Lunette [NEVER]



7 years, 2 months ago


"Luna" for short.

Lunette likes to read stories, especially if she is reading to others.
She looks solumn often but she is actually very sweet and motherly, just a pinch on the quiet side at times.

Lunette's favorite time of day is night, as she loves to sit and watch the stars or snuggle up in a good fluffy blanket.

Would prefer her drawn with the single ponytail featured below, but the rest of her ref image is still accurate!


Name: Lunette (Luna)

Gender:  'Female'

Personality:   She looks solumn often but she is actually very sweet and motherly,  just a pinch on the quiet side at times. She is shy in a different sense  than Yuki, she instead is shy around those she crushes on, constantly  blushing when near anyone that does anything kind for her.

Note:   Lunette likes to read stories, especially if she is reading to others.  Her favorite time of day is night, as she loves to sit and watch the  stars or snuggle up in a good fluffy blanket. 
