Akise Amano



3 years, 5 months ago




 NAME  Akise Sylvester Amano 

 PRONOUNS   He/him

 AGE   25 

 RACE/SPECIES   European Wolf

 GENDER   Male





 THEME  Panic Automatic

"I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to die. Easy, right?"

Akise was born on 4th of April 1995 (aries) in Brema, Germany.
He is officially a single, but it isn't a full truth, his relationship with Rainy is complicated.
Mom-Cherry Ivy Fidel-Amano
Dad- Ronald Theodor Amano
Twin brother- Yukise Pascal Amano.


  • Listening to music
  • Figure skating
  • Playing the guitar
  • Alcohol and cigarettes


  • Singing (but actually he has nice voice)
  • Medicines
  • When someone tries to protetc him
  • Being touched by someone other than his partner or step sister
  • His twin brother lol (well, he loves him, but he would never admit it or even confirm, that he likes him)


  • Akise is younger than Yukise for 13 minutes.
  • Clara isn't his biological sister, but he loves her as real sibling (not the same as Yukise, he annoys him more).
  • Aki is 5'7 ft (1,71 m) tall, and weigh 143lb (65 kg) and he's gay, but demi romantic.
  • He doesn't mind his scars ( expect those on his left wrist, sometimes he covers it with bandana).
  • His favourite bands are Citizen Soldier, Skillet, Zayde Wølf and The Score.
  • He has allergy for strawberries.
  • He easily become addicted ( that's why he doesn't like taking medicines, especially strong painkillers as morphine)


  • Tattoo on back (triskelion, it's very important!).
  • Hair, edges of ears, inside of ears, eyes, hands, paws and paw pads are gradients. They are not one-colour.
  • All scars are important! If you draw him don't miss any.
  • His clothes changes, he doesn't have one outfit (expect his military outfit inspired by Bandit from Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six Siege).


[PL version belowe]

Psychologic profile

Main doctor: Harvisha „Harry” Paydey

So, when I first time talked to Akise I got the impression, that he don’t mind anything that is surrounding him. Cold look and uniform tone of voice were the thing that perfectly fit in image of antiterrorist with seven years of experience. But when he started joking about chief commander Boris Walters I got stupid.

Our first meeting left me in strong dismay. I felt like going through thick shell of cold soldier will take me a while, but surprisingly I was wrong. Second meeting I started with question about his hobbies. I got surprised about his creativity and artistic soul. It comes out that he is playing the guitar, and training figure skating. It was way to calm down his inner demons, which they tear him from within. Most of our operators have scars, but Amano is one of this who have it definitely too much.

I wanted to bring up the topic of his mission in Libya. On his face showed emotion that I couldn’t understand. He changed the theme of our talk quickly, so I figured out that he needs time to open up about this thing. I didn't press him, because it could break his confidence, and would have bad influence at us all. Signing the pact had turned his life and character by 180 degrees. He become distrustful and timid, a part of those still are with him despite he is free from demon. This situation has strengthen his character making him more tough and ruthless. But he don’t like killing anyone, his main rule is- “I don’t want to kill you, and you don’t want to die”, and fires fatal shots at last resort.

To my surprise- characterizes him high empathy and sensitiveness. Big disadvantage of his character is easiness of becoming addicted. He chokes his demons inside, and when they become too big the drown them in alcohol ( note chief commander Boris Walters- He has a weak head, and start talking after first bottle. Surprisingly he always drinks most of all, but you won’t ever see him hangover or something.) I got impression that his character depends on his well-being. He is joking a lot but I am afraid that is some kind of coping mechanism to displace old problems and traumas, instead work on them. Akise is very intelligent though he hasn’t got any impressing science achievements. His other problem is notorious insomnia. In night he is usually taking with other operators, who also have this problem or in other case they have night trainings or missions.

Summarizing- this operator is incredibly complex. Despite one look at his eyes can show who is a civil and who is a soldier, still he is soft and even gently. He surprise everyone with his sense of humour and frequent retorts that he always has in store, sometimes you can feel like he (speaking colloquially) he don’t give a shit, and is such an asshole. Though hard past (and one suicide attempt) I think that he is stable psychic. Being with operator Rainy Hetfield (his partner) and his close friend (he is calling her sister, but they are not biological siblings) Clara Lewis jammer demons that still are stuck in his mind, and help healing old wounds left by past. Still- he is missing with trust, and runs from everyone instead of talking.

Profil psychologiczny

Lekarz prowadzący- Dr. Harvisha „Harry” Paydey

Gdy pierwszy raz rozmawiałem z Akise odniosłem wrażenie, jakby był nieco zdystansowany do wszystkiego co go otacza. Zimne spojrzenie i jednolity ton były tymi rzeczami, które idealnie wpasowywały się w wizerunek anty-terrorysty z 7 letnim stażem. Jednak gdy zarzucił żartem o komendancie Borysie Waltersie dosłownie zgłupiałem.

  Pierwsze nasze spotkanie zostawiło mnie w mocnej konsternacji. Czułem, że trochę zajmie mi przebicie się przez grubą powłokę zimego żołnierza, chociaż o dziwo się myliłem. Drugą rozmowę zacząłem od rozmowy o jego zainteresowaniach. Zdziwła mnie jego kreatywność i zmysł artysty. Okazało się, że gra na gitarze oraz ćwiczy jazdę figurową na łyżwach. Był to jeden z jego sposobów na uciszenie wewnetrznych demonów, które szargają nim od środka. Wielu z naszych operatorów posiada blizny, jednak Amano jest jednym z tych, który posiadają ich zdecydowanie za dużo.

   Chciałem poruszyć temat jego pierwszej misji w Libii. Na jego twarzy pojawiło się wtedy coś czego nie potrafiłem rozszyfrować. Zmienił szybko temat, uznałem więc, że potrzebuje czasu by otworzyć się jeśli chodzi o tą sprawę. Nie naciskałem, spłoszenie go mogło by źle wpłynąć na wszystkich. Podpisanie cyrografu obróciło jego życie i charakter o 180°. Stał się nieufny i płochliwy, część tych cech zostala mu do tej pory mimo wolności od demona. Ta sytuacja jednak wzmocniła jego osobowość- stał się twardy i momentami bezwględny. Jednakże nie lubi zabijać- kieruje się zasadą " nie chcę Cię zabić, a Ty nie chcesz umrzeć" i uśmierca przeciwnika jedynie w momencie, gdy nie ma innego wyjścia.

Ku mojemu kolejnemu zaskoczeniu cechuje go wysoka empatia oraz wrażliwość. Dużym minusem jego charakteru jest słabość do wszelkiej maści uzależnień. Dusi swoje demony wewnątrz, poczym gdy urosną do niebotycznych rozmiarów topi je w alkoholu (przypis głów. kom. Borys Walters- Ma bardzo słabą głowę i robi się wylewny już po pierwszej butelce. O dziwo, zawsze wypija najwięcej, jednak nigdy nie widać po nim kaca.). Odnoszę wrażenie, że jego charakter zależy od jego samopoczucia. Dużo żartuje, choć boję się, że jest to mechanizm pozwalający wyprzeć stare traumy, zamiast je przepracować.  Akise jest bardzo inteligentny pomimo niezbyt wysokich osiągnięć naukowych. Jego kolejnym problemem jest notoryczna bezsenność. Często rozmawia w nocy z innymi operatorami, którzy również cierpią na tą przypadłość, lub w innym wypadku mają nocne treningi, ew. Misje.

   Podsumowując- ten operator jest niesamowicie złożony. Mimo, że jedno głębsze spojrzenie w jego oczy pokazuje kto tu jest cywilem, a kto żołnierzem, to wciąż jest on niesamowicie wrażliwy i wręcz delikatny. Zaskakuje swoim poczuciem humoru i częstymi ripostami, które ma zawsze w zanadrzu, czasami można odnieść wrażenie, że kolowialnie mówiąc-ma wszystko w dupie i jest obojętnym zimnym chamem. Mimo ciężkiej przeszłości (w tym jednej próby samobójczej) uważam, że jest dość stabilny psychicznie. Przebywanie z operatorem Rainym oraz jego przyjaciółką ( jak on ją określa- siostrą) Clarą wycisza jego demony tkwiące w jego umyśle i pomaga zagoić stare rany zostawione przez przeszłość. Brakuje mu wciąż ufności do innych, oraz często ucieka od ludzi.





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Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


  • wip




RAINY  partner 

“- Why you such an asshole?

- Yes.

-That’s not an answer. 

-But yes.”

CLARA  stepsister 

" -What is so interesting in those frogs? 

 -I could ask the same about guns."

 Nobody would ever said that this two absolutely different people could became soulmates. Clara- a soft, and very sensitive girl, interested in little creatures, and Akise- a cold and relentless soldier. She is a definitely big and important part of his life. He likes calling her as "his small sun". Wolf's  dark past always speaks out, and this girl is some kind of jammer for his demons. Of course Clara needs Akise in the same important way. His role is being her big brother and protecting her. He also shows her the borders of some behaviours and teach her asertivity. They both have very good influence on each other ( and look cute af together!). Clara tries to make Akise soft and renew his emotions which are under thick coat of problems by taking him  for walks to forest ( and giving him flower crowns uwu), talking a lot about feelings and ect. Not all of those things Akise like, but he don't show it, to not make her worry.