In calm/relaxing situations he's flirty and affectionate. He tends to be very physical and touchy. At times he can come off vapid and focused solely on sex, but he likes enjoying sensations and experiences with his friends and partners. He's very selfless and will lend his time to please others. In dangerous situations, he's serious and determined, but merciful. He does not treat death lightly and only uses it as a last resort.

Igancis came to be when the excess energy of the underworld was molded by the desire of mortals.

His existence was sudden and grabbed the attention of the then-king of the underworld, Baeron. As an incubus with impressive power and the 'corruption' of humans, he was considered a threat. Ignacis was swiftly banished.

With no knowledge of how to teleport or properly utilize his power, he was left to wander purgatory. Although alone and suffering for a countless amount of time, Ignacis one day sensed a blip of energy. The steps that carried him were slow and heavy, but he eventually ran into Tezlo, a fellow banished demon. With each other as their only company, the two salvaged what they could of their situation and gradually grew close.

Ignacis went about testing his powers. While he possessed his natural charm and innate sexual prowess, there was still plenty to learn and experiment with. Sex was introduced early out of necessity for the incubus, though quickly became an act of pleasure and affection. With power flowing back to the incubus, the demon blessed Tezlo with a fair split of the energy. Through this cycle they amassed enough power to practice teleportation. One session resulted in the fluke discovery of the mortal realm. They broke through the barrier between the dimensions and went about making the best of their new home. Mortal energy was familiar to Ignacis, as it was incorporated into his very being. He immediately began to visit the nearby humans. Although some were scared by his appearance, others were intrigued. Many, many intimate nights followed, with Tezlo's blessing.  

Ignacis slowly learned the meaning behind mortality, human morality, and of the conflicts of the world. Ignacis sought to end said conflicts. Tezlo, despite being quite a bit more shy about being near mortals, eventually joined him. Through the struggles, Ignacis gained an appreciation for life, be it mortal or immortal, and expressed it however he could with all partners thereafter.

Although the presence of the demons was a positive overall, a huge number of humans expressed distress regarding them. To keep the peace Ignacis and Tezlo devised a way back to the underworld. With the power they'd built, they hoped they could appeal to Baeron’s mercy. Failing that, they would dethrone him. They evaded the king at first, masking their energy along the way. 

With all they'd been through together, Ignacis initiated a pact with Tezlo. He'd given part of his soul stone to his lover and gotten one in turn. Each fragment was absorbed and incorporated into their very being, tying them together for all time. This provided an unexpected boost of power as their energy flowed through each other.

Baeron was confronted soon after. Through the course of a lengthy debate and ensuing fight, he was dethroned and Tezlo took his place. Ignacis had considered doing so instead, though had no interest in governing the underworld. Tezlo, on the other hand, had strong ideals that would lead to the betterment of their people. On the side, the new king would appeal to Baeron and lighten his temperament with the aid of Najir, the old king’s partner.

Ignacis returned to the mortal realm and acted as ambassador between the species. He'd met with humans specifically to better the reputation of demons and repair the damage they had done. With time he mended the stigma attached to demons. Upon hearing of this, heaven sent an ambassador, Laelius, to the underworld. Though strong in his virtues, the angel could not resist getting close to the incubus, eventually forming a soul bond with him as well as the two worked to improve the relations of heaven and hell. 



  • His true form was formed from his self image and the corruptive energy of the underworld. His ‘humanoid’ form is based on the desire of, as well as his own desire for, humans.
  • The creation of lust demons is limited by the active ones. Their ability to sate lust, even if temporarily, draws energy and power away from the potential conjuration of more demons.
  • Ignacis is adaptive to those around him; he becomes dominant or submissive based on the whims of those he visits. However this does not mean that he lacks his own wants and desires. He seeks to please, but to be pleased, above all. 
  • A demon's initial traits are decided by the energy or mortal whims that first conjure them. In an incubus' case, it's a mix of mortal desire and the corruptive power of the underworld. 
  • Ignacis was declared an outcast by the old king due to his energy being 'tainted' by mortal desire.   
  • The pact stones give the carriers an enhanced connection to one another. They can feel each others mood, share sensations, communicate, and so on.
  • No demon is related to another. Their conjuration is like how human bodies are made of stardust. Furthermore, demons cannot be ‘born’ and spawn fully mature.