Thara Rey



7 years, 1 month ago


Thara Rey Mahariel


Character Name

55. Female . Headstrong

"Thara Rey Mahariel, living in the fantastic world of Thedas is Fussel's most beloved OC."

She might have grown up without parents, but never missed the wise counceling of her elders and the warm embrace of her clan, Thara has always been curious since a young age and has often left the protection of her clans camp to wander around on her own and discover the world even though she has often heard about the dangers lurking around them and seen some of her with her own eyes. During one of her trips she stumbled upon old elven ruins with a friend and her life took a different turn from that point.

Thara Rey Mahariel now is a Grey Warden and follows the path life has chosen for her without hesitation. She has fought the Taint in her body and the Blight endangering the world, but she knows that her journey doesn't end there, great change is befalling all of Thedas and even though her journey does not always bring her to the center of it she knows that she has yet to play a bigger part in the happenings all around her.

During her travels she has made a lot of friends and has developed from a young girl into a fully grown woman who knows her role. While she sometimes thinks back to her past and what could have been had she decided to make different choices she always comes up with the same answer to herself. "Nothing would have changed" as she knows well that she never was someone to hold still and wait for the world to happen around her. Maybe it was fate or destiny, maybe change just happens and we have to live with it, but Thara is happy were she is and doesn't regret her current position in all of the chaos.




Serious . Protective . Cheeky . Curious

In her past Thara was a cheeky little girl always playing harmless pranks to those around her to cheer them up or make them laugh. Even though she might have been a little whirlwind, she has never shied away from responsibility and always has taken them serious and has done her best to never harm anyone no matter what she did.

Thara Rey has always been protective of those younger than her or in need of help, while her role in life might have changed from the calm lifestyle of a dalish hunter to the role of a Grey Warden she has never forgotten to look after those she cares for and help them in any way possible to her.




Strength ★ ★ ★
Dexterity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Willpower ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cunning ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Constitution ★ ★ ★ ★ ★




Owner Fusselkeks
Designer Fusselkeks
Value invaluable
CSS lowkeywicked