


3 years, 3 months ago


You're SPEAKING To The Manager.

Name Avril Davis
Age 29
Pronouns She/Her
Species Zombie
Role Manager/Lead of UFOgirls
Death Date ?? ?? 2002


(DISCLAIMER: this page is written from the character's persective. For a more intense description please read Kristen's profile) Avril spent most of her living life manipulating the people around her to do her bidding mean-girls style. One of those people was Kristen. She was one of Avril's first "friends" in high school. Kris was a freshman when Avril was a senior and they were two peas in a pod until they both died of drug related causes when Avril was 29 and Kristen was 25. After death their addictions worsened until they had eventually found their way into rehab and started a band. It was quaint at first, but grew in popularity after Avril had found a way to commericialize her and Kristen's rehab success story. After a few months of that, they'd needed new talent and decided to put up signs and posters.

This first brought in Lizzie, and then a girl named Laura, who was soon kicked for not wanting to deal with the rising tensions between the band mates. They were again on the hunt for a new members, and got lucky one day, as Maddie had stepped in: She was just what the band needed to get back on it's feet. With Maddie in UFOgirls the band soon shot up the charts to the top 10s state-wide, and soon top 100 worldwide. Despite the amazing work Maddie was doing with the band, though, Avril had a tight hold on her via payment and would say humiliating things to her to try to get her to submit her her bidding. It had already worked on Lizzie, why not Maddie? was she losing her touch? As a result of CONTINUED heightening tensions, Maddie went on her merry way and left the band. Avril made sure she'd regret it by sending Kristen to rough her up a bit though. Avril was so caught up in her expertice of manipulation that she did not realize how much damage a scarring injury on a popular member would do to her band. It was safe to say from then on that UFOgirls was to fail. Every attempt at fame from then on resulted in fan outrage, and a new zombie had entered the scene that was posing a massive threat to their already dwindling fanbase: Alia Otrov.

"they don't REALLY care, if they did, you'd be out of here already."

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