reina has a small device of her own creation on her person at all times. It's a semi-sentient AI computer that she modified to help her with simple tasks.
  • Reina hates it when people joke about her height... despite the fact that she does it herself.
  • Reina has a facination with gemstones. She likes to collect them cause she finds them pretty.
  • Reina's given name means beautiful while her last name means butterfly child. I chose it as a reference to her non fandom counterpart Butterfly.
  • Reina has a scar on her left hip from an accident she got into as a kid.
  • Reina has a cat ear headband that she aquired from Tsumugi after cosplaying with her for fun.
  • Reina's neckless is a simple locket containing pictures of her and family.
  • Reina is ambidextrous, though she tends to favor her right.
  • Reina likes to hum random songs as she goes about her business. She's a little tone deaf, but she doesn't care.
  • Reina loves owls! They are her all time favorite animals.
Energetic . Friendly . Sassy . Romantic . Hot Headed . Intelligent
Reina is an energetic and firey young woman who excels in most social situations. Her upbeat and friendly attitude makes her an excellent companion when you're bored or in need of some company.

She loves to hang out with friends and is rarely ever seen alone.

Though usually pretty friendly, Reina does have a nasty temper and can be a real sass queen when she wants to be. If you annoy her... you annoy her and theres no way around that.

She tends to decide pretty quickly who annoys her too, and wastes no time in letting them know that they do so.

Though she wouldn't admit it for the life of her, Reina is a total romantic. She wants to find her prince charming eventually; ask her about it though and she'll go into tsundere mode.


Before Joining Danganronpa

Before joining Danganronpa, Reina was a just a normal teenager, obsessed with watching the famous kiling game.

She was desperate to take a chance at winning the game with her best friend by her side.
Reina spent hours at a time planning and scheming with him about what it would be like to participate in the game and what Ultimates they would want.

In her audition video she stated clearly and excitedly that she was gonna win the game by any means necessary so that she and her best friend could be king and queen of the killing game.

Fabricated Past

Reina's was born into a family of tech wiz's, her father being the developer behind many of the biggest advances in coding and AI systems, so she was introduced to the world of tech at a very young age. She would observe her father at work and found herself wanting to be just like him!
Reina began putting in the effort and time, learning to code and work with AI systems at the early age of seven. She was a natural and excelled faster than anyone had ever expected her to. She earned herself the title of Ultimate Tech Wiz after her AI companian K.I.R.B.Y made headlines after she was shone having a full blown conversation with the device.

Despite all her successes in the tech world, Reina found herself an outsider among other girls her age; especially in middle school/early high school. While the other girls were more interested in things like make-up, parties and boys... Reina was busy working on her latest tech project.

Unnamed | Father

Before finding herself trapped in Monokuma's twisted game, Reina had a excellent relationship with her father. He would often take her to work with him, which introduced her to the world of tech, and tended to spoil her rotten.

Reina was her fathers pride and joy and he treated her like a princess. He was the subject of her motive video, though Reina doesn't know that.

Kaito Momota | Crush

Oddly enough, Reina and Kaito knew eachother before getting roped into the world of Danganronpa. They were pretty good friends before the game started though, due to getting their memories wiped, they had no recolection of this friendship.

Once the game officially started, Reina ended up falling pretty hard for Kaito. She didn't know why or how, but she did.

Reina found herself admiring his passion and how he tended to believe in everyone until the end. She would often seek him out during free time when she wanted to talk to someone just so she could be around him. Kaito ended up "adopting" Reina as his sidekick, along with Shuichi, because of this.

Reina and Kaito have a "We Share a Single Braincell" sort of relationship when togeather and often end up greatly amusing amyone who happens to hear one of their conversations out of context. They are generally seen as a couple of wholesome idiots just hanging around.

Sutekina Oto | Good Friend
Reina and Kina ended up making friends shortly after the game began.

Reina is always open to makeing new friends, so when she spotted the small quiet girl standing awkwardly in the corner she was quick to head over and introduce herself. Kina was a little shocked, but happy.

The two became insufferable, hanging out togeather whenever Reina wasn't with Kaito. Kina enjoyed having a pal to hang around with and would sometimes help Reina oit in her research lad jist because it was fun.

Reina and Kina have a classic "Opposites Attract" type of relationship; with Reina being more outgoing and friendly and Kina being more quiet and shy. They work well togeather and generally act as a wonder duo for keeping peoples spirits up.

Reina ended up becoming friends with Shuichi after getting roped into "training" with him and Kaito after the first class trial.

Reina often finds herself as the medium between Shuichi's logical thought process and Kaito's more direct one.
She and Shuichi ended up spending more time together then they thought they would workimg as tag team investigators.

Miu Iruma | Friend

Reina and Miu ended up making friends after the first class trial.

They ended up coming together because of their similure talents, both having something to do with technology. While Miu deals more with inventions and putting thing togeather, Reina deals more with programing, modifying and hacking. Put them together and they could run the school themselves.

Reina does find how vulgar Miu can be a bit diconcerting, not that Miu really seems to care, and will occasionlly tell her off for insulting or being mean to their friends. Though it didn't take long for Miu to start rubbing off on Reina. It was quite a shock to their friends the first time Reina used one of the classic "Miu-isms" to insult Kokichi when he started bugging her one day.

Reina and Miu are basically the "We're the Best and You Can't Stop Us" kind of friends who could probably take over the world together, if given the chance.

Reina and Tsumugi got along quite well for a majority of the game. Often stopping to chat during meal times or free time.

Tsumugi roped Reina into the world of cosplay and anime refrances faster than the speed of the light! It got to their point where they could have an entire conversation in nothing but otaku speak ; making it so none of their friends could understand a thing they were saying.
They tried to explain it a couple times to no avail.

Reina was dismayed to discover that her cospaly buddie was the master mind behind it all. She sometimes wonders if they cpuld have stayed friends... had things been different.

Kokichi Oma | Enemy

Reina hated Kokichi from the minute she first met him!
Something about the little pest just rubbed her the wrong way and she was not afraid to state that to his face.

Kokichi, meanwhile, took to actively trying to get on Reina's nerves. He found her reactions amusing, especially when she would get angry enough to start spouting "Miu-isms".
He will drive Reina up the wall till she blows her stack. Half the time it takes every ounce of Reina's self control to keep from murdering him herself... that and Kaito holding her back.