Avalon (Curio)



3 years, 4 months ago


Avalon Cove




The Dueling Serpents





Registration and Designation
no. 400




To an on-looker she seems like the type of person who'd you never see with a speck of dirt on their clothes, with how she seems so aware of her wings, or talking to someone she doesn't find worthy... But that's only while she's working, when she's on her own time she can be quite the party animal... Even if her increasing age doesn't let her be as wild as she used to be.

When she’s angry, she’s angry. There is a strong line to her quiet seething anger, with words spoken with gritted teeth met with cold calmness; There is also her yelling anger, which is a lot harder to reach. It is a fury, violent and rare, and scary. She has been overwhelmingly angry only a few times in her six decades of life.

Avalon was born on Tonpelli and raised in Hanto Magnata as a dedicated surgeon. She never fought against her fate, and had no problem becoming an upstanding example of a Medic Company curio. It was only when her parents arranged a marriage for her that her heart was shaken. Despite all that, she pushed onwards and lived another forty years in a loveless marriage while keeping up the charade that their "perfect" family was the product of a well put together Medic union. Of course, behind closed doors she would pursue the things that actually made her happy.









  • Spicy Food
  • Baking
  • Coordinating Outfits


  • When Things Don't Go As Planned
  • Being Without Clothes In Public
  • Illegal Peekadee-based Gambling

Avalon likes to schedule things, to where she has specific days she does things; like cleaning or going out. If she is spontaneously asked to go somewhere she probably won’t unless she was thinking of going out herself. As a Medic, her regulars described her as “Scolding? But it’s not like a very bad experience- scary doctor- sort of thing.” She sometimes jokes but it’s also incredibly dry and can be confusing to some. Within the past decade she’s taken up baking as a hobby.

She can nearly always be seen wearing clothes, having the mindset of everything is work or an event- the only time she’s naked is when she’s home, for the most part. She likes to have a lot of the same style of clothes in different colors; Avalon tends to like particular designers and the outfits she owns all have code names... So when she's mentally preparing what to wear tomorrow she may say something along the lines of "Going to pull out Black Mamba tomorrow, I think.” Sometimes she makes such thoughts aloud while in the middle of working or doing something unrelated to her clothing, much to onlookers chagrin.


General History

Avalon was born to medics, she grew up with her parents and a grandpa who sadly passed away as she bloomed into adulthood. Her parents lived until about her late 40’s. They were rather professional but even they’d let loose sometimes, and Avalon is the same. Some birthday parties they held for her are bittersweet fond memories to this day.

When she was younger she would sometimes hang out with a fellow Medic company friend, Arzhur Lake, a Tech Hunter rather than a surgeon. Occasionally she’d even accompany him. Some of the societal norms she found herself around made her infer the love she felt for him was romantic, but in reality it was a platonic love (after a semi-awkward revelation). Later on she deduces she’s just into ladies. Her parents were a pinch displeased at first, they’ve always wanted her story to sort of mirror their own story of success, but came to accept it eventually… Even if that acceptance was due to the fact that it wouldn’t take away from when they arranged her marriage with another fine -male- Medic: An Ancient Tech Mechanic named Murdoc Coast. The Mechanic and her eventually begat a son, Caliborne, a successor for the Mechanic side of the family (a proper exchange for all the technology that the Coast family has repaired for the Coves throughout the years).

A note is that it's such a shame the family she married into had no daughters… And that the one son they did offer is 10 years younger than she. Her parents insisted they would’ve arranged the marriage with one of the Mechanic Family’s daughters, but there simply were only sons to choose from.

Knowledge wise, as is par with the course, she focused on her studies- however she did spend some time to herself to train her body to be fit and healthy. She understood the guidelines of the Company lifestyle and fit into it like a puzzle- even if she did dislike some parts of it. As an older Undyre, she is somewhat unsurprisingly a bit distasteful of mainlander curios, but she is not vehemently hateful.


Following the reunion of mainlanders and undyre, Avalon went to the Hot Springs near Wellstone out of curiosity and suggestion by a few mainlanders- even if some comments were off of her age. Caliborne, when learning about its supposed benefits, agreed that she should go. To humor him, she did. There she met her Cabu, “Lua”. That, despite her trying to spook it off when it approached her, kept following her. She eventually took it home.

During the Tech War, Avalon escaped to the boats with only Lua and what she had on hand, eventually taking refuge in Offshore. Being that her old waveflier is as old as he is, Avalon assumes Comet, a wave-flier she got as a gift, is gone- along with every material thing she holds dear.

Once on Offshore, Avalon fell into a deep rooted depression in which she clung to the past so desperately and yet at the same time tried to not perceive any curios that reminded her of it. She would wander to Arzhur's pop-up bar, "The Strip", in order to drink away any semblance of thought she started to have. It was a complicated and convoluted time in her life, however after two months of that, some conversations she had helped her realize she could actually change something, if she let herself.


Avalon still doesn’t know what to do with herself. The call of Spitfire Carnival is enough for Arzhur to drag Avalon there and try to cheer her up. From there he encourages her towards her next path in life. For some time she stays in Tonpelli, but after the events of the Retaking of Tonpelli, she and Arzhur have ventured out to the mainland for a perhaps more leisurely elderly life (she's Not Old [she is]) at his great insistence. For now, they live together in Seajewel- but sometimes travel to other locales.


  • Avalon is the author of a four book series called "Wave's Anatomy" that she started in her twenties and finished in her late 30's. In her 50's, the fact that she is the writer of "Wave's Anatomy" becomes known amongst her peers- and it's also when it gains a bit of traction as a classic and is fashioned into an opera.
  • In her 50's, she adopted an elderly peekadee and named it "Biological Mishap" or 'BiMi' for short. It passed away after 5 years and she gets a little sad when she sees peekadees.
  • She only has one biological child; A son named Caliborne.
  • Avalon is a lesbian.
  • She tends to favor her pets over other curios- even going as far to commission giant portraits of her and her pets.


Murdoc Cove [ The Old Ball and Chain ]

Avalon has spent around forty years hating this man for the life he trapped her in, and never made any effort to get to know him.

Arzhur Lake [ Best Friend ]

Arzhur's reach is grand, and he's always been a close friend. They've had their ups and downs but Avalon knows she can trust him with anything... And how important he has been to keeping her afloat.


She made this. It was never something she wanted and even now she hardly knows him- despite being the one who created him. She's never treated him like a good mother should treat their son, but with a little insistence from Arzhur she did -try-

As Cali has grown into an adult, she finds him more approachable and respectable.

Venice Agavoi [ Opera-viewing Companion ]

Avalon appreciates his honesty when it comes to deconstructing the storylines of operas and pointing out their flaws- even if the opera they are viewing is based off a book series that she wrote.

Samovey Sinew [ Old Schoolfriend ]

Samovey and Avalon went to school together, growing into amazing medical professionals side by side... And also friends.

Splendid [ Gal Pal ]

Splendid and Avalon came to know eachother through Samovey- The two surgeons having gone to school together in their youth. They had their girl talks and she was there for her during her pregnancy with Caliborne, along with the aftermath. During the Tech Wars they met eachother some whilst staying in Offshore... Who knows now that she's off Tonpelli and pursuing ~Retirement~ (or something).

Anon [ Some Mainlander??? ]

"A mainlander that seemed... vaguely? Surprised that I was alive despite the fact I have never laid eyes upon them before; Or at least, I am quite positive. Was I drunk?"

Avalon has no clue who this curio is or how she ever may have interacted with them enough to warrant an inkling of concern(?) about her state of living.