Lulu Baratsuki



7 years, 2 months ago


 Name║ Lulu Baratsuki (will change it if Anna has already a Lastname for her >w<)
Translation║ Pearl and Rose Moon
 Age║ 18-19
 D.o.B.║ 30th May
 Sign║ Gemini
 Gender║ Female
 Race║ Human
 Status║ Single
 Theme║ Flower Dance


LIKES║♥ flowers (which smell nice)
♥ pink
♥ flamingos
♥ round big things
♥ strawberries
♥ books
HATES║♠ rude people
♠ disrespect
♠ bully
♠ liars
♠ if someone hurt her family/friends
♠ selfish people



ladylike ║ adaptable║ organized 

"Life is like a flower, beautiful and delicate."

Lulu is a kind and lovely young lady, which loves her friends and sister very much. When she was 12 years old she became a Genin and with 13 a Chūnin. She is a really intelligent girl and is really good in using Gen-Jutsus. Her friends can trust her and she keeps her promises as good as she can. If someone makes her angry/mad then she can also be the opposite. She loves the nature, pink, flowers with a nice sent, big round things and flamingos. She also sometimes likes to tease others, but doesn't go to far to hurt someones feelings. It would make her feel guilty if she accidently did hurt someone. She also doesn't show her negative feelings to others, because she is afraid that people will use or hurt her. She will only show them if she can really trust this person. She can also be sweet and cute especially if she sees something what she likes/loves so badly.

When Lulu turned 15 she passed the Jōnin-Exam and she also started to train as a Medic-Nin. But she broke up because she has some trouble with it. She is close to faint when she sees blood, but she is really good in making medicine. She also takes care of her Team members and they see her as a strong young woman. She will always do her best to protect her Team, family and friends. Her elements are "Water Release" and "Plant Release". >>STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION<<



 Height║ 1.75 m Eye Color║ Pastel Pink
 Build║ Skinny Hair Color║ Pastle Purple
 Skin tone║ Pale Hair Style║ lots of Knots and Fluffy
 Features║ She has white strands in her bangs and purple teardroplike markings on her skin.
  • oriental (chinese)
  • feminin
  • cute and comfortable
  • her owner from whom I did adopted her was anruki
  • Adopted her on 19th April 2017


 Disposition║ Tsundere Color║ Pink
 Outlook║ optimistic Flower║ Roses and Peony
 Behavior║ friendly, kind, cheerful Animal║ Flamingos
 Integrity║ honest Season║ Spring
 Boldness║ courageous Food║ Takoyaki
 Flexibility║ stubborn, reasonable Drink║ Sakura tea
 Sense of Humor║ depends what it is Item║ Mumbles
 Motivator║ her family and friends
 Conversation║ her family, flowers, flamingos, Missions, how her day was or what ever she likes to talk about at the moment
 Reputation║ People see her as a strong willed, beautiful and good hearted young Lady, which loves her family and friends. Only people which are close to her and which she can trust will also see her week side.
 Enjoyment║ reading books, watching flamingos, everything what is pink or round, listening to bird songs, fashion
 Quirks & Habits║ playing with her hair wisps


 Parents║ Mother: Shinju Baratsuki
 Siblings║ one Sister >>will be added later<<
 Extended Family║ unknown
 Home║ where did they grow up/what kind of home was it?
 Childhood║ what kind of childhood did they have? happy? average? tragic? what made it this way?
 Joys║ flamingos, her beloved sister, selfmade gifts for her, flowers, her friends
 Trauma║ >>will be added later<<
Onward║ how does their history impact their present? gives them motivation, goals, a sense of security, left them with fears? >>will be added later<<


Yukiko Ochiro
She is Lulu's 2nd female best friend. >>more later<<
wrwerrr.pngSatoshi Kobayashi
Satoshi and Lulu are Best Friends. He doesn't know that Lulu likes him more than just as a friend. She has some feelings for him, but will alway say that this isn't true or it's not right to feel this way. She is also scared to loose him and is also jealouse when other women talk or touch him. He's calm, secret and sentimental.
640282?1496094548Hanako Kugimiya
She is Lulu's best Friend. >>more Informations later<<
17362398_391433191224951_116601264059794Panda Mizuyoshita
He is one of Lulu's friends and like Satoshi a really tall man.

This template was created by wicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission