
7 years, 24 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Didrik [dee-drick]


Gender / Sexuality:

Originally male, now whatever is needed / Unknown

Relationship Status:

Single | Uninterested

Residence / Occupation:

Unknown / Nightmare collector

Size | Height / Weight / Build:

Varies | Varies / Varies / Slim but not weak

Generation / Age / Birthday:

Unknown / Unknown / Unknown


Shadow Wraith


HEX Codes:


Didrik is a shadow living in a parallel realm. Here he hunts and consumes the nightmares that plague the minds of those in our realm. His past is a mystery, even to him, but he spends very little time dwelling on it. It is assumed that he is the tortured spirit, wrongfully killed in his realm and now trapped here until he comes to terms with his new circumstances. This is currently impossible however as he can't remember anything before waking up in this unusual place, he acted on instinct and is content with his "life", not knowing there was ever anything else.

He doesn't hunt nightmares out of the good of his heart, to help others get a good night sleep, or because he's knows it's the right thing to do with his "powers". No. He hunts nightmares because they sustain him; they act as a food source and there always seems to be an abundance of them. Didrick often appears as the hero to those dreaming, vanquishing the "bad guys" but it is only because that is how the minds of this realm perceive his actions in his realm. He appears in many shapes and forms, often coinciding with the plot of the nightmares.

Although he mainly dwells in the other realm, he can materialize as a shadow in our realm. While in this state, he appears to be like any other shadow with the exception of being able to move freely. He can shift to mimic the shape of an existing shadow and he can also become tangible at will, both of these take great every and severely shorten the amount of time he can spend in our realm art a time. Essentially being a shadow, he is affected by light and can be "defeated" with direct contact with a concentrated been of light. When hit, he is instantaneously zapped back to his realm completely exhausted. He must fully recover before he is strong enough to return, let alone stay, in our realm.